Category Archives: Water, Water, Everywhere…

What you drink, may be causing you ill-health. Once again, this section as homage to Dr. Kelley, who was so-against the and intake of fluoridation in the human body, through the public water (“sewer”) systems. It’s dulling our senses and slowing us down (mentally). A. Hitler once experimented with the same chemical…

Latest Study on Water Fluoridation Again Links It to Lowered Children’s IQ’s

What would you think if I told you that there is poison in the tap water? If you’re like some, you might think that there is no way the government could allow that to happen. However, if you live in the United States it’s likely that you the water from your tap contains a type of neurotoxin called sodium fluoride. For decades, fluoride has been added to public water supplies for what some claim protects the health of our teeth, but is that really what it is doing? Continue reading

A History of Health and Health Inequalities

Dalecarlia Water Treatment Plant (D.C.)

The increasing delay of death for Americans over the last century or so has been extensive and consequential, probably in many profound ways that we do not fully appreciate. In the late 19th century, a newborn white boy would be expected to live, on average, to about 40; now, such a newborn can be expected to live into his late 70s. A ten-year-old then could expect to reach his late 50s and a ten-year-old can now expect to reach his mid-70s. Girls live longer and nonwhites shorter lives, but the trends have been dramatically upward for them, as well. Moreover, Americans’ health, while they lived, also improved markedly. Continue reading

Science confirms fluoride exposure damages brains and lowers IQs in newborns

Getting cavities is no fun, but just how far are you willing to go to prevent them? Most people who have had a cavity filled consider regular brushing and flossing to be a small price to pay to avoid repeating the unpleasant experience in the dentist’s chair. However, few would say that they’d be willing to sacrifice their children’s intelligence to lower their risk of cavities. Continue reading

Toxic Town, West Virginia 25879

Community where cancer rates are FOUR TIMES the national average and residents point to chemical dumps as the cause as they attend ‘one funeral after another’

Susie Worley-Jenkins, 62, was first diagnosed with cervical cancer 40 years ago – but has since been diagnosed with breast cancer and skin cancer

When Susie Worley-Jenkins survived cervical cancer after being diagnosed at 22 years old, she hoped that she was done with the disease. It was 1979, and she had no idea what was coming.

Thirty-five years later, she was diagnosed with cancer in her left breast. Then her right breast. Then she got cancerous moles on her hand and nose. Continue reading

Erin Brockovich: Here’s why water across the US is turning brown, yellow, and other colors

Erin Brockovich, the famous environmental activist and fighter for clean water, explains why people are seeing their drinking water turn different colors. It’s not just Flint, Michigan, that’s suffering: there are more than 200 sites with lead levels higher than Flint

Following is a transcript of the video.

I’ll get pictures from all over the US, and they’re, like, why is my water coming out brown or yellow or orange?
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Unprecedented Lawsuit Could End Water Fluoridation in US Based on Neurotoxicity Studies

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN), along with a coalition of environmental and public health groups has filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in response to their denial of our petition under Section 21 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) seeking a ban on water fluoridation.

We believe this lawsuit is an unprecedented opportunity to end the practice once and for all in the U.S., and potentially throughout the world, based on the well-documented neurotoxicity of fluoride. You may read the Official complaint here. According to FAN’s attorney and adviser, Michael Connett:

“This case will present the first time a court will consider the neurotoxicity of fluoride and the question of whether fluoridation presents an unreasonable risk under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Continue reading

Nearly 30 MILLION Americans drinking dangerous contaminated tap water linked to cancer, birth defects and lead poisoning

Publisher’s NOTE: Over the past eight-plus months, we have continued to read many stories about the problems with water all over this nation. Some of what is posted below, includes a degree of repetition, however it is worth expanding on this horrible situation – as it DOES affect the health of each and everyone of us. There is an old saying that, “you are what you eat.” Now it becomes important to NOT become what you drink. ~ J.B.

Every state in the nation has breached the Safe Drinking Water Act combining in 80,000 safety violations affecting 77 million people’s drinking water.

A report by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) found that 15 percent of those offenses were health-based contamination, including lead, copper, arsenic or cancer-causing poisons.

These pollutants can lead to liver and kidney damage, cancer and birth defects. Lead exposure is especially detrimental to children with possible learning disabilities and damage to the central nervous system. Continue reading

The Fluoride Flaw

Hello all, its been a while since my last post. I guess I just needed some time to recharge my intellectual batteries enough to get passionate about an issue. What has instigated this passion is my research on the topic of water fluoridation and the sinister & coercive issues surrounding it. Having spent a lot of time investigating the causes of cancer, I have to spend some time discussing Fluoride.

Water Fluoridation follows the same path as many other truthbreakdowns in our society such as Vaccinations, Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy, and most Big Pharma drugs. Here are some commonalities: Continue reading

Toxic Water Panic

More than 28,000 people in New York and more than 70,000 people in Philadelphia ‘exposed to cancerous toxins in drinking water’

A man gets a blood test in Newburgh, New York, after it emerged the city's drinking water has dangerously high levels of a cancerous toxin, potentially affecting 28,000 people

A man gets a blood test in Newburgh, New York, after it emerged the city’s drinking water has dangerously high levels of a cancerous toxin, potentially affecting 28,000 people

Blood tests have been ordered for the entire population of a New York town amid fears toxins have infected the drinking water supply.

More than 28,000 people in Newburgh are feared exposed to the chemical perfluorooctane sulfonate (or, PFOS), which has been linked to cancer.

It comes just days after lawsuits were filed in two Pennsylvania counties where 70,000 people were exposed to the same substance.

The incidences ominous echo the lead-infection scandal in Flint, Michigan’s water supply, which is still ongoing after two years. Continue reading

The Plastic Plague

Hormone-disrupting chemicals in everyday things like water bottles DO cause cancer, diabetes, ADHD and autism – and cost US $340 BILLION a year


Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) interfere with the body’s hormonal system, affecting development and leaving the body open to a staggering range of diseases.

But they are found in thousands of everyday products, ranging from plastic and metal food containers, to detergents, flame retardants, toys and cosmetics. Continue reading

Could other people’s pills be ending up in your tap water?

Experts fear massive doses of prescription drugs return unaltered through our sewage

glasses_of_waterEvery time you enjoy a cool, clear glass of tap water, you could be drinking a cocktail of other people’s second-hand medications.

That is thanks to the fact that today’s pharmaceuticals have been designed to be stable and long-lasting.

While that makes their doses reliably consistent, it also means that a substantial amount of the prescribed drugs that people take goes through their bodies and out into waste water. Ultimately a proportion of these drugs pours unaltered through the sewage filtering system and re-enters our domestic supply. Continue reading

Student is suspended for posting ‘concerning’ picture of discolored water coming out of a restroom sink on social media

funky_sink_waterHazel Juco said the water concerned her and she ‘just took a picture of it’ and then talked about it with other students in her newspaper class, WXYZ reported.

Juco, who is a senior at John Glenn High School, posted the photo on Facebook and Twitter.

She told the station that she hoped ‘someone will see it and want to help us’ because she said, it’s obvious that her school ‘doesn’t have money’.

Juco was then given Out of School Suspension (OSS) as she said school officials told her that she inappropriately used ‘electronics in the restroom’. Continue reading

Brockovich: Water, Water – Everywhere, but…

Erin Brockovich

Erin Brockovich

Dangerous levels of the carcinogenic chemical chromium-6 can be found in the tap water drunk by 218 million Americans, a new report has revealed.

The toxic chemical was brought into the spotlight by Erin Brockovich when she fought a power company accused of leaking the chemical into tap water supplies in California.

On Monday, figures released by the Environmental Working Group showed 50 states are exposed to unsafe levels of chromium-6 or hexavalent chromium. Continue reading