Category Archives: Water, Water, Everywhere…

What you drink, may be causing you ill-health. Once again, this section as homage to Dr. Kelley, who was so-against the and intake of fluoridation in the human body, through the public water (“sewer”) systems. It’s dulling our senses and slowing us down (mentally). A. Hitler once experimented with the same chemical…

Influential National Hispanic Civil Rights Organization Votes to Oppose Water Fluoridation

League of United Latin American Citizens Condemns Fluoridation as a Civil Rights Violation

Ellijay, GA – In an action with far-reaching nationall ramifications, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the oldest Hispanic civil rights organization in the United States, has adopted a resolution opposing the practice of water fluoridation.

The resolution was passed at the 2011 LULAC national convention in Cincinnati.

The news adds Hispanic leaders to a growing list of groups and prominent individuals now speaking out against the controversial practice of fluoridation, including former Atlanta mayor and U.N. ambassador Andrew Young, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter and niece Dr. Bernice A. King and Dr. Alveda King, Coalition of African American Pastors President Rev. William Owens, and civil rights leader and minister Dr. Gerald Durley.

The Hispanic community is no longer going to be silent on this issue,” says Henry Rodriguez, LULAC’s Texas civil rights chairman. “This is about forcing us to be medicated through our drinking water without our consent or full disclosure of the risks.Continue reading

Untested Type of Fluoride Used in the Overwhelming Majority of U.S. Water Supplies

Since inception of Dr. Kelley’s site in the year 2000, one of our focuses has been on the poisonous use of Fluoride in our drinking water. Dr. Kelley’s history with (and against) fluoridation of our drinking water in America, is widely noted, and because of it, we continue to warn our readers of said dangers.

As is stated in another recently posted column on this site, “There Are Pharmaceutical Drugs And Cancer Causing Chemicals In Our Drinking Water, ” and, “The Department of Health and Human Services and Environmental Protection Agency are proposing the change because of an increase in fluorosis a condition that causes spotting and streaking on children’s teeth.”

Departments of Health and Human Services and Environmental Protection Agency??? These are government agencies, who may have seen the light. (Ed.) Continue reading

8 Conspiracy Theories About Health That The Mainstream Media Has Been Forced To Admit Are Actually True

Who knows more about health – the mainstream media or those that believe in “conspiracy theories”? Well, the truth is that time after time after time those in the “alternative media” and those who believe in “conspiracy theories” have been proven to be far ahead of those in the mainstream media when it comes to matters of health. Sadly, the mainstream media receives so much funding and so many advertising dollars from the pharmaceutical industry, the medical industry, the big chemical companies and the health insurance industry that they are extremely cautious to report any information that would be harmful to any of them. So for years, the mainstream media generally refused to talk about the dangers posed by things such as fluoride, aspartame, prescription drugs, genetically modified crops and cell phones. But now the alternative media has been making so much noise about many of these health issues for so long that the mainstream media has been forced to acknowledge that some of these “conspiracy theories” about health are actually true. Continue reading

Brownfield: Dangers of Fluoridation

Flouride alters the basic architecture of human bones causing debilitating condition that makes them extremely weak and brittle.

Friday the 13th of June [2003], I was traveling through southwest Missouri on I-44 to attend the Ben Johnson Memorial Steer Roping in Pawhuska, Oklahoma and listening to the Common Sense Coalition on our Monett, Missouri affiliate KRMO. Continue reading

Is Fluoride Adversely Affecting Our Children’s Intelligence and Behavior?

NOTE: Add one more study to the list of studies that prove the use of fluoride is medically unsafe and the dumping of the substance into the municipal water supply should be a criminal act. The reason chemistry and experience cannot prevail over policy in this matter must be obvious: To achieve the level of automotonomy necessary for global socialism the masses must be rendered as stupid as possible. (Ed.)

CANTON, New York – The chemicals currently used to fluoridate much of the water in the U.S. may be causing increased blood lead levels in children, results of a new study show. Continue reading

It’s The Real Thing!

Before you pick up your next six-pack of soda, you might wish to consider the following…

75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. (Likely applies to half world pop.)

In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.

Even MILD dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as much as 3%.

One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a U-Washington study. Continue reading

Rejuvenation through Ionized Water

Ionized Water is a Powerful Antioxidant!
Imagine having the ability to take normal tap water and turn it into an antioxidant with a NEGATIVE ORP (or charge), which retards the aging process. Put simply, a high or rising ORP causes oxidation and therefore aging. The negative ORP of Ionized Water literally retards the aging process by counteracting this rising ORP. Ionized Water essentially renews us at a cellular level. This is as close as we can ever hope to get to a Fountain of Youth, as incredible as that may sound. Continue reading

Rona: Why Purified Water is Bad For You

Purified Water Should NOT Be Your First Choice!: This is one of a series of articles and essays about the importance of Alkaline and Ionized water for health augmentation. This offering by Dr. Rona will come as a surprise to the many who daily imbibe millions of gallons of commercially produced, purified water. The fact, which I have found most interesting is that 40% of these bottled water are no better for your health, than common ordinary tap water. Many of these products contain less than acceptable levels of bacteria.
Dr. William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S. Continue reading


Yes, I confess: I’m a veteran anti-fluoridationist, thereby – not for the first time – risking placing myself in the camp of “right-wing kooks and fanatics.” It has always been a bit of mystery to me why left-environmentalists, who shriek in horror at a bit of Alar on apples, who cry “cancer” even more absurdly than the boy cried “Wolf,” who hate every chemical additive known to man, still cast their benign approval upon fluoride, a highly toxic and probably carcinogenic substance. And not only let fluoride emissions off the hook, but endorse uncritically the massive and continuing dumping of fluoride into the nation’s water supply. Continue reading

US EPA Admits: Fluoridated Drinking Water May Be Harming Millions

In a September 5, 2000 letter from US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) responding to a US House Committee on Science inquiry into the safety of artificial drinking water fluoridation, Charles Fox, USEPA Assistant Administrator, wrote: “There are no water quality criteria for fluoride either for the protection of aquatic life or for the protection of human health.” He said that the EPA has made a requirement for public water systems to provide their consumers with information on health effects and contaminants, including fluoride, in their water supply. Continue reading

Fluoride and the Dumbing Down of America!

The following article continues an exposé on the most devastating medical experiment ever carried out on an unsuspecting population. This segment concentrates on the first uses of flouride by the Nazis and Communists during the last century.

“Mandrake!? Water – that’s what I’m getting at – water. Water is the source of all life. 7/10ths of this Earth’s surface is water. Why, do you realize that 70% of you is water? And as human beings – you and I need fresh – pure water to replenish our precious bodily fluids. Are you beginning to understand?”

“Mandrake, have you ever wondered why I only drink distilled water or rain water – and only pure grain alcohol? Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation? Fluoridation of water? Do you know what it is? Do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous Communist plot we’ve ever had to face?”Sterling Hayden as Gen. Jack D. Ripper; Dr. Strangelove; Columbia Pictures 1964 Continue reading