Category Archives: VACCINES: A Shot in the Dark

Addresses the controversial subject of vaccinations and their possible side-effects – sometimes referred to as ‘A Shot in the Dark’ – named after a 1964 film with Peter Sellers and a 1935 version of the same title…. But THIS category deals with VACCINES!

11 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than A Flu

vaccine2The verdict is out on flu shots. Many medical experts now agree it is more important to protect yourself and your family from the flu vaccine than the flu itself.

Every year the pharmaceutical industry, medical experts and the mainstream media work hard to convince us to get vaccinated against the flu. But we’re not being told the whole story. What we don’t hear, are cases about the adverse reactions or about the toxic chemicals being injected into us.

Read the 11 reasons why flu shots are more dangerous than the flu itself. Continue reading

Tips for Countering Vaccination Advocates and Influencing Others

vaccine_largeVaccinations are not as safe as advocates say, and ARE questionable at the very least. You may be sitting on the fence regarding the vaccination issue. If so, please read on and use the links for more resources. If you know the truth about vaccinations, use the information to influence others.

Bolster your arguments with the facts regarding polio and vaccines addressed here. You can use the words of medical professionals themselves with some quotes from doctors, medical researchers and holistic practitioners, on this site. Instead of defending yourself verbally, consider printing out the several pages of quotes by courageous medical professionals on polio vaccines and all others.

But why does it take courage for an MD to question or speak out against vaccines, even if only against vaccine purity or quantity and timing of vaccinations? Continue reading

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine Contaminated With Cancer Virus

VaccineThe CDC has quickly removed a page from their website, which is now cached, ( but now has been removed) admitting that more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span when a proportion of the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer causing polyomavirus called SV40. It has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of the vaccine.

V40 is an abbreviation for Simian vacuolating virus 40 or Simian virus 40, a polyomavirus that is found in both monkeys and humans. Like other polyomaviruses, SV40 is a DNA virus that has been found to cause tumors and cancer.

SV40 is believed to suppress the transcriptional properties of the tumor-suppressing genes in humans through the SV40 Large T-antigen and SV40 Small T-antigen. Mutated genes may contribute to uncontrolled cellular proliferation, leading to cancer. Continue reading

Mother claims healthy son, 19, was killed by flu-shot after he fell into a coma just 24-hours after having vaccine

vaccine_largeThe bereaved mother of Utah teen is convinced her otherwise healthy son’s death was caused by a flu-shot he was given the day before he fell ill – in a case which baffled doctors.

In the obituary for her son, Chandler, 19, Lori Webb said that her son was given his first ever shot on October 15th after agreeing to travel on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

However, the day after receiving the flu and tuberculosis shots, the Brighton High School graduate began suffering sever vomiting and was admitted to hospital in Salt Lake City where he fell into a coma 24-hours later. Continue reading

The vaccine mafia and its jury of thugs: your rulers

vaccine2I’ve written several articles on this subject. As vaccine supporters, enthusiasts, liars, and poisoners keep showing up, I’m sure I’ll write several more.

Here’s the drill. If a parent believes her child has developed autism as the result of a vaccine(s), she must enter the maze of the US government compensation system. Why? Because she can no longer go to court and sue the vaccine manufacturer directly. That’s out.

The manufacturers and the federal government have conspired to erect a wall against those lawsuits, to protect the manufacturers from high-priced judgments.

The government maze the parent enters and suffers through is called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). It’s a nightmare. Continue reading

Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys

Medical-Experiment-Vial-VaccineIf you haven’t yet realized the truth about how vaccines contain hidden cancer viruses, prepare yourself to be shocked by the admission you’re about to hear. Decades ago, one of the most prominent vaccine scientists in the history of the vaccine industry – a Merck scientist – made a recording where he openly admitted that vaccines given to Americans were contaminated with leukemia and cancer viruses.

In hearing this admission, his colleagues break into laughter and seem to think it’s hilarious. They then suggest that because these vaccines are first tested in Russia, their side effects will help the U.S. win the Olympics because the Russian athletes will all be “loaded down with tumors.”

For the record, this is the same vaccine that was given to tens of millions of Americans and promoted by the government. To this day, people still carry these hidden cancer viruses which have proven to be a boon to the cancer industry. Continue reading

Flu vaccines revealed as the greatest quackery ever pushed in the history of medicine

NOTE: It’s nearly that time of the year again, when your physician will start to pressure you and your family to take the needle. Although the following was published in October of 2009 – the warnings are still valid. (Ed.)

scam_alertPrepare to have your world rocked. What you’re about to read here will leave you astonished, inspired and outraged all at the same time. You’re about to be treated to some little-known information demonstrating why seasonal flu vaccines are utterly worthless and why their continued promotion is based entirely on fabricated studies and medical mythology.

If the whole world knew what you’re about to read here, the vaccine industry would collapse overnight. Continue reading

Parents charged with murder of baby that was actually killed by vaccines

vaccine_thumbParents in South Africa could face life in prison if convicted of murdering their baby girl, who died just days after being given what reports say were routine vaccinations.

According to a report at, the child, known as “Baby A,” had been given all of her vaccinations on time. On Sept. 25, 2012, when she was five months old, her parents – who were not named in the report – took her to a local clinic, where she was given a total of eight vaccines. She was then sent home: Continue reading

Mandated Flu Vaccines: A Whole Lotta Nonsense

I spoke at the Healthy Traditions Network annual conference today (9.23.12). A flyer was distributed to those attending the conference that was titled, “Healthcare Workers Protect Your Freedom of Choice.” This flyer explained the flu vaccination conundrum that many health care workers are experiencing. You see, the Powers-That-Be want everyone who works in our hospitals to have a flu shot in order to protect the patients from getting the flu from sick health care workers.

Protecting the patients should be the number one goal of any hospital. However, mandating that every single hospital worker receive the flu vaccine or face termination is not the correct way to improve patient care. Continue reading

Vaccine Protests and the Return of Whooping Cough

Who’s to blame? Some complicated answers…

Ever since vaccination was introduced at the end of the eighteenth century by Edward Jenner, the immunization of children in particular has been a source of controversy that has stirred the deepest passions. Mankind accepted therapeutic blood-letting for two thousand years with hardly a murmur of scepticism; but vaccination against smallpox, especially when the state made it compulsory, gave rise to one of the longest-lived social protest movements in British and American history.

Nothing is easier to forget or take for granted than the progress we have made. A recent editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine points out that from the early 1940s to 1973 the annual incidence of whooping cough in the United States was reduced by immunization from 157 per 100,000 of the population to less than 1 per 100,000. Whooping cough is not a trivial disease: the present death rate from it world-wide is now one in 164 cases, and is higher among infants. Before immunization, several thousand people died annually in the United States from whooping cough; by the 1980s, less than 50 a year died. Continue reading

Doctors Now ‘Firing’ Patients Who Reject Vaccination

For many years government and health officials have been trying to push vaccination on the people. While childhood vaccine exemption rates have been increasing, we have been seeing an overall increase in the amount of people receiving the flu shot each year. There have even been numerous occasions where legislators and others have called for mandatory vaccinations that could affect health care workers in particular. In fact, many pediatricians are so angry with their patients who refuse vaccination that they are ‘firing’ patients and their families, refusing to play their role as doctor. Continue reading

Cancer, Aids, and Vaccinations

Is there a link between cancer and the polio vaccine? There is a good chance that there is, according to a Baylor University study released on February 18, 1999 and published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. At the time, the announcement sent shockwaves throughout the medical establishment and caused a great deal of public alarm. After all, who hasn’t had at least one polio shot?

But this wasn’t new knowledge. In 1987, a San Antonio physician, Dr. Eva Snead (1942-2008), stumbled across information linking vaccines to a host of diseases from AIDS and leukemia to other forms of cancer while doing research for a book on AIDS. For her efforts in trying to warn the public, she was vilified by her medical peers, ridiculed by government officials, and ignored by the major media. Even a popular radio talk host, a personal friend, was reluctant to put her on the air until the Baylor story broke. Continue reading

The Venom in Feds’ Vaccinations

While most mainstream news media cover presidential campaigns or economic conditions, the feds are going under the radar and your skin — literally — with something that could be detrimental to your and your children’s health. News just broke about their cover-up, but few, if any, agencies passed along the wire.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 110 children have autism spectrum disorders, which is strikingly more than just two decades ago. (ASDs are a group of developmental disabilities that can cause communication, behavioral and social challenges.) The National Autism Association calls the 644 percent increase of ASDs among U.S. children since the early 1990s “a tragic epidemic of autism.” Continue reading

Exposed: CDC deliberately manipulated, covered up scientific data showing link between vaccines containing mercury and autism

Deniers of the link between mercury-laden vaccines and autism are going to have a hard time denying the latest findings by the Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs (CoMeD). The nonprofit group has obtained critical documents via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that exposes the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) role in deliberately lying about and manipulating a key Danish study that showed a clear link between vaccines containing mercury and autism. Continue reading

NEXT on their agenda…

August 22, 2009With all the coverage and back and forth regarding the HealthCare package, now referenced as a “Health Insurance Overhaul”, many seem to forget that the MSM sponsored “Swine Flu” scare is right around the corner, any cozy little corner….

I say, “STICK IT!”

As for me and mine? I think that we’ll pass!!!

How about you???….
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