Yes, I confess: I’m a veteran anti-fluoridationist, thereby – not for the first time – risking placing myself in the camp of “right-wing kooks and fanatics.” It has always been a bit of mystery to me why left-environmentalists, who shriek in horror at a bit of Alar on apples, who cry “cancer” even more absurdly than the boy cried “Wolf,” who hate every chemical additive known to man, still cast their benign approval upon fluoride, a highly toxic and probably carcinogenic substance. And not only let fluoride emissions off the hook, but endorse uncritically the massive and continuing dumping of fluoride into the nation’s water supply. Continue reading
Category Archives: Water, Water, Everywhere…
US EPA Admits: Fluoridated Drinking Water May Be Harming Millions
In a September 5, 2000 letter from US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) responding to a US House Committee on Science inquiry into the safety of artificial drinking water fluoridation, Charles Fox, USEPA Assistant Administrator, wrote: “There are no water quality criteria for fluoride either for the protection of aquatic life or for the protection of human health.” He said that the EPA has made a requirement for public water systems to provide their consumers with information on health effects and contaminants, including fluoride, in their water supply. Continue reading
Fluoride and the Dumbing Down of America!
The following article continues an exposé on the most devastating medical experiment ever carried out on an unsuspecting population. This segment concentrates on the first uses of flouride by the Nazis and Communists during the last century.
“Mandrake!? Water – that’s what I’m getting at – water. Water is the source of all life. 7/10ths of this Earth’s surface is water. Why, do you realize that 70% of you is water? And as human beings – you and I need fresh – pure water to replenish our precious bodily fluids. Are you beginning to understand?”
“Mandrake, have you ever wondered why I only drink distilled water or rain water – and only pure grain alcohol? Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation? Fluoridation of water? Do you know what it is? Do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous Communist plot we’ve ever had to face?” – Sterling Hayden as Gen. Jack D. Ripper; Dr. Strangelove; Columbia Pictures 1964 Continue reading