Insufficient digestive enzyme in humans is a requirement for supplementation with Papaya Enzyme. If insufficient digestive enzyme in humans goes untreated, a single-celled bacteria called candida is allowed to enter the intestines. Candida burrows pockets into the walls of the intestines. Undigested and not fully digested food gets trapped in those pockets, and goes rancid, […]

VACCINATION: Proved Useless and Dangerous

PROOF: Taking you where few have taken you before The information is always there if you choose to look. Please do your research before vaccinating yourself or your children. Vaccination is a decision you could very likely live to regret. Boost your immunity instead and keep yourself healthy the natural way. Work with your body, […]

Hep B vaccine “may have adverse implications for brain development and cognition

“We have previously verified that neonatal hepatitis B vaccination induced hippocampal neuroinflammation and behavior impairments in mice…This finding suggests that clinical events concerning neonatal IL-4 over-exposure, including neonatal hepatitis B vaccination and allergic asthma in human infants, may have adverse implications for brain development and cognition.” GUANDONG, China —”Unbelievable.” It’s the word I kept saying as […]

The elephant in the room…

Why isn’t anyone talking about the link between psychiatric medications and mass shootings? The “March For Our Lives” gun-grabbers have convinced themselves that the only way to stop mass shootings in the United States is to prohibit law-abiding Americans from owning firearms. But what these brainwashed leftists fail (or willfully refuse) to acknowledge is the […]

This is Why the FDA Shouldn’t Regulate Anything

“New dietary ingredients” are the government’s code phrase for supplements, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants to prohibit your access to all-natural, health-supporting herbs and food ingredients which have been used as medicine for centuries. These “new dietary ingredients” aren’t new, despite the FDA’s lingo. They’ve been tested over time by award-winning […]

Beat diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and dementia by choosing the right foods

If you knew about a “miracle pill” that could significantly boost your health and lifespan, wouldn’t you want to know more about it? According to Dr. Michael Greger, a renowned doctor at some of the top medical institutions in the United States, a “simple dietary prescription” he calls the “Daily Dozen” can do just that.

Surviving Cancer 16 years later: Everything new is well forgotten old

Empower yourself, learn to heal today! ~ T. Copenhaver My husband is a sixteen-year cancer survivor. When he was diagnosed in 2001 there were no books, no seminars and very few options for Acinic cell cancer. The treatment proposed was very disfiguring with probable facial nerve damage; and the only two people the local surgeon […]

11 Plants Native Americans Use to Cure Everything (From Joint Pain to Cancer)

The Cherokee is a Native American tribe that is indigenous to the Southeastern United States. They believe that the Creator has given them a gift of understanding and preserving medicinal herbs.The Cherokee trust the healing and preventative properties of nature’s pharmacy. Because many plants become scarce throughout history, the Cherokee promote proper gathering techniques. The […]

Surviving Cancer 16 years later…

everything new is well forgotten old My husband is a sixteen-year cancer survivor. When he was diagnosed in 2001 there were no books, no seminars and very few options for Acinic cell cancer. The treatment proposed was very disfiguring with probable facial nerve damage; and the only two people the local surgeon had operated on […]

The Family That Built an Empire of Pain

The Sackler dynasty’s ruthless marketing of painkillers has generated billions of dollars—and millions of addicts. The north wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art is a vast, airy enclosure featuring a banked wall of glass and the Temple of Dendur, a sandstone monument that was constructed beside the Nile two millennia ago and transported to […]