Two Cancer Cure Books that Every Preventive Cancer Person should Read

Of all the books I have read on preventing and curing cancer, I would definitely say that two books stand alone. They are “Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation“, and “One Man Alone,” An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and Dr. William Donald Kelley.”

Dr. William Kelley was the doctor that both books were written about, where thousands of cancer patients were helped and/or cured. Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez’s book, “One Man Alone,” explains much about Dr. Kelley’s story. Every person wanting to prevent or cure cancer should read both books.

Victory over Cancer explicitly explains how Dr. Kelley, an orthodontist, cured his own pancreatic cancer after chemotherapy and radiation treatment were unsuccessful. The oncologists gave him only 2 to 4 months to live. The book not only explains in detail how Dr. Kelley cured his pancreatic cancer but then how he went on to treat and cure the greatest percentage of 20, 000 more patients. I did not make a mistake. I said 20,000, not 2,000.

Dr. Kelley’s cancer treatment was examined by a medical student, Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez, as partial fulfillment of his immunology fellowship at Cornell University school of medicine. Dr. Gonzolas had previously read a great deal about Dr. Kelley treating Steve McQueen, a movie actor. Steve McQueen’s mesothelioma had been treated with radiation and chemotherapy without success, then the oncologists had given up on his ,treatment.

Steve McQueen’s cancer was too far advanced for Dr. Kelley to help, but Dr. Kelley agreed to try. Steve would not comply with Dr. Kelley’s procedures and the rest is history. Or was it? Dr. Kelley’s name and the Steve McQueen saga reached every major and minor newspaper, radio, and T. V. station in the U.S. The medical establishment called Dr. Kelley a “Quack,” and said he shouldn’t be treating ailments that he knew nothing about. Dr. Kelley’s orthodontic license was taken away, and he was wrongly blamed for Steve McQueen’s death.

Dr. Kelley, in his book, “Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation,” explains his cancer treatment protocol, his use of vital enzymes, coffee enemas, a regimented diet, and several other procedures needed to cure cancer.

Dr. Gonzalez, after carefully going over 455 records of Dr. Kelley’s thousands of cancer patients, was convinced that Dr. Kelley not only helped these people with his procedures, but the specialized diets, vital enzymes, coffee enemas, and specific nutrients not only regressed the tumors but also cured many and prolonged cancer patients lives.

Dr. Gonzalez was so convinced that Dr. Kelley’s procedures were helping to cure cancer patients that he continued after graduation to use Dr. Kelley’s protocol along with some other procedures, hair analysis, and other tests. Dr. Gonzalez over the next twenty years after graduation, treated over 10,000 cancer patients with great success. 85 to 90 % of the patient were living over 5 years.

Unfortunately, Dr. Gonzalez was one of the 77 preventive and alternative cancer physicians that mysteriously died in 2015. He was a healthy 64 year old man. He also recently, before his death, had a great physical exam That showed no ailments, HBP, or other medical problems.

These two great books, Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation,’ and “One Man Alone,” show that cancer can be treated and many cured without chemo. radiation, and surgery. For the prevention of cancer or help in treating cancer, even if a person has radiation and chemo, they are invaluable. Both books are easily available, Victory Over Cancer… can be obtained by calling 623 327 1778 or ordering direct from the publisher via check or PayPal. One Man Alone is also on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Every person would benefit by reading them.

October 10, 2020

~ the Author ~
Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. graduated from the University Of Washington School Of Dentistry in 1957. After two years of service in the Air Force, he started a private practice in East Wenatchee, Washington. For the past 45 years his practice has included Orthodontics and TM Dysfunction treatment specializing in temporomandibular pain treatment, headache, head and neck pain control, functional jaw orthopedics, and straight wire orthodontics. Associated with mercury elimination, oral surgery, crowns and bridges is TMJ treatment, diet control, parasite elimination, intestinal cleansing and healing (wellness).

Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. has taught advanced courses for dentists on TM Dysfunction treatment, orthodontics and related pain control for more than 30 years. In 1972 he was the first dentist in Washington to use straight wire orthodontics and the first dentist to correct vertical deficiencies in children by placing vertical dimension-primary molar buildups and/or vertical (erupting) appliances. Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. was involved with the first group of dentists to recognize lateral tongue splinting in young infants and integrate functional and fixed techniques to correct vertical dimension deficiencies and condylar placement. He is the originator of vertical dimension-primary molar build ups, which help to correct deep bites and Otitus media in children. He invented the Loudon-Chateau Anterior Repositioning Appliance, the functional muscle malocclusion concept, the twelve commandments of occlusion and the vertical overbite domino rule. Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. has written numerous articles in several American and foreign dental journals and has lectured in over 50 cities and 7 foreign countries on functional jaw orthopedics, fixed wire orthodontics, Otitus media treatment and TM Dysfunction treatment. He has been instrumental in setting up criteria for teaching in the International Association For Orthodontics, including the certified instructor program.

Dr. Loudon is a member of The American Dental Association, Diplomat and Senior Instructor in the International Association for Orthodontics, and is a Diplomat of the American Academy of Pain Management. He also is a member of the American Orthodontic Society.