Number of chemicals linked to problems such as autism DOUBLES in just seven years

Researchers warn that chemical safety checks must be tightened Many substances are found in everyday items like food, toys and clothes And the study warns that these findings are just the tip of the iceberg The number of industrial chemicals known to trigger brain development problems like autism has doubled in just seven years, experts […]

Linking Ear Infections, Hyperactive Behavior & Future Health

A new animal study has documented a precise mechanism by which disturbances to the ear’s hearing and balance systems cause hyperactive behavior. Since such damage can occur in humans from infections, especially recurring ear infections, the study sheds light on the importance of helping children not get too many ear infections as well as fully […]

Pelfrey: Out With the Bath Water!

A True story: As charge nurse on a locked adolescent psychiatric unit, my responsibilities included insuring unit safety as well as screening incoming calls. So I kept a vigilant eye on the hallway as I answered the incessantly ringing phone. A woman’s frantic voice shrieked into my ear, “What do I do? He’s choking the […]

Miracle At A Wisconsin High School

NOTE: For those readers who ask us about solutions to the problems we face – here is a real solution. Help these groups. Get involved. Step into the fray. Stand up and be counted. (Ed.) APPLETON, Wisconsin – A revolution has occurred. It’s taken place in the Central Alternative High School. The kids now behave. […]

Smith: Subterfuges And Syringes

The Real World Of Vaccinations Vaccination programs in the late 19th and early 20th century decimated the populations of many countries where government sponsored vaccination programs were introduced. Japan suffered 48,000 deaths from smallpox vaccination; England and Wales experienced 45,800 smallpox deaths in a population that was 97% vaccinated against smallpox. Australia and Germany combined […]

Are you paying attention?

Right now, your child or grandchild might be taking a substance that could label him a drug user for the rest of his life. And chances are the people who are supposed to be protecting him – his doctors, teachers, and parents – are the ones giving it to him. I’m talking about the attention […]