Category Archives: VACCINES: A Shot in the Dark

Addresses the controversial subject of vaccinations and their possible side-effects – sometimes referred to as ‘A Shot in the Dark’ – named after a 1964 film with Peter Sellers and a 1935 version of the same title…. But THIS category deals with VACCINES!

BEWARE: Just How Many Shots Are On The CDC Vaccine Schedule?

World Mercury Project gets questions about the number of vaccines given to young children in America today. Different articles cite different numbers and the totals can be confusing. This article and chart are designed to clarify the vaccine schedule and explain why the numbers may not always “add up.” To be accurate, wording about total numbers of vaccines should include phrases like, “may receive up to” or “typically” or “between X and Y” number of vaccines. The individual numbers for any given child will vary depending on the specific vaccines used in his pediatrician’s practice or clinic. Continue reading

CVS to Buy Aetna for $69 Billion

Show me de monee!

December 3, 2017 – CVS Health has agreed to buy Aetna for about $69 billion in cash and stock, a landmark deal that would change the health-care landscape in the country by bringing a large insurer and a big provider of pharmacy services under one roof.

In an agreement that has been months in the making and is likely to be announced later Sunday, Aetna stockholders are to receive $207 per share, $145 in cash and $62 in stock, according to people familiar with the matter. (WSJ)

NOTE: Would it not seem to you to be somewhat Monopolistic? Now a major retailer of prescription drugs will be in control of Aetna Insurance and both will be under the thumbnail of BIG Pharma and the Food and Drug Administration. ~ Ed.

The 8 WORST pieces of advice medical doctors give their patients

Just one century ago in America, all of the most popular chronic diseases and disorders that we know so well today barely existed, including cancer, diabetes type 2, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s and heart disease. Still, nearly every medical doctor in the United States blames hereditary genes for these preventable health problems, as if somehow a few generations of humans changed hundreds of thousands of years of evolution basically “overnight.”

Doctors don’t receive training or coursework in nutrition during their 8 to 16 years of college and field work, so of course they’re not going to have any real consumption recommendations for preventing or reversing what IS preventable and reversible. Continue reading

First, Do No Harm

Primum non nocere

Let me preface what I am about to say by stating that I have the utmost esteem for mainstream medicine’s skill in emergency situations — the do or die surgeries, the dispensing of powerful life-saving drugs necessary in that setting are second to none; and its mastery of cosmetic surgery in cases of deformities and the advances made in prosthetics are nothing less than spectacular. These are what make mainstream medicine great.

. . .

The pompous certainty of mainstream medicine’s powerful proponents — be they multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies, medical associations, disease-specific charities, government agencies, Madison Avenue selling the diseases and the pills, TV or magazines, the news media parroting its cash cow’s every claim — combined have most people, hook, line and sinker, believing in the impeccable record of mainstream medicine. No questions asked. Continue reading

Doctors and Scientists Explain Why Vaccines AREN’T Safe

We are living in the age of information. If you need or want to know or learn something, there are endless websites and videos that will inform and teach. And that’s no different for information on doctors and scientists who don’t believe vaccines are safe.

How many times have you spoken to family or friends who try and tell you that your “quack” belief is yours alone, or yours and Jenny McCarthy’s alone? That there are no “real” doctors or scientists who would side with you. Well, here’s a ton of info to the contrary. I couldn’t possibly post each of these videos in an article, but I’ve provided links for them below.

Take the time to listen to them and learn. You aren’t alone. Remember, In The Age of Information, Ignorance is a Choice.” – Donny Miller
Continue reading

Federal Court Confirms Link Between Vaccines And Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

A U.S. Federal Court has ruled that enough evidence exists that proves vaccinations can lead to a child dying from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Amid a total media blackout, the July 10th decision by the Office of Special Masters of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims will set the precedent for all future vaccine-related court cases, and could open the door to victims receiving significant compensation. Continue reading

Gardasil KILLS

In 2008 our doctor wanted to give our daughter the Gardasil vaccine. He said it would protect her from getting cervical cancer. We said ‘ok‘ after talking it over with her. Turns out it was the biggest mistake of our lives. We came home from work just 40 hours later and she was dead on the bathroom floor. The coroner and the forensic team told us she died instantly,all alone, nobody by her side. They did not give a reason for her death and closed the case. We were left with no answer. Continue reading

Vaccines: Good or Bad?

NOTE: The following is a multi part series, which we have chosen to post as a single offering. In the event that the noted author should publish additional ‘chapters’ in his well researched topic, we shall endeavor to make them available to our readers. Be prepared – THIS is a study… J.B.

When I was growing up I actually believed that the FDA was doing what it was designed to do, make sure the foods we eat are properly labeled, there was no bad things allowed in the food. I’m sure that when they first began that they did just that. But as I grew up people began telling me about the chemicals that they allowed to be put on our food and in our food and for many years I refused to believe that our government would allow that to happen. Then my eyes were opened. Continue reading

The 1918 Influenza Epidemic Was Caused By Vaccines

Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the Spanish Influenza of 1918, was the result of a massive nation-wide vaccination campaign.

The doctors told the people that the flu was caused by germs. Viruses were not known at that time or they would have been blamed. Germs, bacteria and viruses, along with bacilli and a few other invisible organisms are the scapegoats, which the doctors like to blame for the things they do not understand.

If the doctor makes a wrong diagnosis and treatment, and kills the patient, he can always blame it on the germs, and say the patient didn’t get an early diagnosis and come to him in time. Continue reading

Why vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability

~ Foreword ~
There is NO logical, or honest science, reason for the manufacturers of those poisons they call *vaccines* to be exempt from LIABILITY – other than they BOUGHT this kind of ruling via their lobbying methods and campaign contributions to politicians that have their *I CAN BE BOUGHT* name plate on their desks.

I can guarantee you that if Congress were to eliminate this *exemption* the SAFETY of these *poisons* called vaccines would do an abrupt turn about and the pushers of vaccines would turn SILENT in short order. Urge your congress critter to revoke this *exemption*. Failure to do so should tell you they are on the payroll of the DRUGGIE TRADE ORGANIZATION. Each and every politician that has any of the Big PHARMA orgs on their list of contributors is NOT someone you want sitting in Congress or on any agency that is supposed to be a watchdog for our safety… Continue reading

Pending legislation would give corporations the power to forcibly vaccinate you and collect your DNA records

A new bill, H.R. 1313, moving through Congress would allow companies to require employees to undergo genetic testing and enroll in a mandatory vaccine program or risk losing their job. Today, laws including the 2008 Genetic Privacy and Nondiscrimination Act (known as GINA) prohibits giving employers such power over their employees.

If we let Republican Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, who introduced this new legislation, have her way, employees will be stripped of all their privacy rights. Furthermore, H.R. 1313, also called the “Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act,” will give power to employers to hire or fire people based on the provided health information. Continue reading

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker?

It’s never been done before. The first-of-its-kind study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated American homeschooled children shows who is really ailing…and parents should be worried

Something is wrong with America’s children. They are sick – allergic, asthmatic, anxious, autoimmune, autistic, hyperactive, distracted and learning disabled. Thirty-two million American children – a full 43% of them – suffer from at least one of 20 chronic illnesses not including obesity. Across the board, once rare pediatric disorders from autism and ADD to Type 1 diabetes and Tourette’s syndrome are soaring, though few studies pool the data. Continue reading

The Truth About Vaccines

If you’re in your 50s or younger, then you have grown up in the “era of mass vaccines.” Since the 1950s, the number of recommended and required vaccine shots has gone up by close to 414 percent. Now there is dozens of shots per year on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) vaccine schedule — not just for children but for adults as well.

But how did the current CDC vaccine schedule come into existence in the first place? Here is a basic rundown of how U.S. vaccine policy has developed during the past 60 years. Continue reading