Category Archives: VACCINES: A Shot in the Dark

Addresses the controversial subject of vaccinations and their possible side-effects – sometimes referred to as ‘A Shot in the Dark’ – named after a 1964 film with Peter Sellers and a 1935 version of the same title…. But THIS category deals with VACCINES!

The Vaccinated Spreading Measles: WHO, Merck, CDC Documents Confirm

20 years ago, the MMR vaccine was found to infect virtually all of its recipients with measles. The manufacturer Merck’s own product warning links MMR to a potentially fatal form of brain inflammation caused by measles.

Why is this evidence not being reported?

The Vaccinated Spreading Measles
The phenomenon of measles infection spread by MMR (live measles-mumps-rubella vaccine) has been known about for decades. In fact, 20 years ago, scientists working at the CDC’s National Center for Infectious Diseases, funded by the WHO and the National Vaccine Program, discovered something truly disturbing about the MMR vaccine: it leads to detectable measles infection in the vast majority of those who receive it. Continue reading

U.S. Measles Outbreaks Hit Highest Level in More Than 25 Years

Hmmmmm – and where do you think that these cases might be getting imported from???

CDC says 971 cases have been reported so far in 2019

A vial of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. This year is now the worst for measles since 1992, when 2,126 cases were reported. PHOTO: BRIAN SNYDER/REUTERS

The number of measles cases in the U.S. this year has hit its highest level in more than 25 years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported, warning that a major public-health milestone—the elimination of measles in the U.S. — may be sacrificed if two large outbreaks aren’t curbed by the fall. Continue reading

Watch: Robert F. Kennedy Shares Bombshell Information About The Gardasil Vaccine

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. ~ “Many of the things I’m going to say today would be slanderous if they weren’t true. And, if they are not true, then Merck should sue me. But Merck won’t do that. And they won’t do that because in the United States, truth is an absolute defense against slander.”

This must-watch video details the many problems with the development and safety of Merck’s third-highest grossing product, Gardasil. Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD’s Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel, ask that you watch and share this video so that you, and others, may make an informed decision of whether or not to give your child, boy or girl, a Gardasil vaccine. Continue reading

60 Lab Studies Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child


Dr. Maurice Hilleman made astounding revelations in an interview that was cut from The Health Century — the admission that Merck drug company vaccines had been injecting dangerous viruses into people worldwide.

Bear in mind that Dr. Hilleman was the developer of Merck’s vaccine program. He developed over three dozen vaccines, more than any other scientist in history. He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. He received a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization. Hilleman was one of the early vaccine pioneers to warn about the possibility that simian viruses might contaminate vaccines. Continue reading

The Ghost of Mengele

Josef Mengele was a German Schutzstaffel officer and physician in Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. He performed deadly human experiments on prisoners and was a member of the team of doctors who selected victims to be killed in the gas chambers.

I have read numerous articles about this person over the years. One in particular and perhaps the first one was when I was in Wasilla, Alaska in 1957. It was in a Mens magazine and that article wrote of the HORRIBLE experiments Mengele performed with such glee. Continue reading

Vaccines In America: Is Your Parental Liberty Eroding?

The public conversation over vaccine safety has grown heated in 2019. The World Health Organization set the tone for the year by declaring vaccine hesitancy one of the top health threats across the globe, and the debate has continued in that vein. Medical professionals and government administrators have expressed concern over an increased number of measles cases, and vaccine skepticism is being wiped off social media and bookshelves as “fake news.”

Several regions across the United States have renewed attempts to pressure families into immunizing their children, most recently in New York City. Authorities responded to an ongoing measles outbreak in Brooklyn by declaring a public health emergency and making the inoculation mandatory in affected areas. But is this a reasonable solution, or an example of gross government overstep? Continue reading

Harvard Immunologist to Legislators: Unvaccinated Children Pose ZERO Risk to Anyone

An Open Letter to Legislators Currently Considering Vaccine Legislation from Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD

Dear Legislator:

My name is Tetyana Obukhanych. I hold a PhD in Immunology. I am writing this letter in the hope that it will correct several common misperceptions about vaccines in order to help you formulate a fair and balanced understanding that is supported by accepted vaccine theory and new scientific findings.

Do unvaccinated children pose a higher threat to the public than the vaccinated?
It is often stated that those who choose not to vaccinate their children for reasons of conscience endanger the rest of the public, and this is the rationale behind most of the legislation to end vaccine exemptions currently being considered by federal and state legislators country-wide. Continue reading

Federal Judge Bans Healthy Children from School for Being Unvaccinated

We truly live in a police state when some idiot sitting on his/her butt wearing a BLACK dress can command that ALL must be injected with government sponsored poisons or be banned from being in public places. All this while others of that ilk (judges) are eliminating the death penalty for those who have actually committed a crime of murder against another person. Not to mention the ABORTION issue.

Until they place liability on those who make, sell, inject or command injections of these poisons – for those who are injected and DIE because of those poisons this is nothing more than government mandated killings for refusing to be poisoned… POPULATION CONTROL 
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A Witch Hunt Against Parents of Unvaccinated Children

Measles Outbreaks: How a Witch Hunt* Against Parents of Unvaccinated Children Was Unleashed

We are witness to an orchestrated frenzy that has been revved-up by vaccine stakeholders – i.e., those who have a direct or indirect financial stake in vaccines– through the corporate / academic institutions that employ them. Their unified objective is to achieve maximum utilization of vaccines, and total compliance with vaccination schedules set by the government in collaboration with vaccine manufacturers. Continue reading

IN MEMORY OF MICHAEL … 1/8/87 – 3/23/87

For all those PRO VACCINE FOLKS…

Today is the anniversary of the DEATH of one of my great-grandsons.

He died 3/23/87 after getting those insane first baby shots.

Every time I see or hear or read the lies that promote those vaccines as being life saving I want to take that person to the cemetery above Auburn, WA and show them Michael’s GRAVE and then have them tell me that that MMR vaccine was a great thing to inject into him.

Michael was a super healthy baby boy – until – until that poison was injected into him.

They said it was SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME – what they failed to state was that the CAUSE of his death was the vaccine – the SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME was the RESULT – not the CAUSE!!! Continue reading

Kids got 11 vaccines in 1986 and 53 in 2017… why?

The answer is all about Big Pharma profits

A bombshell video snippet from Del Bigtree (see below) dares to ask the all-important question: Why have the number of vaccines given to children skyrocketed over the last three decades?

The answer may shock you. In 1986, Congress passed a law granting legal immunity to vaccine manufacturer, but only for vaccines on the childhood immunization schedule. Continue reading

Measles Spread By The Vaccinated Government Research Confirms

Despite the fact that only 159 cases of measles in the US have been reported this season, the level of hysteria surrounding the disease continues to rise.

Some people are mistakenly blaming the unvaccinated for this ‘outbreak’, while vaccine advocates are demanding that anti-vaccine voices are banned from public view.

Yet a groundbreaking study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, looked at evidence from the 2011 New York measles outbreak and found that a vaccinated individual can not only become infected with measles, but can spread it to others who are also vaccinated against it. Continue reading