O’Meara: Regulating Vitamins

Although the following was originally published in 2003, the continued threats and attacks against vitamin suplements, bit natural and otherwise, have never waned. Many of the same players in Congress are still attempting to “control” your health. (Ed.) Everything is tremendously regulated to the detriment of society, and he pharmaceutical industrialists have their hand in […]

West: Losing a breast, gaining insight

Cancer ordeal gives patient new perspective All I can recommend is what was told to me: Take a deep breath. Do your homework. Get two opinions. Make your own decision, then don’t look back. Doctors, loved ones, friends will all be with you during this adventure, but you have to be your own hero. On […]

Alternative Cancer Therapies Go Mainstream

Despite decades of searching, scientists are still struggling to find a cure for cancer. And though some conventional treatments can slow the spread of the disease, many are highly toxic and have harsh side effects. So it’s no surprise that six of 10 people with the disease try some form of alternative (also called complementary) […]

Rejuvenation through Ionized Water

Ionized Water is a Powerful Antioxidant! Imagine having the ability to take normal tap water and turn it into an antioxidant with a NEGATIVE ORP (or charge), which retards the aging process. Put simply, a high or rising ORP causes oxidation and therefore aging. The negative ORP of Ionized Water literally retards the aging process […]