CDC Knowingly Labeled Accurate News Stories About the Dangers of COVID-19 Vaccines “Misinformation

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) routinely labeled accurate news articles as “misinformation” because they went against the government’s pro-vaccine narrative, review of internal messages that were circulated widely within the CDC shows.

One of them referred to a peer-reviewed study that concluded that myocarditis, a type of heart inflammation, was more common among patients following COVID-19 vaccination than an infection with the virus itself. Continue reading

Scalp Folliculitis: Treatment for Inflamed Bumps

Scalp folliculitis is a skin condition that affects the hair follicles on the scalp. It causes inflammation within the follicle creating a bump that can be found anywhere on the scalp or hairline. Treatment will vary based on the underlying cause.

This article will discuss the causes and symptoms of scalp folliculitis. It will also cover treatments for each specific cause. Continue reading

Seese: The People VS. Vaccines

                          Dr. Lorraine Day

May 5, 2002 ~ Government-mandated vaccinations are coming front and center again as parents around the nation notice that after supposed “immunization” their kids develop other illnesses, if not the very ones they were vaccinated to prevent. At this point, I owe a big “thank you, granny” to my grandmother, my mom’s mother, for her orders to my mom never to have me vaccinated as a child. What granny knew in the early 1940’s, a few honest medical doctors are speaking out about now – the dangers of vaccination and worse, their ineffectiveness in so many cases.

This afternoon I heard Dr. Lorraine Day speaking on radio KFYI in Phoenix about some of the horrors of vaccination and many of the aftereffects. Dr. Day is not the first speaker I have heard on this subject, but it is just time to remind the people outside our listening area that a well-credentialed medical doctor has come forward to make her views and knowledge about vaccinations available to the public, which most doctors will not do. Continue reading

Sachs: Make Medicine GREAT Again

After decades of working as a medical doctor I have come to understand how, in general, there is a powerful myth of how intelligent and wise we are. In the great play Fiddler on the Roof there is a line about why Tevye the lead character longs to be rich. He says, “when you’re rich, they think you really know.” It’s the same with doctors, when you’re handed that M.D. degree, the doctor himself, the public, our patients, typically think he really knows. But honestly, and sadly, most don’t know much, and many lack what is even more important, wisdom. This is especially true for our young doctors, indoctrinated into cultrual Marxism for years, rather than experiencing a truly liberal American, western, and Judeo-Christian education.

I opened the latest edition of RadioGraphics today. It’s one of the premier journals for doctors like myself who specialize in diagnostic radiology. . . Continue reading

How Unexpected Weight Loss Can Sometimes Be an Indicator of Cancer

In a new study, researchers report that health professionals who lost weight without starting a diet or exercise plan within the previous two years had a significantly higher risk of developing cancer within the following year.


Health professionals who had unexpected weight loss in the previous two years had a significantly higher risk of developing cancer during the subsequent 12 months compared to those who did not have recent weight loss, according to a new study published in the journal JAMA Network.

Unintentional weight loss is losing weight without changing your diet or beginning an exercise program. The study looked at a 10% or greater weight loss in the healthcare professionals. Continue reading

Useless‘ Organ That Doctors Often Remove Could Actually FIGHT Cancer

There’s a small fatty gland that sits behind your sternum and is often said to be ‘useless’ in adulthood.

A recent retrospective study, however, suggests the thymus gland is not nearly as expendable as experts once thought.

US researchers found that those who get their thymus removed face an increased risk of death from any cause later in life. Continue reading

These 4 Cancers Are Rising for Adults of All Ages

According to a new report, the number of U.S. cancer diagnoses is projected to break records in 2024.

Here are some risk factors to have on-radar, according to experts.

The good news: Deaths from cancer have steadily lowered over the past 30 years, speaking to the power of medical advancements and consumer awareness about the importance of check-ups and screenings. On the other hand, the diagnosis of cancer is increasing, especially among younger American adults. According to an American Cancer Society (ACS) report published January 17, 2024, this could be the first year we see more than 2 million cases of cancer diagnosed in the United States. Continue reading

Dr. William D. Kelly’s Nutritional-Metabolic Therapy

Over a twenty-five year period, Dr. William Donald Kelley, a dentist by training, developed a complex approach to treating many chronic and degenerative diseases, including cancer. The three main elements of his metabolic program are nutrition, detoxification, and supplements of pancreatic enzymes. Although the controversial Kansas-born practitioner was condemned as a charlatan by the orthodox medical establishment, thousands; of severely ill patients sought his advice and followed his program, many with reported good results. Today, a number of practitioners claim to be using the Kelley regimen, though whether they actually are is open to question. Continue reading

Cancer Cases Expected To Hit Record High In 2024, Experts Explain Potential Causes

Six of the most common cancers are on the rise, and – most disturbingly – are occurring in younger populations.

In a report published on Jan. 17, the American Cancer Society (ACS) estimated that new cancer cases will surpass 2 million in 2024, hitting a record high.

While the risk of dying from cancer has declined, cancer incidence has been rising for six of the most common cancers: breast, prostate, endometrial, pancreatic, kidney, and melanoma.

The new estimates represent a 2 percent increase from the ACS’s 2023 estimates. Continue reading

One in FIVE Hospital Deaths in US Are Result Of Doctor Errors

Nearly one in five US hospital deaths are caused by misdiagnoses!

Nearly 18 percent of patients who are misdiagnosed die or suffer serious harm as a result

A study published last month in the journal JAMA examined 2019 medical records from nearly 2,500 patients in 29 different American hospitals.

All of the patients were transported to the intensive care unit (ICU), died while hospitalized, or both. Continue reading

WARNING to Women as Scientists Identify Nearly 1,000 Chemicals That May Cause BREAST CANCER In Everyday Items…

… Including Shampoos, Makeup and Fruit and Veggies

Women are exposed to nearly a thousand chemicals linked to breast cancer on an almost daily basis, a study has found.

The above graphic shows daily items that the scientists said contained chemicals which have been linked to breast cancer

Researchers analyzed official databases containing tens of thousands of common chemicals used in food, consumer products and other industries to reveal those linked to America’s most common cancer. Continue reading

Kelley: Body Detoxification

cancer_02In reality, a person very rarely dies of cancer. It is always starvation and toxicity. As the malignant tumor grows it gives off waste products, which must be eliminated through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs and skin. These waste products accumulate and gradually overburden the body. Most persons then die of toxemia.

Before any disease can be cured, the waste products and impurities must be cleansed from the body. The sooner this is done, the sooner the body can begin repairing itself. Continue reading

Nearly 17,000 People May Have Died From Hydroxychloroquine

Nearly 17,000 people across six countries may have died because they took hydroxychloroquine (HQC) during the first wave of COVID-19 in 2020, according to a new analysis published by French researchers.

Hydroxychloroquine is an anti-malaria drug that was prescribed off-label to treat COVID-19 in the early stage of the pandemic, as researchers and physicians scrambled to find a way to combat the disease. It was also proposed as a preventative measure. Continue reading

YouTube Amps Up “Medical Misinformation” Policy: Now You Can’t Talk About Alternative Cancer Treatments or PREVENTION of Any Disease

The Google-owned YouTube video platform is changing the rules again to now prohibit the sharing of information about alternative cancer remedies, which the tech giant says constitute “medical misinformation.”

In a “long term vision” notice on its official blog, YouTube’s Dr. Garth Graham, the Director and Global Head of Healthcare and Public Health Partnership, along with Matt Halprin, the Vice President and Global Head of Trust and Safety, explain how “removing cancer misinformation” is now a top priority alongside removing all contrary information about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Continue reading

A Group of Minnesotans Are Suing Local Hospitals After Losing Loved Ones to COVID-19

“We have lost so much. Just like everybody else,” said one member doing a group zoom meeting.

Every Tuesday night, dozens of people from across the state come together in a Zoom meeting. “The doctor said you are going to die. There is nothing we can do for you,” said another member.

They gather to tell their stories, and the stories of loved ones, lost, to Covid-19.

“He had to watch his dad die while he was in the hospital,” said a member. “We saw the fear that so many people were living under.” Continue reading