Category Archives: VACCINES: A Shot in the Dark

Addresses the controversial subject of vaccinations and their possible side-effects – sometimes referred to as ‘A Shot in the Dark’ – named after a 1964 film with Peter Sellers and a 1935 version of the same title…. But THIS category deals with VACCINES!

Icke: … It’s the Vaccine (Stupid)~

NOTE: The following was originally published in July of 2009. Nothing has changed in the sentiments nor the methodology of BIG Pharma, but some or all embedded hyperlinks may no longer be active. ~ Ed.

A Shot in the Dark, Chesterfield Motion Pictures, 1935

July 25, 2009These are challenging times and we need to stay calm and think things through – not just panic and react. Fear, panic and emotional reaction got us into this mess and it is certainly not going to get us out of it.

We also need to realise – here, now – that we have long crossed the line into a fully-fledged fascist dictatorship. It has hidden itself to most people this far, but it is about to lift the veil.
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GAO: The Influenza Pandemic

March 24, 2009Once again, in our endeavor to make you THINK for yourself – we bring you a complete US Government document. This was first published by the Government Accountability Office, and ostensibly dealt with the issue of National Planning and Preparedness Efforts. Dated? Yes – but you tell us – just what has changed? Why are so many people ill and dying? Why such an increase in Autism and other diseases? (commentary updated, July 20, 2018) Click on the link below and follow through to the complete report (pdf)…

INFLUENZA PANDEMIC: Sustaining Focus on the Nation’s Planning and Preparedness Efforts

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Weiss: Smallpox Vaccine Turns Up – Discovered Doses Buy Time for U.S.

A pharmaceutical company has discovered 70 million to 90 million long-forgotten doses of smallpox vaccine in its freezers, instantly increasing the known U.S. inventory of the vaccine six-fold and ensuring the nation an adequate supply in the event of a bioterrorist attack, according to government sources familiar with the find. Continue reading

MMR vaccine

Scientists in America have reported the first independent corroboration of the research findings of Dr Andrew Wakefield, the specialist who has questioned the safety of the childhood MMR vaccine.

Dr Arthur Krigsman, from New York University School of Medicine, has observed serious intestinal inflammation in autistic children identical to that described by the controversial British doctor and his colleagues in a research paper four years ago. Continue reading

U.S. divided on smallpox vaccination

WASHINGTON – The Bush administration plans to offer the smallpox vaccine to the general public, but officials weighing the risk of the vaccine against the risk of bioterrorism remain divided over how quickly to act. Top federal health officials want a staged process where the vaccine would not be offered to the general public until it is fully licensed, probably in early 2004. But some in the White House are pushing for a more aggressive policy, vaccinating much of the nation quickly, even while the vaccine remains an experimental drug. Continue reading

Borne: Smallpox Vaccine Has the Pox

Bioshield Bill turns pharmaceuticals into bioweapons factories

BEST WRITTEN historical on the smallpox fraud and how that is being used for Operation BioShield and Homeland Security.

The BioShield Bill (of 2003Ed.) currently making its way through Congress gives $6 billion of taxpayer money to the major pharmaceutical companies to subsidize the development of drugs and vaccines as “countermeasures” to possible biological and chemical attacks. Continue reading

Bacteria are winning fight against drugs

Antibiotic resistance is increasing swiftly among the bacteria that cause meningitis, pneumonia, bloodstream infections, sinusitis and childhood ear infections, a new survey shows.

Researchers say that at the current rate of increase, more than 40 percent of all such infections will be resistant to at least two widely used antibiotics – penicillin and erythromycin – by the middle of next year. That’s up from about 9 percent in 1996. Continue reading

Smith: Subterfuges And Syringes

The Real World Of Vaccinations

Vaccination programs in the late 19th and early 20th century decimated the populations of many countries where government sponsored vaccination programs were introduced. Japan suffered 48,000 deaths from smallpox vaccination; England and Wales experienced 45,800 smallpox deaths in a population that was 97% vaccinated against smallpox. Australia and Germany combined with a total of 120,000 deaths from the very smallpox for which they had been vaccinated. European deaths amongst the vaccinated portion of the population totaled 3,000,000. Deaths from smallpox vaccination programs began to decline when a revolt against mandatory vaccination programs emerged from the chaos. Continue reading

Buttram, Kreider & Yurko: Vaccines and Genetic Mutation

The burden of proof for the safety of vaccines, should rest on the manufacturers, federal and state government health agencies, and the schools who are now mandating the vaccines. Until this matter is settled, does anyone at any level truly have the right to force vaccines in ever growing numbers on a generation of children?

We, are unaware of the source for this timely study, however we feel compelled to provide you with this information, then suggest that you research the subject matter further. (Ed.) Continue reading

Regush: Vaccine Recklessness

On The Behavior Of Medicine’s Vaccine Pushers Who Think Opinion Replaces Science And The Useless Research That Results In Damage To Children.

The other day, a scientist, funded to look into vaccine safety by the European Commission, warned that studies on vaccine safety were often a bust. Dr. Thomas Jefferson, who is head of the vaccine division of the Cochrane Collaboration – a scientific group that investigates treatment issues – was unimpressed by the quality of vaccine safety research, particular its ability to provide much-needed information on risks and benefits. Continue reading

Thompson: One Flu Over The Cuckoo’s Nest

It happens every autumn – the days grow cooler and shorter, Halloween decorations appear in shop windows, and someone always asks this question: “What is your advice on getting a flu shot?”

This year, that question came from an HSI member named Karen. And my answer to Karen, and to everyone who asks that question, is that I’m not in a position to give advice about flu shots. Only a doctor or other qualified health care provider should offer such advice. Continue reading

Strong New Evidence Links MMR Vaccine To Autism

Scientists have uncovered the strongest evidence yet that the three-in-one Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine plays a clear role in the development of autism.

Spread the word. If they don’t kill the children in the womb, they’ll maim them with forced [mandatory] vaccinations before being allowed to attend a mandatory government propaganda indoctrination center posing as a public school. And, of course, the one’s maimed will then require ‘special education’ classes. And the whole insidious program of population control is paid for by our property taxes. Oh, lets not forget fluoridated water that lowers their IQ along with Aspartame in the diet sodas and 5,000 foods that break down to formaldehyde, formic acid and methyl [wood] alcohol, which causes seizures. And the ‘beat goes on’ and on and on. Will America wake up? Continue reading