Top 8 natural remedies that would end most preventable diseases in America

Have you noticed that it’s almost impossible to discuss the power of natural remedies with someone who has been brainwashed by allopathic medicine? Even if you talk your friend, neighbor, relative or co-worker into mustering up the courage to ask their MD about a particular holistic option, their pill-pushing doctor will quickly discredit the remedy […]

Anti-Inflammation Guide: The Rules and Foods You Need To Know

Inflammation. We’ve all dealt with it in some form or another, whether it’s a stiff joint, a fever, or an infected wound. But for some people, inflammation causes much more serious damage. Diseases like arthritis wreak havoc with the joints, causing enormous amounts of pain and suffering. When infections get out of control, inflammation can […]

1/3 of all cancers could be prevented with these plant-based nutrients

Each year, over 10 million people worldwide are diagnosed with cancer, one million of them are Americans. While there is a common misconception that whether or not you will get cancer is pretty much luck of the draw, in reality, only about 10 percent of cancers are attributable to genetic factors. As many as 90 […]

Prostate cancer breakthrough…

Combination of three plant-based nutrients found to MELT AWAY prostate cancer cells A fascinating new study published in Precision Oncology has found that a combination of three plant-based nutrients “melts away” prostate cancer cells. The study, led by University of Texas researcher Stefano Tiziani, is entitled Combinatorial treatment with natural compounds in prostate cancer inhibits […]

Food nutrients in apples and grapes found to halt the systemic inflammation that causes cancer

On the surface, you might think inflammation isn’t such a big deal. It might not sound like a walk in the park, but it doesn’t sound like a death sentence, either. Unfortunately, however, chronic inflammation due to autoimmune disease, infection or even obesity damages your cells, thereby raising your cancer risk. That’s why inflammation within […]

DIY Natural Antibiotic Remedy That Kills Most Infections

Pharmaceutical antibiotics weren’t always around. Whatever did we do before companies like Roche, Merck, and Pfizer started making super-bug-creating, liver-damaging medications that also robbed us of our own innate immunity? People used natural antibiotics that not only promote good bacteria in the intestinal tract, considered vital for a good immune system, but also made use […]

New Study Shows Ginger Is 10,000x Stronger Than Chemo (And Only Kills Cancer Cells)

Turmeric has widely been toted for its effect on cancer, but new research has shown that its cousin ginger is just as powerful. Not only that, an active compound in ginger has potentially been found to be more effective than some cancer medications at killing cancer. There is even preliminary evidence of some cancer medications […]

Chemotherapy Detox: How to Rebuild Your Health after Chemo

Conventional methods of treating cancer generate approximately $200 billion dollars each year, and that’s just in the U.S.! Most of this money goes to Big Pharma and a large majority is generated through the sale and use of chemotherapy drugs. Chemotherapy is part of the “Big 3” treatment methods promoted by allopathic medicine: chemotherapy, radiation, […]

The Cancer Monologues ~ Part II: What Causes Cancer?

You would not believe how many emails we have gotten from cancer patients who have gone through these three steps: The patient had chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery to treat their cancer; The patient was told they were “cancer-free”; Months later cancer “came back,” which is called “regression.” Among other things, this article will explain what […]

Baby, it’s cold outside: Ginger Tea

Dissolves Kidneys Stones, Kills Cancer Cells And Cleanses Liver – Recipe Ginger is an extremely beneficial root, with potent antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-parasitic properties. It is a rich source of numerous nutrients, including vitamin C, magnesium, and many minerals. It strengthens the immune system, treats pain, helps digestion, treats heart diseases, and asthma. It is […]