Why Most Health Commissioners End up in Bed With Big Pharma

Treatments for medical problems have been used since the beginning of human civilization. While many illnesses were thought to be the work of supernatural forces, various ancient civilizations created unique systems for treating individuals using, among other things, herbal remedies. Despite a lack of scientific knowledge and use of modern technology, many of these early […]

Google to block all anti-cancer, “anti-vax” and anti-GMO websites at the browser level as tech giant goes all-in with pharma drug cartels

America as we all knew it – is D – E – A – D!  It is only a matter of time. Twitter, Facebook, Google and now Chrome… There is no Freedom of anything left. The American people have slept – and now ANTIFA and the Socialist bas-TURDS in DC (funded by the illustrious Soros) […]

Judge Cancels Roundup Trials, Brings in ‘Neutral Third Party’ for Resolution

BayerAG could settle the cases without the public knowing the full amount Thousands of cancer patients are suing Monsanto alleging their exposure to the company’s Roundup herbicide caused their illnesses. This is all taking spotlight in court, where recently U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria officially ordered Bayer AG and lawyers (who represent the mass of […]

Links to Cancer Shown in US Federal Draft Report on Glyphosate

Report that alleged Monsanto collaborator at the EPA tried to “kill” is finally published A draft US federal report has confirmed links between glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup weedkiller, and some forms of cancer. The report could have a damaging impact on Bayer/Monsanto’s attempt to defend the large number of legal cases involving its […]

Roundup’s Risks Could Go Well Beyond Cancer

Evidence of the cheap herbicide’s danger to biological functions and the environment continues to mount. Why are U.S. regulators not listening? Chemicals giant Bayer AG is reeling after a jury awarded $2 billion in damages to people who say they contracted cancer after years of using Roundup, a popular weed killer manufactured by Bayer subsidiary […]

UPDATE: The Judge IS Dirty?

Judge Reduces Jury Award against Bayer’s Roundup to $78.5 Million A California judge reduced by more than $200 million a jury verdict linking Bayer’s Roundup weed killer to cancer but upheld the jury’s findings that the company acted with malice. San Francisco Superior Court Judge Suzanne Ramos Bolanos said the $250 million in punitive damages […]

FDA Releases Glyphosate Herbicide Residue Report

On October 1, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the final results of a “special assignment” that tested for levels of glyphosate, the weed-killing chemical found in the blockbuster herbicide Roundup. They also posted results for a competing herbicide, called glufosinate, in corn, soy, eggs, and milk during the fiscal year 2016. [1]

Agent Orange During the Vietnam War and Its Effects Today

August 10, 1961 marked the start of the aerial spraying of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. Defoliant tests began on that fateful day in the Kontom Province of Vietnam. Agent Orange was one of the color-coded herbicides and chemical defoliants used by U.S. forces to kill vegetation, crops, and trees in order to deplete […]

Roundup’s Toxic Chemical Glyphosate, Found In 100% Of California Wines Tested

Glyphosate usage has gotten so out of control that it’s seemingly taken on a life of its own and is now showing up even in foods that haven’t been directly sprayed, namely the grapes used to make organic wine. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, is the most used agricultural chemical in history. […]

Showdown looms for billion-dollar UN cancer controversy over weed killer

An important legal showdown is looming for an obscure, United Nations-related research agency that is claiming that the active ingredient in the world’s most popular herbicide, marketed in the U.S. by Monsanto as Roundup, is “probably carcinogenic to humans.” It is the same agency that once claimed that coffee was a possible carcinogen.

WHO Lied about Dangers of Roundup

This is a huge scandal and one the public needs to be alerted to The World Health Organization’s cancer agency dismissed and edited findings from a draft of its review of the weedkiller glyphosate that were at odds with its final conclusion that the chemical probably causes cancer.