The World’s Healthiest Diets

The traditional Japanese and Mediterranean diets are often considered to be the healthiest in the world, with proven links to increased life expectancy. A number of studies in recent years have confirmed that both diets are directly linked to a reduced risk of numerous diseases. So what’s the secret? Both diets couldn’t be more different […]

Roundup the corrupt fear mongers

~ Forewords ~ Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is widely used in conjunction with Roundup-Ready seeds, to grow crops that thrive in fields sprayed to eliminate weeds – while also being insect-resistant and drought-tolerant, thanks to other traits built into their DNA. Such crops significantly reduce the need to spray pesticides, irrigate fields or […]

Dr. V.: Xeno-estrogens ~ Part 2

Support Your Methylation Pathways for Breast Health In the last blog, I shared some scary facts about xeno-estrogens and how they can lead to Breast Cancer if not kept in check. This week, I am going to share with you just how you can be proactive with prevention in keeping xeno-estrogens at bay. There is […]

‘I’m not crazy’

Woman, 32, with aggressive breast cancer refuses chemo – and vows to beat it with COFFEE ENEMAS, turmeric and two litres of organic juice a day A woman diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer has discussed her reasons for refusing traditional treatment – and vowed to beat the disease using natural therapies. Fio Aguila, 32, from […]

Cornell University student exposes his own university’s pro-GMO corruption in shocking open letter

My name is Robert, and I am a Cornell University undergraduate student. However, I’m not sure if I want to be one any more. Allow me to explain. Cornell, as an institution, appears to be complicit in a shocking amount of ecologically destructive, academically unethical, and scientifically deceitful behaviour. Perhaps the most potent example is […]

To Health With You!

DIRTY DEEDS: Leaked emails reveal how Clinton conspired with DNC to destroy Bernie Sanders, the only anti-Monsanto candidate There was only one candidate for president who openly talked about labeling GMOs and dismantling powerful banks and corporations. That candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, was targeted for character assassination and reputation destruction by none other than the […]

Shakin’ it Up!: The Truth About Fat And Sugar

Cardiologist explains why FAT is the best medicine – and why it’s so crucial to our health For decades, we were told that eating fat would lead us to early grave. Horror stories of clogged arteries and coronaries were the norm, while foods such as pasta were seen as healthy. But research is increasingly disproving […]

Dr. William Kelley — Snake Oil Quack or Maligned Genius?

The following is a continuation of research on alternative cancer practitioner Dr. William Kelley. In my previous post, I did my best to summarize his quite elaborate cancer protocol and the success he had with treating cancer. Dr. Kelley claimed a 93% success rate for patients who came to him first (not after chemo, radiation, […]