11 High-Fiber Fruits That Can Boost Your Gut and Heart Health

Need more fiber? Dietitians share which high-fiber fruits to add to your diet.

Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet because it helps keep us regular and feeling full. It has a number of other health benefits for the body, from the gut to the heart. But most Americans don’t eat nearly enough of it.

Dietary fiber is the part of plant foods — fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains — that the body can’t break down or digest.

There are two types: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and bodily fluids, forming a gel-like substance as it passes through the body, which slows down digestion. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve and instead absorbs fluids and other materials, which increases stool bulk. Together, these types of fiber help the body remove waste, maintain bowel health, aid with digestion, and manage blood sugar levels.

“Fiber is such a nutrition superstar … it benefits our health in so many ways,” Frances Largeman-Roth, registered dietitian nutritionist author of Everyday Snack Tray. Continue reading

Your Poop Schedule Says a Lot About Your Overall Health

“I wanna be loved by you – Poop-Boop-a`-Do!”

A new study published recently in Cell Reports Medicine reveals that bowel movement frequency significantly influences physiology and long-term health, with the best outcomes linked with passing stools once or twice a day.

Previous research has suggested associations between constipation and diarrhea with higher risks of infections and neurodegenerative conditions, respectively.

But since these findings were observed in sick patients, it remained unclear whether irregular bathroom visits were the cause or result of their conditions.

“I do hope that this work will kind of open clinicians’ minds a bit to the potential risks of not managing bowel movement frequencies,” senior author Sean Gibbons at the Institute for Systems Biology told AFP, explaining that doctors often view irregular movements as merely a “nuisance.” Continue reading

COVID-19 Vaccine Linked to Sudden-Onset Tinnitus; Metabolic Disease Increases Risk

COVID-19 vaccinations increase the risk of tinnitus according to a recent study led by researchers at the University of Arizona College of Medicine.

“During the COVID-19 waves, we observed an increase in patients reporting auditory issues, including tinnitus. Similarly, after the vaccine rollouts, there was a noticeable uptick in tinnitus cases among vaccinated individuals, particularly those with specific metabolic histories or who experienced reactions post-vaccination,” Anusha Yellamsetty, audiologist, assistant professor at San José State University, and the second author of the study. Continue reading

Store-Brand Cold Medicines Found to Contain Cancer-Causing Chemical

The contaminated offerings are on shelves at Walmart, CVS, Target, and Walgreens

When cold and flu season comes around, it’s not uncommon to flock to the nearest pharmacy for something to relieve the symptoms. However, an analysis and report issued by Bloomberg News may have many consumers rethinking which package of cold medicine they’re reaching for.

Researchers retained by the news outlet found that store-brand versions of Mucinex found at Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, and Target contain a cancer-causing chemicalBENZENE. Continue reading

Granny’s Pharmacy Pharmaceutic ~ Lessons from Granny

PHARMACEU’TIC, PHARMACEU’TICAL, adjective [Gr. to practice witchcraft or use medicine; poison or medicine.] Pertaining to the knowledge or art of pharmacy, or to the art of preparing medicines.

‘Granny’ is an old friend and contributing columnist to the family of web-sites of Kettle Moraine Publications. Is she a pharmacist or pharmacologist? Absolutely not – but she is now in her 80’s and has learned from a personal standpoint about the good and bad of that which is manipulated by the likes of BIG Pharma and those who they line the pockets of – our elected Congress official-DUMB and those in the Medical field who continue to buy into all of the nonsense of the sales pitch.

Will Granny be a frequent columnist and continuing contributor – maybe – maybe not – but our purpose here today – is quite simple to understand. Remember after all – It’s YOUR Health – YOUR Choice! ~ Editor
Continue reading

Lardieri: Cancer Expert Reveals How Every New Patient He Sees Is UNDER 45 – as He Tells What They All Have in Common

Illustration of a cancer cell. (Science Photo Library/Canva Pro)

A doctor is speaking up about the surge in cancer cases among young people – revealing ‘every new patient’ that comes to his clinic is under 45 years old.

North Carolina’s Duke University oncologist Dr Nicholas DeVito says he and his colleagues have experienced a complete demographic switch in recent years. Based on what he’s seeing everyday, talking to patients on the ground and analyzing the data, he blames the rise of junk food diets. Continue reading

Zhang: Common Medications for ADHD Linked to Increased Risk of Glaucoma

Many popular ADHD drugs activate the sympathetic nervous system. However, their downstream effects can inadvertently contribute to elevated eye pressure.

Just take a little pill…

Common drugs prescribed to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are associated with an increased risk of glaucoma, a recent Canadian study found.

Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease that causes vision loss. Angle-closure glaucoma is a subtype that contraindicates with popular ADHD drugs. Continue reading

Elliman: A 10,000-Year-Old Killer

SMALLPOX may be used as a bioweapon by terrorists.

Originally published by Kettle Moraine, Ltd. on March 17, 2002 in the early days of the Original Federal Observer.com – but it DOES deal with Smallpox. ~ Editor

Ramses V, one of the pharaohs of Egypt, is believed to have died from a smallpox infection. Smallpox evolved relatively recently, appearing approximately 10,000 years ago around the time when humans developed agriculture.

Eradicated from the world during the 1970s, few individuals living today have any immunity against this deadly pathogen. Continue reading

Terry: I’ve Been Diagnosed as Delusional!

Originally published by Kettle Moraine, Ltd. on January 14, 2002 in the early days of the Original Federal Observer.com – but it DOES deal with Health – or does it? ~ Editor

I went to see my Doctor at the Hershey Medical Center. I proceeded to explain to him that there was no law requiring most people to pay Federal Income Taxes. Dr. Richard Levine got all upset and called the Emergency Room. He then asked me to go to the emergency room and talk to a psychiatrist. Dr. Levine said to me that he did not know if the Psychiatrist would Hospitalize me or not for stating that there was no law requiring most people to pay Income Taxes. He said that a few days in the Hospital might do me some good.

I did not go to the Emergency Room I went home because I did not want to go to the Psychiatric Ward. When I returned to Dr. Levine’s office for a follow-up appointment, I told him that I did not go to the Emergency Room. Dr. Levine called my boyfriend into his office with us and told my boyfriend that I was having Delusional thoughts. He then proceeded to ask me if I still thought that there was no law requiring most people to pay Income taxes. I said “No I thought about that and it would be impossible for the Government to fool the entire Nation.” I had to say something or he probably would have had me locked up. I hated saying something existed that I knew didn’t. Continue reading

Dr. Wm. D. Kelley’s Mission for YOUR Good Health

~ The Mission ~

This site is dedicated to educating cancer victims of the recognized “cures” for cancer developed by Dr. William D. Kelley, over five decades ago, through the distribution of Kelley’s books, audio programs and nutritional supplements and counsel to aid the cancer victim.

NOTE: Please do NOT post questions regarding cancer counseling nor supplements on this page. Please send us an email at [email protected].

         Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

~ Welcome ~
After twenty-four years of building and supporting a web-site, which was authorized and sanctioned by Dr. William Donald Kelley, the commitment to the work of this great healer expanded and continues. In 2013, I was asked to take-on the responsibility of becoming the editor and publisher of Dr. Kelley’s Self Test for the Different Metabolic Types. With the July 2013 release we expanded the original writings of Kelley by including a 30-page pamphlet, written by Dr. Kelley –  ‘Metabolic Typing‘ – which had previously only been published as a separate mail-out.

One thing led to another, and the re-editing of Dr. Kelley’s treatise on dealing with Cancer was also placed into my hands. When I first met Kelley, the book was entitled, ‘One Answer to Cancer (with Cancer Cure)’ – a title which had been generally in use by Kelley since its earliest 30-page printing in 1967. Continue reading

Pediatrician Alarmed at Bill Gates’ Plan to Inject 500 Million Children With Harmful and Unnecessary Vaccines

A prominent pediatrician, Dr. Paul Thomas, has expressed alarm over Bill Gates’ plan to vaccinate 500 million children by 2030 through the $11.9 billion initiative by GAVI. Dr. Thomas warns that the plan is dangerous and unnecessary, advocating instead for a focus on nutrition and overall health.

According to a report published last week by the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (“UNICEF”), global childhood immunization rates have stalled, with 84% of children vaccinated in 2023, which has not improved despite efforts. According to the report, This stagnation highlights ongoing challenges in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, including poor access to health services and fragile, conflict-ridden areas.

The report highlights the reduction in missed doses of “routine” DTP vaccines last year with 13.9 million fewer children receiving all doses in 2022. The report also laments the gaps in measles vaccinations, noting that outbreaks hit 103 countries. Continue reading

Cancer-Drug Costs Rise, Leaving Even Insured Patients with Financial Burden

But the REAL question is – Is TRADITIONAL cancer treatment doing it’s correct job for the Victims – or are they just continuing to line the pockets of the Doctahs and BIG Pharma?

The following column spends more time with Recent Survey’s, Recent Reports, Scientists Suggest, Published in….

Why can’t the Medical Community just get to the point of admission – that they just DON’T get it! ~ Editor

As cancer rates rise for people under 50, the cost of life-saving treatment is rising far past their ability to pay. An increase in cancer cases is putting pressure on Americans. With medical debt burdening patients, the battle against cancer is taking a new financial front that could affect many cancer patients’ lives. Continue reading