October 15, 2010 ~ Every so often we feel the need to bring this column back to the forefront… after all – Dr. William D. Kelley is the reason that this site was developed for him back in the year 2000. We honor his legacy and continue to battle for the victims of this dreaded dis-ease – to this very day. We thank researcher Paul Fassa for his continued efforts. ~ Ed.
During the 1960s, a small town Texas dentist discovered a way to cure his terminal pancreatic cancer; he then proceeded to cure others of all kinds of cancers until the Medical Mafia struck him down. His name was William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS.
His procedure involved diet, heavy pancreatic enzyme dosing, and liver detoxing with coffee enemas. Dr. Kelley died in 2005 at the age of 79. His restored and greatly expanded book, Victory Over Cancer without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation covers his therapy. Continue reading