There’s a sizable contingent of the so-called “conservative” movement that, at the same time that they’re decrying climate change hysteria as the hoax that it obviously is, somehow continue to fall hook, line, and sinker for the vaccine hysteria hoax, which is propagated on the masses using many of the same obvious manipulation tactics.
Take The Daily Caller, for instance. In a recent piece about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), the seemingly conservative news outlet rightfully mocked the freshman House member for suggesting that a spate of recent tornado warnings in the Washington, D.C., area somehow prove that there’s a “climate crisis,” which she believes is going to lead to the end of the world in 12 years.
But when it comes to the measles hysteria being generated as part of a mass push for mandatory vaccination, The Daily Caller employs the same ridiculous fear-mongering tactics that AOC and other Leftists do with regard to climate change, attempting to scare readers into believing that an alleged “anti-vax” crisis is fueling the spread of infectious disease around the country and world.
In 2015, The Daily Caller even went so far as to try to link anti-vaccination sentiments to the corrupt Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton, insinuating that if you don’t support the government forcibly injecting yourself and your children with deadly chemicals, then you’re somehow a non-thinking liberal.
Another allegedly conservative news outlet known as National Review did something even worse that same year, having come right out and made the ridiculous claim that “mandatory vaccination is conservative,” further alleging that “liberals have been the anti-vaccine warriors” in a blatant attempt to polarize the issue along political lines.
Keep in mind that National Review, much like The Daily Caller simultaneously adheres to the belief that climate hysteria and the climate anxiety it produces in Leftists is based on nothing more than fear and paranoia about some future global crisis that, for all intents and purposes, never actually materializes – which is exactly what National Review and The Daily Caller are doing with regard to vaccines.
The Daily Wire is another worthy mention here, as this self-stated conservative news outlet seemingly sided with a New York City judge who recently decided that forced measles vaccination somehow doesn’t violate the United States Constitution.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
In another article published by The Daily Wire, a different writer seemingly sided with the establishment family members of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who recently slapped their names on an opinion piece published by Politico that called on all Americans to ignore RFJ Jr.’s warnings about the dangers of vaccines, and to vaccinate their children regardless.
And yet, when it comes to climate change and global warming, which are marketed using similar tactics, The Daily Wire contends that it’s basically an overblown conspiracy theory, the purpose of which is to destroy freedom, and more importantly, capitalism.
So, these conservative-branded news outlets would seem to agree that the official climate change narrative is a bunch of political bunk aimed at dismantling the liberties enshrined in our founding documents. But when it comes to forced vaccination, these same news outlets insist that the government has an absolute right to forcibly inject human beings with chemical “medicine” in order to prevent what you might call “global disease” and “public health change.”
It’s hypocrisy at its finest, in other words, and sadly many self-identifying conservatives are still onboard with these duplicitous positions. Even though vaccines have never been proven either safe or effective, Conservative Inc. continues to push the baseless conspiracy theory that vaccines are always good, and that everyone needs to get them in order for humanity to survive – and many of its followers see nothing wrong with this mindset.

The pins represent the number of vaccines a baby received at that time.
As explained by “Hardscrabble Farmer,” writing for The Burning Platform, climate change propaganda, which mirrors vaccine propaganda, is able to successfully fool many people through the use of carefully crafted manipulation. Whether it’s appealing to “moral clarity,” or making mountains out of molehills concerning future catastrophes, it’s an easily identifiable bag of tricks – and the same one used to push vaccines.
But for whatever reason, many of the same professing conservatives who see right through the climate change bag of tricks are constantly being hoodwinked into believing the vaccine bag of tricks. They easily recognize the former for what it is, a globalist affront to individual liberty, but the latter they regard as a bipartisan effort to “save” public health – just like the Leftists who embrace the idea of global warming only want to “save” the planet.
Written by Ethan Huff Natural News ~ May 19, 2019