Kelley’s Kitchen: July 17, 2017

The shocking amount of sugar ‘hiding’ in your soft drink A curious Brooklyn-based food photographer has set out to show the world what the 39 grams of sugar found in a can of Coca-Cola really looks like by turning the popular soft drink into a massive lollipop… (Continue to full article) Pomegranates can protect the […]

13 Surprising Benefits of Dandelion

The health benefits of dandelion include relief from liver disorders, diabetes, urinary disorders, acne, jaundice, cancer and anemia. It also helps in maintaining bone health, skin care and is a benefit to weight loss programs. These and other health benefits are currently being studied for complete validation by a number of international institutions.

The Top 10 Health Benefits of Green Tea (#2 Will Surprise You)

Green tea might just be the healthiest brew you’ll ever drink. It’s packed full of free radical-fighting antioxidants and comes with a diverse spectrum of benefits for health, ranging from weight management to enhancing mental functions and potentially reducing the risk of serious illness such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. And these examples are just […]

Big Pharma’s Pollution Is Creating Deadly Superbugs While the World Looks the Other Way

Environmental standards do not feature in international regulations governing drug production Industrial pollution from Indian pharmaceutical companies making medicines for nearly all the world’s major drug companies is fuelling the creation of deadly superbugs, suggests new research. Global health authorities have no regulations in place to stop this happening.

The Cancer Revolution: A Helpful Program to Reverse and Prevent Cancer

Half of all men and one-third of all women will experience cancer at some point in their lives. Fortunately, there are ways to significantly reduce your risk, as detailed in Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy’s book, “The Cancer Revolution: A Groundbreaking Program to Reverse and Prevent Cancer.” Connealy’s interest in cancer prevention and treatment grew out […]

National Health Care: Responsibility To Yourself

Part 3: YOU are responsible for your own health As you discovered in the first two parts of this series, the majority of Americans ride a dangerous rollercoaster as to their own health care responsibilities: junk food, fast food, packaged food, GMO food, dyed food, cereal candy food, soda pop, endless TV, obesity, non-exercise, pills […]

Another Opinion: What is cancer?

Few things strike fear into people more than the word cancer, and with good reason. While improvements in cancer therapy and advances in palliative care mean that the illness does not always lead to inevitable and painful death as it once did, approximately one in three of us will get some form of cancer in […]

Kelley’s Kitchen: 01.30.17

Coffee and egg lovers will be happy with a massive new report on what’s actually healthy Stay away from the sugar, America. And please start eating some vegetables! if you’d like to eat a couple of eggs every day, don’t worry about the fact that each comes with about 300 milligrams of cholesterol, which was […]

Kelley Protocol for Cancer Support

When Dr. William Donald Kelley, DDS developed pancreatic cancer in 1962, he was given less than a 4 weeks to live by the physicians of his day. Facing imminent death, Dr. Kelley chose to follow the theories of Dr. John Beard, MD in order to enjoy an improved quality of life. Dr. Beard proposed that […]

20 Ways To Never Get Cancer

Certain cancer-fighting foods and other healthy habits can dramatically lower your cancer risk First, the good news: You probably won’t get cancer. That is, if you have a healthy lifestyle. “As many as 70% of known causes of cancers are avoidable and related to lifestyle,” says Thomas A. Sellers, PhD, associate director for cancer prevention […]