Major Monsanto Lawsuit Completely Blacked out by Media

What happens when one courageous attorney and a few citizens try to take down Monsanto? The MSM doesn’t cover it, for starters. Efforts to publicize a class action lawsuit against Monsanto for false advertising it’s best-selling herbicide Roundup filed in Los Angeles County Court on April 20, 2015 have been rejected by almost every mainstream […]

3 Common Medical Procedures That Ruin Your Long-Term Health

Today’s custom is that if a person has a more serious health issue, conventional medicine is the unquestionable source of answers. Although results often appear to be helpful and “life-saving” on the surface, there often comes serious long-term damage that severely compromises quality of life. In that vein, here are three hospital procedures that can […]

ADHD does not exist

Pop quiz: Is the proportion of American children suffering from the disease known as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder . . . a) Less than 5%, as we believed before the early 1990s? b) More than 11%, and rising, as suggested by CDC statistics? c) Zero? The correct answer is (c), says neurologist Richard Saul […]

Soft Killing The American People Using Toxic Food, Toxic Water And Toxic Vaccines

Have you noticed that there has been an absolute explosion in the number of people developing chronic illnesses, heart disease, diabetes and cancer? If you are like most Americans, you probably have quite a few family members and friends that are seriously ill right now. Sadly, most Americans have absolutely no idea why this is […]

Children’s medicines coated with brain-damaging aluminum

Aluminum Lake food coloring, used to heavily coat liquid medicines for children, contains dangerous amounts of aluminum and harmful synthetic petrochemicals. These “petrochemicals” are carcinogens containing petroleum, antifreeze and ammonia, which cause a long list of adverse reactions. Aluminum poisoning can lead to short and long term central nervous system (CNS) damage, such as memory […]

The Venom in Feds’ Vaccinations

While most mainstream news media cover presidential campaigns or economic conditions, the feds are going under the radar and your skin — literally — with something that could be detrimental to your and your children’s health. News just broke about their cover-up, but few, if any, agencies passed along the wire. According to the Centers […]

MMR vaccine

Scientists in America have reported the first independent corroboration of the research findings of Dr Andrew Wakefield, the specialist who has questioned the safety of the childhood MMR vaccine. Dr Arthur Krigsman, from New York University School of Medicine, has observed serious intestinal inflammation in autistic children identical to that described by the controversial British […]

Smith: Subterfuges And Syringes

The Real World Of Vaccinations Vaccination programs in the late 19th and early 20th century decimated the populations of many countries where government sponsored vaccination programs were introduced. Japan suffered 48,000 deaths from smallpox vaccination; England and Wales experienced 45,800 smallpox deaths in a population that was 97% vaccinated against smallpox. Australia and Germany combined […]

Regush: Vaccine Recklessness

On The Behavior Of Medicine’s Vaccine Pushers Who Think Opinion Replaces Science And The Useless Research That Results In Damage To Children. The other day, a scientist, funded to look into vaccine safety by the European Commission, warned that studies on vaccine safety were often a bust. Dr. Thomas Jefferson, who is head of the […]