Magnesium: The Definitive Guide

This important mineral contributes to a healthy energy-yielding metabolism, the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, cell division, electrolyte balance, the nervous system, normal muscle function and the maintenance of bones and teeth. Yet even though it is found in many common foods, a lot of us are no longer getting enough. In this article we […]

The Cause, Prevention, and Curing of Cancer ~ the Series

Since Otto Warburg discovered the cause of cancer in 1923, the disease has caused the death of millions of people all over the world. The United States usually has been the nation that leads in curing most diseases. However, in the case of cancer, and cancer research, about 90 percent of the money donated for […]

Magnesium Puts Psychiatric Drugs to Shame for Depression

Depression is one of the most widely diagnosed conditions of our time, with over 3 million cases in the U.S. every year, and 350 million believed affected worldwide. Conventional medicine considers antidepressant drugs first-line treatments, including the newly approved injected postpartum drug costing $34,000 a treatment, to the tune of a 16 billion dollars in […]

The Martyr Who Gave Us Radiology

Visceral photos show the fatal wounds Thomas Edison’s assistant sustained trying to help develop X-rays. The first pristine image of bones beneath glowing flesh fascinated Clarence Dally in the 1890s. He had just become an assistant to Thomas Edison, the first X-ray image had just been produced by another scientist, by accident, and Dally was […]

For bee alarmists, Groundhog Day comes in June

Will activists finally admit their sins and break out of their pesticide-blaming time loop? Did you think Goundhog Day only comes in February? For anti-insecticide zealots and others in the environmentalist movement who’ve been preoccupied for years with bees and “colony collapse disorder,” it actually comes every June. That’s when the Bee Informed Partnership – […]

A Government Guide to Keeping Insulin Unaffordable: 3 Easy Steps to Hogtie a Market

Desperate patients pay up because they have nowhere else to go — and their distress is deliberate and designed. If you’ve heard anything about insulin lately, it’s probably been palpable outrage over soaring prescription prices or dubious optimism about Eli Lilly’s recent release of its new version that, at half the price, will cost an […]

Smith: The Cancer Cartel and Alternative Treatments

“It is scarcely possible to touch on any subject, that will not suggest an allusion to some corruption in governments.” — Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, Note 24 “Men have been taught that it is a virtue to swim with the current. But the creator is the man who goes against the current.” — Ayn […]

20 Million School children Have Been Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs Known to Cause Suicidal Thoughts

A news article published in 2017 reported that, according to the latest data, a staggering 12.7 percent of all US citizens over the age of 12 were taking antidepressants. Thrive Global, who reported these figures, stated that: For many, antidepressants have been a long-term course of medication: 68 percent of people in the most recent […]

A Strong Association Has Been Found Between The HPV Vaccine & Infertility

This spring, the United States reported its lowest birth rate in 30 years, despite an economic boom. Finland’s birth rate plummeted to a low not seen in 150 years. Russian President Vladimir Putin recently introduced a string of reforms aimed at stemming the country’s “deep demographic declines.” The government of Denmark introduced an ad campaign […]