Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

Seven Signs of Stage 1 Stomach Cancer

Seek Immediate Medical Attention If You Noticed These Symptoms

As pictured above, having no energy, unintentionally losing weight, constant indigestion, difficulty swallowing, feeling sick and a lump at the top of your tummy are all warning signs and symptoms of stomach cancer

Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, involves a tumor growing in any part of the stomach. Ranked as the sixth most common type of cancer globally, more than 127,000 individuals in the U.S. were diagnosed with it in 2020, as the National Cancer Institute reported. Looking ahead, projections estimate 26,500 new cases in 2023. Continue reading

Osborne: The Secret World of Breast Cancer

17 surprising things I wish I’d known

‘It’s reassuring to know that everything that happens to you has happened to someone else …’ Hilary Osborne. Illustration: KIKA KLAT/The Guardian

I thought I knew all about the disease that took my mother when I was nine. But on being diagnosed myself, my eyes were opened to the myths and realities

October is breast cancer awareness month. You are probably aware of breast cancer in some way. I was – for much of my childhood my mum was undergoing treatment for it, and shortly before I turned 10, she died from it. But despite that experience, I was blissfully unaware of many things about breast cancer until I was diagnosed with it last summer. Here are some of the things I know now that I wish I had known then. Continue reading

Five Cancer FACTS That Big Pharma is Now AGGRESSIVELY Claiming are MYTHS

The following was originally posted on this site on December 8, 2015. ~ Editor

According to the conventional wisdom of mainstream medicine, the world’s leading health practitioners in alternative, complementary and integrative medicine have it all wrong and are misinforming millions in practice and on the internet with a barrage of myths and misconceptions they claim are causing more harm to cancer patients.

Could this initiative to sway opinion by leading cancer authorities possibly – just possibly – be related to the revolution that is happening around the world – highlighting the dangers and ineffectiveness of toxic chemotherapy and radiation, bringing cancer cures such as cannabis to the forefront, or the emerging mass markets now creating awareness on the reality of our food and the consequences of the cancer industry itself? Continue reading

Agent Orange Linked To Bladder Cancer, Hypothyroidism, Parkinson’s

More veterans may be included in compensation

agent-orange-report-735Originally published on this site on November 8, 2016. ~ Monsanto and Dow were 2 of the 9 wartime contractors hired by the US government to create Agent Orange, a combination of the toxic chemicals 2,4-D, and 2,4,5-T, just over 40 years ago. The damage these chemicals have perpetrated on our health and environment did not end with the Vietnam War though.

Aside from the long-term poisoning of soil and crops, a new review of Agent Orange research has found evidence that bladder cancer and hypothyroidism are more strongly linked to exposure to Agent Orange than was previously assumed. Continue reading

Dr. Harvey Risch: Cancers Appearing in Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations

Controversial Claims Link Increased Cancer Rates to COVID-19 Vaccination

Amid ongoing vaccination efforts, Dr. Risch is professor emeritus of epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine. His research has focused extensively on the causes of cancer as well as prevention and early diagnosis. Continue reading

Chemotherapy May Sometimes Reactivate Dormant Cancer Cells

Scientists are looking into why dormant breast cancer cells sometimes reactivate. Roberto Jimenez/Getty Images

* Breast cancer is a common type of cancer. After treatment with chemotherapy, there is the risk for some cancer cells to become dormant and then become active later.

* A recent study found that a particular chemotherapy treatment affects surrounding tissues and that this interaction further induces the reactivation of cancer cells.

* Further research is needed to understand the effects of these findings in the clinical treatment of breast cancer.
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William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

…but what you will read below – will NOT be the end of today’s story, so stay with us until the end – for it may ONLY be – the Beginning!

      Jeffrey Bennett – Editor and Publisher

On my May 7, 2014 global broadcast, “To Health With You!”, I was privileged to share with my audience, a complete lecture that Kelley had delivered in New York City – and it opened my eyes to a side I had never witnessed of Dr. Kelley – what appeared to be not only a dedicated man (something which I had never doubted in the years I knew and worked with him), but a man with a sense of humor – and at that time – much more than a twinkle in his eye.

All of this was before the death of Steve McQueen – before the studies of Kelley’s work and counselee filed by a man who would one day become a student of Kelley – and ultimately become well known for his own involvement in that which he would soon learn – Nicholas Gonzalez (under the guidance of Dr. Robert Good) – before the attacks on Kelley by representative “entertainers” of the mainstream media – before multiple attacks on him by various factions of both state and federal governments – and before the attempts on his life – all of which drove this tireless champion of TRUTH underground for some years – sometimes in Pennsylvania – other times in Washington state – and still other times – well who really knows where. Continue reading

Parts 1 & 2: The Cancer Within Modern Medicine

The turn of the 20th century promised to offer cures for every ailment with patented and colorfully packaged pills. Yet here we are. What happened? We were duped. More importantly, so were all of the well-meaning doctors, nurses, medical technicians, and scientists. There is a cancer within what we now know of as modern medicine – eating away at the very heart of its original design. Rather than saving and healing humanity, this cancer seeks to destroy us from within.

While many medical discoveries and innovations over the past century have undoubtedly saved lives, there is a small group of shadowy elites scattered throughout the world who have been quietly plotting to control the world population by infiltrating and shaping every aspect of modern medicine for the purposes of imposing their own agendas. No institution is immune. Medical schools, foundations, organizations, companies and government programs all have succumbed to this sickness. In order to surgically remove the cancer within modern medicine, we must first dissect and diagnose it. This report seeks to analyze the agendas, as well as the notable individuals, families, institutions, organizations, foundations and government programs involved in shaping the world of medicine since the turn of the 20th century. Continue reading

Cancer cases in under-50s worldwide up nearly 80% in three decades

An MRI scan for lung cancer. The researchers say poor diets, alcohol and tobacco use, physical inactivity and obesity are likely to be among the factors in the rise. Photograph: da-kuk/Getty Images

More than a million under-50s a year dying of cancer and figure projected to rise by another 21% by 2030

The number of under-50s worldwide being diagnosed with cancer has risen by nearly 80% in three decades, according to the largest study of its kind.

Global cases of early onset cancer increased from 1.82 million in 1990 to 3.26 million in 2019, while cancer deaths of adults in their 40s, 30s or younger grew by 27%. More than a million under-50s a year are now dying of cancer, the research reveals. Continue reading

Useless‘ Organ That Doctors Often Remove May Actually Fight Cancer

There’s a small fatty gland that sits behind your sternum and is often said to be ‘useless’ in adulthood.

A recent retrospective study, however, suggests the thymus gland is not nearly as expendable as experts once thought.

US researchers found that those who get their thymus removed face an increased risk of death from any cause later in life.

They also face an increased risk of developing cancer. Continue reading

YouTube Amps Up “Medical Misinformation” Policy

Now You Can’t Talk About Alternative Cancer Treatments or PREVENTION of ANY Disease

YouTube: Robot-Eye, Evil-Spy

The Google-owned YouTube video platform is changing the rules again to now prohibit the sharing of information about alternative cancer remedies, which the tech giant says constitute “medical misinformation.”

In a “long term vision” notice on its official blog, YouTube’s Dr. Garth Graham, the Director and Global Head of Healthcare and Public Health Partnership, along with Matt Halprin, the Vice President and Global Head of Trust and Safety, explain how “removing cancer misinformation” is now a top priority alongside removing all contrary information about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Continue reading

What Does It Mean to Have Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer?

When cancer that first formed in the pancreas spreads to other parts of the body, doctors classify it as stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

The pancreas is an organ that supports the digestive system and helps the body regulate blood sugar. Pancreatic cancer accounts for around 3% of cancers in the United States.

Pancreatic cancer is difficult to detect early because the pancreas is located deep within the body. People usually have no symptoms until a tumor has become very large or the cancer has spread to other organs.

According to research from 2015, about 53% of people with pancreatic cancer receive a diagnosis when the cancer is in  . Continue reading

What to Know About Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer develops when uncontrolled cell growth begins in a part of the pancreas. Symptoms include jaundice and pain located in the abdomen or back, but these might not appear until the later stages.

The pancreas is located behind the stomach in the back of the abdomen, near the gallbladder. It contains glands that create hormones, including insulin, and enzymes.

According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), around 3% of all cancers in the United States are pancreatic cancers. In 2021, the ACS expects around 60,430 people to receive a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

In this article, learn more about the signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer, as well as the causes, treatment options, and outlook. Continue reading

The Seven Factors That Raise Your Risk of Colorectal Cancer if You’re Under 50

…and THESE are the hotspots for the disease

Scientists have revealed the seven factors that put young men at a higher risk of colon cancer – as experts scramble to find what’s causing a surge in the disease.

Once seen as a disease of the elderly, there has been a mysterious doubling in colon cancer cases among young adults in recent years.

Researchers from Indiana University analyzed medical records of 3,000 men aged 35 to 49 years old — a fifth of whom were diagnosed with colon cancer.

The study, published recently in the journal Cancer Prevention Research, looked at the electronic health records of men from veteran medical centers and databases. Continue reading

Cancers and other diseases are “rapidly developing” among people vaccinated against COVID-19

There are many recorded cases of vaccine injuries and vaccine deaths during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. An oncologist in the U.K. has written an open letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ to warn about the harmful effects of coronavirus vaccines that must be “aired and debated immediately,” especially since cancers and other diseases are quickly progressing among vaccinated people. Continue reading