Category Archives: WARNING: Radiation

Radiation, X-Rays, mammograms and more – I mean – just what do you think that your cell-phones and Wi-Fi are doing TO you? AND, OH GEE – Now it’s all gone to 5g. STOP sleeping with that cell-phone by your bedside each night… and while you are at it – the Micro-wave in your kitchen isn’t helping either – and those ‘Smart’ meters? All of these things are just turning up the temperature and cooking us like the proverbial frog. ZZZAAAAPPPPP!

Surviving Cancer 16 years later: Everything new is well forgotten old

Empower yourself, learn to heal today! ~ T. Copenhaver

My husband is a sixteen-year cancer survivor. When he was diagnosed in 2001 there were no books, no seminars and very few options for Acinic cell cancer. The treatment proposed was very disfiguring with probable facial nerve damage; and the only two people the local surgeon had operated on were dead. Choosing a well known teaching hospital instead, we prepared for surgery number 2—to correct the misplaced surgical drain shooting saliva out of the back of his ear; and to remove the other half of the tumor we were told was left behind from surgery number 1. Continue reading

Father-of-two beats Cancer

…went into remission after going vegan and foregoing further treatment

Rob Mooberry, now 43, was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer in 2012 in Las Vegas, where he is a bartender. He switched to a vegan diet after chemo, and the cancer shrunk

A father-of-two who was given weeks to live has revealed he beat stage 4 colorectal cancer after switching to a vegan diet.

Rob Mooberry, now 43, told Daily Mail Online he was hospitalized with a perforated colon in July 2012, and scans revealed he had cancer which had spread to his bowels, lymph nodes and liver.

Doctors said the Las Vegas bartender would need a colostomy bag put in, followed by an ileostomy, then two bouts of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Continue reading

Nearly 40% of cancer deaths could be prevented by eight simple lifestyle changes

… and would stop 3.1 million from dying each year

Quitting smoking, eating healthier and boozing less would help stop the disease, which claims 8.2 million lives worldwide each year.

Scientists suggest those three habits can be blamed for 30.4 per cent of all cancer deaths, around 2.5 million – with tobacco proving the biggest burden. Continue reading

Wi-fi and cellphones increase pregnant women’s risk of a miscarriage by nearly 50%

Wi-fi and cellphones increase pregnant women’s risk of suffering a miscarriage by nearly 50 percent, new research reveals. Magnetic field (MF) non-ionizing radiation, which is also given off by power lines and cell towers, has been found in past studies to put a stress on the body, leading to genetic damage that can cause pregnant women to miscarry. Continue reading

The 8 WORST pieces of advice medical doctors give their patients

Just one century ago in America, all of the most popular chronic diseases and disorders that we know so well today barely existed, including cancer, diabetes type 2, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s and heart disease. Still, nearly every medical doctor in the United States blames hereditary genes for these preventable health problems, as if somehow a few generations of humans changed hundreds of thousands of years of evolution basically “overnight.”

Doctors don’t receive training or coursework in nutrition during their 8 to 16 years of college and field work, so of course they’re not going to have any real consumption recommendations for preventing or reversing what IS preventable and reversible. Continue reading

First, Do No Harm

Primum non nocere

Let me preface what I am about to say by stating that I have the utmost esteem for mainstream medicine’s skill in emergency situations — the do or die surgeries, the dispensing of powerful life-saving drugs necessary in that setting are second to none; and its mastery of cosmetic surgery in cases of deformities and the advances made in prosthetics are nothing less than spectacular. These are what make mainstream medicine great.

. . .

The pompous certainty of mainstream medicine’s powerful proponents — be they multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies, medical associations, disease-specific charities, government agencies, Madison Avenue selling the diseases and the pills, TV or magazines, the news media parroting its cash cow’s every claim — combined have most people, hook, line and sinker, believing in the impeccable record of mainstream medicine. No questions asked. Continue reading

Cell Towers At Schools: Godsend Or God-Awful?

School districts — hard up for cash — are turning to an unlikely source of revenue: cell towers. The multistory metal giants are cropping up on school grounds in Chicago, Milpitas, Calif., Collier County, Fla. and many other places across the country.

The big reason: money. As education budgets dwindle, districts are forming partnerships with telecom companies to allow use of their land in exchange for some of the profits. Continue reading

Warning: Cell phone radiation is much higher than what manufacturers claim

A recent report by the Environmental Health Trust revealed that popular mobile phone brands emit radiation that is about three times higher than the manufacturer’s previously reported radiation levels, of which Samsung, Apple, Motorola, and Nokia are the main suspects. In line with this, the French Agence Nationale Des Frequences has issued a list of mobile phones — including details of make, model, and test results for each mobile phone assessed — that have higher than expected radiation emission. Continue reading

Air travel exposes you to dangerous radiation – but what is the health risk?

The radiation dose rate at typical commercial airline flight altitude (35,000 feet) is about 0.003 millisieverts per hour

This past April, business traveler Tom Stuker became the world’s most frequent flyer, logging 18,000,000 miles of air travel on United Airlines over the last 14 years. That’s a lot of time up in the air.

If Stuker’s traveling behaviors are typical of other business flyers, he may have eaten 6,500 in-flight meals, drunk 5,250 alcoholic beverages, watched thousands of in-flight movies and made around 10,000 visits to airplane toilets.

He would also have accumulated a radiation dose equivalent to about 1,000 chest x-rays. But what kind of health risk does all that radiation actually pose? Continue reading

Switzerland Completely Abolished Mammography Screenings

Here’s Why You Should Probably Never Get One

In 2013, the Swiss Medical Board, an independent health technology assessment initiative, was requested to prepare a review of mammography screening. The team of medical professionals included a medical ethicist, a clinical epidemiologist, a pharmacologist, an oncologic surgeon, a nurse scientist, a lawyer, and a health economist. Two of those members, Nikola Biller-Andorno, M.D. Ph. D. and Peter Juni, M.D, opened up about the project in the New England Journal of Medicine.

They said: “As we embarked on the project, we were aware of the controversies that have surrounded mammography screening for the past 10-15 years. When we received the available evidence and contemplated its implications in detail, however, we became increasingly concerned.” Continue reading

The Green House That Almost Killed Me

If you’ve been following my health story here you know that I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2006. After that initial MS attack I was fairly symptom free until 2014. That’s when things began to get weird.

Non-Toxic Green Building Materials, Check!
We had renovated a 100 year old house in historic Mapleton Hill and moved in during the summer of 2014. I believed we had done a totally green renovation. That’s because I knew nothing about wireless technology. Every single thing in the house from lighting to thermostats to the sound system and more was wireless and ran on electromagnetic radiation. It was the equivalent of living with 300 cell phones in my home buzzing constantly. Continue reading

The Cancer Revolution: A Helpful Program to Reverse and Prevent Cancer

Half of all men and one-third of all women will experience cancer at some point in their lives. Fortunately, there are ways to significantly reduce your risk, as detailed in Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy’s book, “The Cancer Revolution: A Groundbreaking Program to Reverse and Prevent Cancer.” Connealy’s interest in cancer prevention and treatment grew out of her own, long personal health journey. Continue reading

Court Rules Cell Phone Caused Brain Tumor


A longtime Telecom Italia employee has been awarded monthly social security payments after a court found that his brain tumor was caused by improper use of a company-issued cellphone.

Lawyer Stefano Bertone said Thursday that it was the first trial court verdict of which he was aware in the world “to recognize a link between cellphone use and the development of brain tumor.”

Bertone said one factor that appeared to have contributed to the verdict was the refusal by the court’s expert to accept into evidence studies that were funded by the telecom industry. Continue reading

Thermography – Uncovering health issues safely

About 1 in 8 women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer at some point in her lifetime. In fact, some estimates are that 255,180 new cases of invasive breast cancer – and an additional 63,410 new cases of non-invasive breast cancer – will be diagnosed across the nation in 2017 alone. With these horrible statistics, the need for early breast cancer detection and treatment is more important than ever – making thermography, also known as digital infrared thermal imaging, such a valuable (safe) tool for early detection of health issues. Continue reading