Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

Amish girl who fled United States to escape forced chemotherapy is now cancer-free

Some might call it a “miracle,” but alternative and holistic medicine healers aren’t really surprised to learn that a 12-year old Amish girl is now cancer-free — after her doctors testified in court just six months ago that she would be dead by now if her family were permitted to refuse her chemotherapy.

As reported by the Medina Gazette, of Medina County, Ohio, Maurice Thompson, head of the libertarian non-profit group 1852 Center for Constitutional Law, said young Sarah Hershberger now shows no signs of being stricken with cancer at all and appears to be healthy. Continue reading

Switzerland Completely Abolished Mammography Screenings

Here’s Why You Should Probably Never Get One

In 2013, the Swiss Medical Board, an independent health technology assessment initiative, was requested to prepare a review of mammography screening. The team of medical professionals included a medical ethicist, a clinical epidemiologist, a pharmacologist, an oncologic surgeon, a nurse scientist, a lawyer, and a health economist. Two of those members, Nikola Biller-Andorno, M.D. Ph. D. and Peter Juni, M.D, opened up about the project in the New England Journal of Medicine.

They said: “As we embarked on the project, we were aware of the controversies that have surrounded mammography screening for the past 10-15 years. When we received the available evidence and contemplated its implications in detail, however, we became increasingly concerned.” Continue reading

Two Simple Kitchen Cancer Treatments Used Successfully to Beat Cancer

Vernon Johnston

There are some folks who know the truth of chemo drugs’ toxicity and will do whatever it takes to avoid a therapy that many do not survive, whether they have medical insurance or not. Two such persons were Vernon Johnston and Ann Cameron.

Both were diagnosed with cancer, and both took paths few would dare under the circumstances. The pressure is great to succumb to conventional medical treatments.

There are dietary treatments under supervision, however, that have much higher success rates with no serious side effects. Continue reading

Time to go nuts!

Almonds, pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts and cashews, linked to lower risk of colon cancer

Eating tree nuts, such as almonds, pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts and cashews, may significantly reduce the risk of colon cancer recurrence, a recent study showed. To carry out the study, a team of researchers examined more than 800 patients with stage-III colon cancer. Data from an observational study revealed that patients who ate two ounces or more of all types of nuts on a weekly basis were 42 percent less likely to suffer a colon cancer recurrence than those who did not eat tree nuts. The researchers also found that patients who consumed nuts had a 57 percent lower odds of dying from colon cancer compared with the non-consuming group. Continue reading

Young: The Cause of Cancer


You would not take your vehicle to a mechanic that could not determine the cause of it not working properly. An important part of being a good mechanic is knowing what causes a particular problem. Without good diagnostics (knowing cause) the mechanic would be just guessing at best what the solution to his mechanical problem might be. I am wary of any mechanic that could not quickly and precisely determine the cause of a certain mechanical problem.

I am wary of any doctor or group of doctors that can not quickly and precisely determine the cause of a physical problem. You can replace a vehicle. It is not possible to replace your human body. Our body is much more valuable than any vehicle. Be most careful of which mechanics (doctors) you allow to work on your body. Continue reading


Many people who are reading this may have a high acidity level in his or her body. This is due to the typical first world diet of processed foods, refined sugars, and GMOs. However, many people do not know that an acidic body is a breeding ground for cancer, excess weight, pain and many health issues.

Fortunately, making your organism more alkaline is very simple and easy. Making alkaline environment is in fact the opposite of acidic environment. Continue reading

Do You Have Healthy Bacteria in YOUR Breasts?

Did you know that there are bacterium living in literally every part of our body? The fact is that there are more bacterial cells in the human body than there are purely human cells!

Many people have the impression that all bacteria can make you sick. But not all bacteria are bad for you. If you have a fairly healthy immune system, most pathogenic bacterium are relatively harmless in small amounts. And research has confirmed that many forms of bacteria are absolutely beneficial for health– and even necessary for the proper function of many mechanisms of the body.
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Choices you make are the ‘cure’ for cancer

The choices that a cancer patient makes are the single biggest choices of their life. Nothing compares because the further they get down this road called life, the more reality sets in and they realize what they had been doing is just not working as they had expected it to.

I think it’s pretty obvious to most of us that they have been hammering us with conventional medicines barbaric choices of chop, burn, or poison for way too long. If these had any real success what so ever, we would not even be having this discussion on what to do when you have cancer.

For the past 65 years, we have been observing a losing battle against cancer when they have been promising us a “cure” all along… Continue reading

Vitamin D: An Absolute MUST for Breast Health

I have written a lot about vitamin D over the years — and there is a very good reason for this. If there is one supplement that would be at the very top of my list for helping prevent and supporting the healing of Breast Cancer, it would be vitamin D!

Vitamin D Deficiency: A Global Problem
The importance of getting enough vitamin D wouldn’t be such an issue if the majority of us had adequate stores of it in our bodies. However, most women that my team and I have coached on the 7 Essentials System™, have very low Vitamin D levels. (like the majority of people in the world)
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three mothers

I try to mostly write stories that are positive and filled with hope. Not because I don’t have times of deep pain and loss, but because it’s where I try to stay in my thoughts and in my heart… even when it’s not easy. That being said, sometimes it’s hard to find the positive in a story… Continue reading

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM): What Are Its Benefits for Healing Cancer?

Besides being a substance that is almost impossible to pronounce, Methylsulfonylmethane (abbreviated to MSM) is often misunderstood in terms of how it specifically can help the body. It is becoming clear, however, that sulfur supplementation is a necessity in our increasingly toxic world. In addition, current research is discovering the role MSM can play in preventing cancer and even shrinking tumors. Continue reading

Iodine for Breast Cancer Treatment

Dr. Sherrill Sellman’s book, “What Women Must Know To Protect Their Daughters From Breast Cancer“, says, “Breast cancer will always be a tragedy that befalls a woman. It tears at the very fabric of a woman’s life rippling out to touch all those in her word. The fears, uncertainties, and pain are deeply and profoundly shared by family, friends and co-workers. It is even a greater tragedy when young women are faced with this crisis because the tumors tend to be more aggressive. Young women also have to face the grim reality of a more advanced cancer at the time of diagnosis and higher mortality rates. Not one of them ever suspected, at their age, they would be become a breast cancer statistic. A breast cancer diagnosis always comes as a shock; no one ever expects it, especially young, vibrant and seemingly healthy women.” Continue reading

The Cancer Revolution: A Helpful Program to Reverse and Prevent Cancer

Half of all men and one-third of all women will experience cancer at some point in their lives. Fortunately, there are ways to significantly reduce your risk, as detailed in Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy’s book, “The Cancer Revolution: A Groundbreaking Program to Reverse and Prevent Cancer.” Connealy’s interest in cancer prevention and treatment grew out of her own, long personal health journey. Continue reading

The Truth About Diet and Cancer

Top dietitian JANE CLARKE reveals what to eat (and what to avoid) to beat the disease

The Mediterranean Diet has recently been found to reduce the risk of contracting one of the most dangerous forms of breast cancer by 40 per cent

There doesn’t seem to be a day that passes without a new cancer statistic being published — one of the most alarming from recent years is that one in two of us will go on to develop the disease.

It makes so many of us feel vulnerable, and naturally we want to know what — if anything — we can do to protect ourselves. As a dietitian and nutritionist for the past 25 years, I have treated hundreds of people, young and old and often a key question, even if I was seeing them for a different issue entirely, was what we should and shouldn’t eat to reduce the likelihood of developing cancer, and how can food help us fight the disease if we are diagnosed? Continue reading