HEAL: A Test to see if something is Good or Bad for you

The responses I have had on the HEAL posts have been great – It seems that many of you really are interested in learning more.

I have been emailing with several individuals – one on one – dealing with different issues. I thought I would try to put a few of them into List posts for all to read and see if they will be of help to the reader.

I am by far a long way from being an advisor but I am more than willing to share with others the things I have learned and that have worked for me.

It is one thing to read about how some vitamin, supplement, food, drink, is THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING and it is another to see if YOUR BODY NEEDS IT. One person may need more of something than another so I am going to share something I learned about TESTING to see if your body needs whatever it is. This works with vitamins, supplements, foods, drinks, – whatever you plan to put into your body. This is not a joke nor is it hocus pokus. I have no idea how it works – I just know it does.

(1) Take an item – like Vit C or Calcium (something you pretty well know is good for your body).

In a standing position – Hold the item in your right hand and place it up against your chest (between your boob area)

Close your eyes and wait to see which way your body moves. If you lean forward the item is good for you. If you lean backwards it isn’t good for you.

(2) Take an item – like Vit C or Calcium (something you pretty well know is good for your body).

In a standing position – Hold the item in your right hand and place it up against your chest (between your boob area)

Then stretch your left arm out straight to the side.

Now have another person try to force your left hand/arm down by putting their hand on top of your left hand and pushing down.

They do not have to push HARD just a steady downward leverage.

Your arm should hold steady – stretched out (if the item is GOOD for you)

Now take some sugar in a jar or something that won’t let the sugar spill (or a piece of candy) and repeat the same thing.

Your arm should go down fast no matter how hard you try to hold it straight out.

If the item you are holding is good for or needed by your body the arm will hold straight out – If the item is NOT GOOD for your body, a slight touch by the other person will cause the arm to drop down.

You can do this with anything – food – drinks – medications or herbs.

Here is a web site with more info: https://discoverhealing.com/muscle-testing/

Let me know how it works for you – So far it has been a real eye opener for folks.

Jackie Juntti

~ The Author ~
Jackie Juntti (Granny) is a daily reader and frequent contributor to Kettle Moraine Publications. She can be reached for comment at idzrus@earthlink.net.

We invite you to visit Granny’s OTHER Pharmacy on this site.

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