Author Archives: admin

Covid? Covid? We no gotta show you no a steenkin’ Covid!

What Happened After the Chicken-Pox Vaccine?

In the COVID era, the success of the varicella vaccine in the nineties is staggering to contemplate.

A boy with chicken pox takes a pill to help relieve itching, in 1960. Before the varicella vaccine, chicken pox killed about seventy children in the U.S. every year.Photograph by Carl Iwasaki / Getty

Last summer, at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an internal presentation on the coronavirus, which was leaked to the press, called the Delta variant of covid-19 “as transmissible as chicken pox.” Although the claim was found to be overstated, it’s easy to see why researchers may have been predisposed to draw parallels between the two diseases. Both varicella-zoster—the proper name for the chicken-pox virus—and the coronavirus are spread through the air, and both can be contagious before any symptoms are evident. Both have relatively mild impacts on most children, with a higher risk of more serious effects in adults. The mostly apocryphal tales of “covid parties”—which almost always turn out to be unintentional spreader events—descend from those of “chicken-pox parties,” where parents knowingly exposed their children to symptomatic peers. Continue reading

Water, Water Everywhere, and You Need a Lot of It

Like water we need magnesium everyday. There is an eternal need for magnesium as well as water and when magnesium is present in water life and health are enhanced.

A dear Fried brought me a book about water. He said, “Why haven’t you written about water? I didn’t have an answer for him. So he loaned me the book to read. It is named “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water.” It is written by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj.

Dr. Batmanghelidj starts the book off by saying, “The greatest tragedy in medical history is the fact that medical professionals have not understood the human body’s many calls for water.” They have traditionally resorted to using chemicals and “procedures” to deal with chronic dehydration of the body. He also states that very sick persons with a history of major diseases and under medical supervision, particularly those with severe renal disease, must not use any information in the book without the supervision of their attending physician.

Dr. Batmanghelidj goes on to ask a very important question. “Why hasn’t the national Institute of Health (NIH), the most advanced center of medical research in the world, failed society by not studying the medical effects and benefits of water?” He indicated his reasons for contacting the NIH and affiliates was that dehydration of the body cells is the cause of many degenerative diseases in the human body. The answer was that his views were so broad-based that they did not fit into the way the research institution functions. Continue reading

Low Body Cell Voltage and What it Means in Body Cells

The body’s natural process that removes dead and dying cells actually fuels the spread of cancer to bones and other organs due to a pro-inflammatory protein that is released

Most people do not know what body cell oxidation or electron theft is. However, it is one of the most important atom/molecular cell reactions that occur in the human body. It relates to the voltage of the body and brain molecules in cells.

With all the literature these days about health, most articles and publications do not mention one of the most important causes of poor health. Physicians and health authorities should be talking about cell oxidation and electron theft plus how to stop it instead of using drugs to treat the low voltage body cell and brain cell diseases. Low body cell voltage is the cause of over 90 percent of all diseases in a person’s body. Yet not many physicians ask you, how is your cell voltage.? By the way, do you know how to measure your cell voltage? You will need a Hertz meter and/or hydrion litmus paper. Hydrion litmus paper measures the acid/alkaline balance in your saliva and urine. This measurement will tell you about your diet, blood, and body cell health. Continue reading

A Critique of the Kelley Nutritional-Metabolic Cancer Program

Editor’s NOTE: The time of this writing was 2003. Dr. Kelley passed in January of 2005. In addition, Nicholas Gonzalez has also left us – with a highly questionable demise. What follows was first posted on this site on August 26, 2015. In addition, it was made an integral part of Dr. Kelley’s seminal treatise on cancer, re-titled, Victory Over Cancer: without Surgery, Chemotherapy, or Radiation, expanded and published in 2015. It is time to bring this study of Kelley’s work back to the front page once more. (J.B.)

Dr. Kelley developed the Kelley Nutritional-Metabolic Cancer Program in the 1960s which involves four major components: pancreatic enzymes, nutrition, detoxification and spirituality. The Kelley Program defines cancer according to Dr. Beard’s theory that states that cancer is a normal, necessary part of life… Continue reading

Why YOU Should be Eating Cottage Cheese

Adding the right cottage cheese to your diet may be the ticket to a longer, healthier life.

The history of cottage cheese comes from a very interesting story. It was discovered in a cottage in 1831. When the farmer had leftover milk, he did not have good refrigeration, so he would make butter using the cream and milk.

After the butter was made he had some skim milk left. Cottage cheese was founded when the milk was left setting in a warm spot near the stove in the cottage. This allowed the bacterial cultures to change the skim milk into curds and whey. That is how cottage cheese was first discovered. The curds are the lumps and whey the liquid that remains in the cottage cheese when the mixture is left in the refrigerator for a long time. Continue reading

The Importance of Diet and Lifestyle after Cancer is Cured

People that have been treated for cancer and other diseases are often left with no directions as to what nutrition to eat that will keep cancer and other diseases from reoccurring. A synopsis of great bio-electric foods is needed and the following information is designed for those who have cured their cancer and would like to keep cancer and other diseases from reoccurring. These recommendations will also be very helpful for any person who would like to prevent diseases from occurring in their body. Continue reading

Hospitals and the New Surge

NOTE: The following came to me as an email. It’s purpose is to guide you to a series of columns or references, which may help to educate and enlighten the reader. ~ Editor

Omicron is not causing as much intense illness as other covid variants, but it is so transmissible that the countless cases being registered every day have placed a terrible strain on hospitals, doctors, and nurses all the same. This week, we’re bringing you a selection of pieces about the crucial role that hospitals and health workers continue to occupy in our lives. Continue reading

New Information on Nitric Oxide

 L. Ignarro helped to establish the importance of nitric oxide in the cardio vascular system. (Photo by Alberto Pizzoli/Sygma/Sygma via Getty Images)

Several months ago I wrote about nitric oxide (NO). I mentioned Louis Ignarro, one of the three people that got a Nobel prize for their discovery of Nitric oxide, where it is produced in the body, and what it does. Louis Ignarro calls it “the Miracle Molecule,” because it does so many great extremely important things in the body.

Louis Ignarro’s history is a remarkable and incredible story. Both of his parents were born in Italy. They had no education. His father could not even read but was a great carpenter. They moved to America and Louis was born in Brooklyn in 1941. Continue reading


A powerful, radiation-emitting #5G antenna being installed outside of a residential home in Venice Beach, California. The resident pleaded with #Verizon to move the tower somewhere less intrusive. Verizon ignored her. ~ Americans for Responsible Technology

Osmosis, Body Cell Function, and Disease

We have 200 trillion cells in our bodies. Each cell is an entity in itself. Different types of cells perform different functions. Each cell wants to perform at 100 percent. How would you like to be the boss of 100 trillion little workers and have to feed them to keep them healthy? You may not realize it, but you are the boss of these little workers. You are very lucky that you do not have to tell each one of them what their duties are. You are also very lucky that you do not have to individually nurse each one of these little critters each time they get ill. But yes, you do have to do that. What makes it unique and easier is that you feed each of the 100 trillion cells the same nutrients and minerals most of the time. In most cases, it will perform its duties by itself, without any instructions from you. That saves you hundreds of hours of labor. Continue reading

UMass Memorial hospital fires 200 unvaccinated employees when they should be HIRING those with natural immunity… an engineered collapse of the health care system

Hundreds of employees at UMass Memorial Health in Massachusetts have been let go from their jobs for refusing to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Back in the summer, the far-left hospital announced that all employees would need to get injected by November 1 or else be terminated on December 1. Two-hundred of them stood their ground and are now out of a job. The corrupt hospital system currently employs 15,000 people, which means “herd immunity” should have been reached with a 99 percent compliance rate. However, UMass decided that a 100 percent compliance rate was needed in order to successfully “flatten the curve.” Continue reading

Top 11 Ways to AVOID Cancer

Doctors say cancer cells are smart, and can target vital organs, take them over, and shut down your life. Cancer is a disorder of the cells, where they mutate and multiply uncontrollably. It’s very common in America, but doctors and oncologists are clueless when it comes to beating cancer. They use chemicals, surgery and radiation, usually to no avail, to stave off the inevitable just a few years. Yet, cancer barely even existed in America 100 years ago, so how is this lethal serial killer that attacks one in every three Americans, and kills half of those, able to hone in on vital cleansing organs and take people out like flies? Continue reading