Campbell Soup urges Congress to adopt nationwide mandatory GMO-labeling

Campbell Soup Company made national headlines earlier this year when they became the first major food company in the world to label their own product’s GMOs independently. Stemming from Campbell’s belief in honest, transparent labeling, the company recognizes that “consumers appreciate what goes into our food,” and wants them to “feel good about the choices […]

While you were distracted by BREXIT…

… Monsanto’s puppets in the U.S. Senate announced a ‘compromise’ to outlaw GMO labeling laws nationwide Call your U.S. Senator NOW and tell them you strongly oppose this “DARK ACT” GMO labeling compromise. It’s all a biotech industry scam that’s designed to outlaw meaningful GMO labeling! While UK citizens were revolting en masse against bureaucratic […]

NASA Confesses to Dosing Americans with Air-borne Lithium & Other Chemicals

There’s the official explanation for why NASA is spraying lithium, a pharmaceutical drug most often used to treat people with manic depression or bi-polar disorder, into our ionosphere, and then there is the probable reason(s). It would be easier to accept NASA’s official explanation if they were not so secretive about everything they study and […]

Washington attorney obliterates Big Pharma’s vaccine propaganda while promoting real public health measures

Someone with proper know-how on the subject is finally doing what should have been done years ago, as legal redress for the many crimes against humanity that continue to be inflicted against the American people by bought-off health officials and corrupt drug corporations. Washington state attorney James Robert Deal, J.D., having thoroughly witnessed the incredible […]

Chemtrails: Just Another Conspiracy Theory?

While hiking through the woods, I am having a Rachel Carson “silent spring” moment. It’s early fall, nature is still beautiful, albeit a bit dry. There are no birds chirping, no squirrels, no snakes, just an annoying horse fly and a few mosquitoes. The fern gully is bone dry; all ferns have turned rusty brown […]

Glyphosate Contamination Found In Tampons

More Bad News For Women A team of Argentine researchers have discovered glyphosate (Roundup by Monsanto) present in 85% of cotton containing personal care and feminine hygiene products. Even if you strive to avoid glyphosate – an herbicide deemed by the World Heath Organization as a probable carcinogen – by eating exclusively organic foods you […]

Roundup CAUSES Cancer

Monsanto hid evidence for 40 years while lying to and defrauding Americans, FOIA documents show The downfall of the Monsanto chemical empire could go down in history as having had its official launch in 2015, the year that its flagship herbicide Roundup was found by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be a probable cause […]

To Health With You: September 10, 2015

Posting on Craigslist exposes Kevin Folta as a Monsanto shill Following the huge revelations that Univ. of Florida professor Kevin Folta is a paid Monsanto shill and “mafia” member who lied about his financial ties while viciously smearing the Food Babe with outrageous allegations, somebody posted… (Read Full Story) ‘Monsanto Mafia’ scientists named, exposed for […]

Study Links GMOs To Cancer, Liver/Kidney Damage & Severe Hormonal Disruption

In November 2012, the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology published a paper titled Long Term Toxicity of Roundup Herbicide and a Roundup-Tolerant genetically modified maize by Gilles-Eric Seralini and his team of researchers at France’s Caen University. (source) It was a very significant study that made a lot of noise worldwide, the first of […]

‘Ever been stung by a dead bee?’

Eddie: “I have no memory of ever being bit by any kind of bee.” Slim: [interjecting] “Were you?” Over the past year as I have completed a ten month long project of home restoration, I began to note something I had never witnessed before – not to the degree I have seen now – dead […]

International doctors call for immediate ban on cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide

In response to a recent International Agency for Research on Cancer report, which found that the Monsanto herbicide glyphosate “probably” causes cancer in humans, a cohort of international doctors is now petitioning the European Union Parliament, the EU Commission, and several other health and food safety authorities to take action by banning the use of […]

Eat at Your Own Risk

Flawed FDA Risk Assessments Strengthen Arguments for Labeling GMOs For the past two decades, developers of genetically engineered (GE) crops and their corporate allies have maintained that because their products are so obviously safe, there is no need to label them. Thanks to marketing campaigns, squelched state initiatives and a flood of GE products on […]