One Man Alone…

An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and William Donald Kelley Excerpt from Introduction 2010 It is hard sometimes to believe that 28 years have now passed since I first began my investigations of the controversial alternative cancer therapist and dentist William Donald Kelley. In July of 1981, after my second year of medical school at Cornell, […]

5 Warm Drinks that Fight Cancer

There is nothing more relaxing than a warm drink on a chilly day. Something about sitting back and enjoying the smooth taste and comfort of a toasty beverage with a friend or a great book just makes us feel good. The bonus of some of these “feel good” drinks is that they are also beneficial […]

ADHD does not exist

Pop quiz: Is the proportion of American children suffering from the disease known as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder . . . a) Less than 5%, as we believed before the early 1990s? b) More than 11%, and rising, as suggested by CDC statistics? c) Zero? The correct answer is (c), says neurologist Richard Saul […]

7 Surprising Reasons You Wake Up Tired

When you can’t sleep, you know it. But what about when you can, yet you wake up feeling tired and achy or you’re groggy again a few hours later? What’s that about? All too often, it turns out, the problem is one that doesn’t keep you awake but does sabotage your sleep in more subtle […]

Having seen the evidence, I don’t touch fizzy drinks any more. Frankly they’re evil, says leading biologist

Sugary drinks lead to alterations in muscles similar to those in people with obesity problems and type 2 diabetes Biological scientist Dr Hans-Peter Kubis, who’s just led a study into what soft drinks do to our bodies, has reached some shocking conclusions. When you read what he discovered, you may well choose never to touch […]

Sherry: Life Lessons

I learned so many important life lessons from my Philip. The best lesson was learning to be me. Philip loved me. He loved every thing about me and he taught me that I needed to love me as well. He encouraged me to speak my mind and to be me! My friends and even acquaintances […]

What Do I Know? I’m Just a Doctor

A dissent on behalf of those who take care of you, your wife, husband, mom, dad, son, and daughter. ObamaCare is not a tax. … ObamaCare is a tax. That reminds of the old joke: ”But how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?” ObamaCare is bad medicine, plain and simple. But what do I know? I’m […]

Eat healthy – for Life!

With the inception of the original incarnation of this web-site, it had always been our desire to provide a ‘cookbook’ of sorts, Dr. Kelley’s Cookbook to be exact. With the exception of two posts, it never came to pass. What follows, was one of the aforementioned posts, and fittingly, excerpted from Dr. Kelley’s own personal […]