Dickens: Ego tantum non modo ad finem

Or… Et tu, Primum Non-Nocere! A few weeks ago, I wrote a commentary titled Primum Non-Nocere; First, Do No Harm. The title comes from the opening line of the twenty-four hundred-year-old oath written by Hippocrates, the pioneer of modern medicine. He authored over seventy medical books, most notably treating the patient and the malady, not […]

Dickens: Primum Non-Nocere

First, Do No Harm Today’s title is the opening line of the oath written about twenty-four hundred years ago by Hippocrates, the pioneer of modern medicine. He’s the author of over seventy books on medicine, most notably the patient’s treatment, not just the disorder but in tandem with the patient because they were inextricably linked […]

Cause of cancer? ‘It’s the metabolism stupid’

“It’s the metabolism stupid” is a wry nod to President Bill Clinton’s famous 1992 campaign slogan: “The economy, stupid.” As we will see, this phrase is startling in its simplistic defining of the cancer complexity and as an overall reaching principle behind cancer. This phrase is stepping back and looking at the entire forest instead […]

The Danger of Ignoring Tuberculosis

Despite its reputation as an illness of the past, the deadly disease is as much of a threat to people in America as Ebola and Zika. A century or so ago, tuberculosis was everywhere. It killed babies and brides, firemen and heads of state. The colloquial term of the era, “consumption,” littered the obituary pages […]