Four Important Diet Procedures that Would Save Thirty Five Percent of Medical Costs in the U.S.

There are four diet destructors, if curtailed in the United States, would not only save 35 percent of medical costs, but would also reduce major diseases by up to 35 percent. One of the most valuable medical discoveries was found by Dr. Linus Pauling, when he discovered the double helix bond carbon molecule in 1948. […]

For bee alarmists, Groundhog Day comes in June

Will activists finally admit their sins and break out of their pesticide-blaming time loop? Did you think Goundhog Day only comes in February? For anti-insecticide zealots and others in the environmentalist movement who’ve been preoccupied for years with bees and “colony collapse disorder,” it actually comes every June. That’s when the Bee Informed Partnership – […]

Top 8 natural remedies that would end most preventable diseases in America

Have you noticed that it’s almost impossible to discuss the power of natural remedies with someone who has been brainwashed by allopathic medicine? Even if you talk your friend, neighbor, relative or co-worker into mustering up the courage to ask their MD about a particular holistic option, their pill-pushing doctor will quickly discredit the remedy […]

Genetically Modified Organisms: Sobering Consequences

Part 2: Unintended GMO Health Risks “If manufacturers are so sure there is nothing wrong with genetically modified foods, pesticides and cloned meats, they should have no problems labeling them as such. “After all, cancer will kill one in every two men and one in every three women now alive,” reports Samuel Epstein, chairman of […]