Victory Over Acne…

13 Powerful Home Remedies for Acne Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the world, affecting an estimated 85 percent of people at some point in their lives. Conventional acne treatments can be expensive and often have undesirable side effects like dryness, redness and irritation. This has prompted many people to look […]

The Connection Between Metabolic Health and Colon Cancer

… and how to increase your metabolic health There’s now yet another reason to pay attention to your metabolic health. According to a study published by the American Association for Cancer Research, post-menopausal women of a normal weight, but who are metabolically unhealthy, are at a “significantly higher risk for colorectal cancer” than those who […]

Preparing for Radiation

Do homeopathic remedies protect against X-rays, CT scans and other radiological procedures? A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine drew the medical establishment’s attention once again to the harmful effects of diagnostic radiation – particularly of CT (computed tomography) scans. This latest study was nothing new but media outlets ran with […]

The World’s Healthiest Diets

The traditional Japanese and Mediterranean diets are often considered to be the healthiest in the world, with proven links to increased life expectancy. A number of studies in recent years have confirmed that both diets are directly linked to a reduced risk of numerous diseases. So what’s the secret? Both diets couldn’t be more different […]

How to Use Coffee Enemas to Detoxify & Heal from Cancer

The phrase “death begins in the colon” has seemingly become more popular and provides the simplifying truth of the importance of colon and digestive health. All throughout history enemas have been used in different cultures as a reliable strategy to cleanse the colon of harmful pathogens and debris. The use of coffee enemas begins with […]

More governments around the world are moving to accept natural medicine

Could this be the beginning of a healthy future? In Switzerland, health insurance plans are on the cusp of covering homeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture, holistic care and traditional Chinese medicine. In 2009, two-thirds of the Swiss spoke out in favor of incorporating these important and long suppressed healthcare strategies into their healthcare system. By May […]

Energy Drinks: The Monster in the Can (PH, Acidity, Cola, and Cancer)

Pitchfork Cola What is the lie that many of us have accepted affecting our health? Is it a harmless childhood drink perhaps? It’s non-alcoholic. It’s refreshing! As the new craze of energy drinks hit the market in recent years, what do you find you’re telling yourself? “It’s fun, it’s cool, I need the energy!” To […]

The 10 Most Functional Foods in the World That Destroy Cancer Cells

By now, it shouldn’t be a secret that there are specific proteins, enzymes and other coding within our bodies that can be activated to stop cancer cells dead in their tracks. Every day, more and more people (including doctors and scientists) are learning about the powers of specific foods and the role they play in […]

Quercetin squashes cancer cells early

Cancer can be stopped in its tracks, without the use of toxic, deadly chemicals. Yet, most conventionally-educated physicians still remain ‘shocked’ to discover the growing numbers of cancer care specialists turning their attention to natural cancer prevention strategies. One of the most powerful cancer killers is a flavonoid known as quercetin.

Type 2 diabetes diet: What to eat, what to avoid and how to get healthier with every meal

There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 usually appears in childhood, and its symptoms can be quite abrupt and severe. Type 2 diabetes is more common, and its symtoms present more gradually. It can develop at any age and is considered preventable. Early symptoms of the disease can include fatigue, unexplained weight loss, blurred […]

5 Warm Drinks that Fight Cancer

There is nothing more relaxing than a warm drink on a chilly day. Something about sitting back and enjoying the smooth taste and comfort of a toasty beverage with a friend or a great book just makes us feel good. The bonus of some of these “feel good” drinks is that they are also beneficial […]