10 Early Warning Signs of Lung Cancer

Many people see a lung cancer diagnosis as a death sentence. That’s understandable, since lung cancer kills more than 1.3 million people a year. But when caught early enough, lung cancer can be treatable and, often, curable. According to the National Cancer Institute, the five-year survival rate for lung cancer that hasn’t metastasized, or spread, […]

5 Reasons Conventional Doctors Ignore Alternative Medicine

By now, you probably have come to realize that something is not quite right with the current health care system that dominates today. It has become a dictating, disease managing, and complicated mess that has generally left more people sick than healthy. Sure, it’s great for emergency and acute care, but when it comes to […]

Copper-Zinc Imbalance: Unrecognized Consequence of Plant-Based Diets and a Contributor to Chronic Fatigue

A commonly reported consequence of vegetarian or vegan diets, or even diets that rely too heavily on plant foods, is chronic fatigue. Many sufferers subsequently embrace the principles enumerated by Weston Price, adopting a diet containing more nutrient-dense animal foods and fat; however, the fatigue often persists, even after considerable time on the new diet. […]

The Health Benefits of Cinnamon

We mostly see them as flavorants, as the little jars of powder that line our cabinets and the bags of dried roots, barks, and leaves tucked away in drawers, designed to subtly or drastically alter the flavor profile of our “smart fuel” creations in the kitchen, but for most of human history, spices were also […]

The Herbal Alphabet

I found this in my HEALTH file and thought it might be a good item to share with folks who are trying to get the AMA and Big PHARMA out of their lives. I’ve posted a great deal about changing your pH to the alkaline level – that is KEY in my life. I also […]

Kelley Treatment: The Cancer Treatment So Successful – Traditional Doctors SHUT It Down

Gonzalez on Kelley New York City physician and cancer specialist Dr. Nick Gonzalez focuses on alternative cancer treatment using a three-pronged nutritional approach. He’s had remarkable success treating patients diagnosed with some of the most lethal forms of cancer that conventional medicine cannot effectively address. Alternative cancer treatments are a kind of “forbidden area” in […]

7 reasons why natural cancer remedies sometimes fail

Mainstream medicine has ways of disguising the fact that their treatments often lead to the demise of cancer patients. It’s easy to claim that the patient simply died of cancer, not chemotherapy poisoning or radiation damage. Their rate of reversing cancer is dismal, even as they play linguistic and statistical games with their results to […]

6 Things That Are Keeping You Fat

You’re filling up on healthy foods, exercising daily and still, the scale isn’t budging. It’s mind-numbingly frustrating. Luckily, it’s also fixable. Here are six common things that could be standing between you and your weight-loss goals – plus easy ways to bust through each. 1. You Aren’t Tracking What You Eat “Most of the time, […]

Is Decaffeinated Really A Healthy Choice?

Editor’s Note: We are no longer certain that the Swiss Water Method is safe, so please disregard our recommendation until we have an opportunity to do further research. For now, our recommendation is to avoid all decaffeinated tea and coffee. Decaffeinated drinks have been touted as a healthy alternative for several decades at the behest […]

Artificial Sweeteners May Disrupt Body’s Blood Sugar Controls

Artificial sweeteners may disrupt the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar, causing metabolic changes that can be a precursor to diabetes, researchers are reporting. That is “the very same condition that we often aim to prevent” by consuming sweeteners instead of sugar, said Dr. Eran Elinav, an immunologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in […]

The ‘Miracle’ Berry That Could Replace Sugar

Miracle fruit contains a protein called miraculin that tastes sweet enough to replicate the effect of sugar. Why isn’t it widely used as a healthy sweetener? Of all our senses, taste is the one that people associate most strongly with expectations of pleasure. But indulgence comes at a cost. Almost 45 percent of the American […]

Why Asparagus Makes Your Pee Smell and Onions Make You Cry

Chemistry teacher’s DIY infographics reveal truth behind strange effects of certain foods. Natural food may be healthier than processed, but some can have strange effects on our bodies. A British graduate chemist and secondary school teacher has created a number of infographics to explain the unexpected chemistry behind some foods – revealing why coffee tastes […]