So many of my friends coming down with cancer

In the past 10 months, nine of my friends contracted cancer in many of its various forms: kidney, stomach, breast, prostate, colorectal, Hodgkin’s, liver, ovarian and skin cancers. All of them struggle for their lives as you read this column. Last year, my long time friend Mike discovered his kidney cancer in November and died […]

Twelve fish to keep off your dish

Seafood is generally deemed to be healthy; however, a number of popular ones you should avoid at all costs. Prevention magazine reported that the nonprofit Food & Water Watch compiled a list of the 12 least-healthy seafood products; they also note healthier alternatives. It is likely that a number of your favorites are on the […]

Did this 15-year-old just change the course of medicine?

Schoolboy invents early test for pancreatic cancer that killed Steve Jobs Jack Andraka’s new test detects pancreatic cancer earlier than any other Deadly disease currently kills 19 out of 20 within five years He claims his invention could raise survival rates to ‘close to 100 per cent’ A 15-year-old schoolboy could save millions of lives […]

The Sad Truth About Bad Bulbs

STUDY: CFLs are bad for you. Daily Caller reports: Scientists concluded that CFL light bulbs can be harmful to healthy skin cells. “Our study revealed that the response of healthy skin cells to UV emitted from CFL bulbs is consistent with damage from ultraviolet radiation,” said lead researcher Miriam Rafailovich, Professor of Materials Science and […]

Evidence Grows That Cancer Has Its Own Stem Cells

Three new studies in mice may explain why some tumors resist aggressive treatment While scientists hotly debate the existence of cancer stem cells, three related new studies, all conducted on mice, provide some supporting evidence. Stem cells are the foundation for healthy cell growth in the body. Some researchers believe that malignant stem cells also […]

Sherry: Life Lessons

I learned so many important life lessons from my Philip. The best lesson was learning to be me. Philip loved me. He loved every thing about me and he taught me that I needed to love me as well. He encouraged me to speak my mind and to be me! My friends and even acquaintances […]

Cancer, Aids, and Vaccinations

Is there a link between cancer and the polio vaccine? There is a good chance that there is, according to a Baylor University study released on February 18, 1999 and published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. At the time, the announcement sent shockwaves throughout the medical establishment and caused a great deal […]

Radiation Worries for Children in Dentists’ Chairs

Because children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to radiation, doctors three years ago mounted a national campaign to protect them by reducing diagnostic radiation to only those levels seen as absolutely necessary. It is a message that has resonated in many clinics and hospitals. Yet there is one busy place where it has not: the […]


The following was given as a part of lecture by Jeffrey Bennett, on behalf of Dr. Kelley, over a nearly ten year period, beginning in 1998. We share it with you now as a simple offering as to a (satirical) basis of cancer. Mr. Bennett met Dr. Kelley in February of 1998, as a guest […]

Pelfrey: Out With the Bath Water!

A True story: As charge nurse on a locked adolescent psychiatric unit, my responsibilities included insuring unit safety as well as screening incoming calls. So I kept a vigilant eye on the hallway as I answered the incessantly ringing phone. A woman’s frantic voice shrieked into my ear, “What do I do? He’s choking the […]