Category Archives: PHARMACEU’TIC: A Spoonful of Sugar


PHARMACEU’TICAL, adjective [Gr. to practice witchcraft or use medicine; poison or medicine.] Pertaining to the knowledge or art of pharmacy, or to the art of preparing medicines.

“A Spoonful of Sugar makes the medicine go down…” focuses on professionally administered and prescribed drugs and pharmaceuticals. Initially on conception this category was developed to deal with the aspect of the abuse of children, ie; Ritalin, Prozac and other legal, “Mood altering” drugs. As time went on – we chose to attack the poisons that we are ALL being fed by our medical ‘professionals.’ The overpriced products of BIG Pharma are slowly – or rapidly killing us.

High Cost of Sovaldi Hepatitis C Drug Prompts a Call to Void Its Patents

A course of treatment with Sovaldi costs $84,000 in the United States. Credit Gilead Sciences, via Associated Press

A course of treatment with Sovaldi costs $84,000 in the United States. Credit Gilead Sciences, via Associated Press

Activists in several countries are seeking to void patents on the blockbuster hepatitis C drug Sovaldi, saying that the price being sought by the manufacturer, Gilead Sciences, was prohibitive.

The Initiative for Medicines, Access and Knowledge, a legal group in New York, is expected to announce Wednesday that it has filed challenges in Argentina, Brazil, China, Russia and Ukraine. In all those countries except China, the organization is being joined by local patient advocacy groups.

The actions are a sign that the controversy over Sovaldi is spreading beyond the United States, where the $84,000 charge for a course of treatment has strained Medicaid budgets, to middle-income countries. Continue reading

Government Says Big Pharma Kills More People Than All Illegal Drugs Combined

prescription-drugsA new study has shown that pharmaceutical drugs cause more overdoses and more deaths than all of the illegal drugs on the market combined. According to the government’s own statistics, listed on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, deaths relating to pharmaceutical drugs rose to roughly 23,000 last year, which accounts for over half of the total overdose deaths in the country for that time period.

Additionally, a recent study conducted by researchers with the University of Virginia, University of Arkansas, the Partnership for Drug Free Kids, and the American Institutes for Research reconfirmed the known dangers of pharmaceutical drug abuse. Continue reading

Contraceptive pill can ‘make women more anxious by shrinking part of their brain’

A new study has suggested the oral contraceptive pill could shrink parts of the brain that govern a woman's emotions

A new study has suggested the oral contraceptive pill could shrink parts of the brain that govern a woman’s emotions

For the 100 million women worldwide on the contraceptive pill, the side effects are familiar.

Mood swings, headaches and nausea, while more serious complications include blood clots and breast cancer.

But scientists in California have added another potential cause for concern to the check list.

Their new study has found the oral contraceptive shrinks two key regions of the brain, changing the way they function.

The findings suggest the synthetic hormones found in the Pill cause these alterations in brain structure and function. Continue reading

Depression is NOT caused by low serotonin levels

Most drugs used to treat it are based on a myth, psychiatrist claims

The idea that the most popular antidepressant drugs raise serotonin levels in the brain is nothing more than a myth, psychiatrist Professor David Healy argues.

The idea that the most popular antidepressant drugs raise serotonin levels in the brain is nothing more than a myth, psychiatrist Professor David Healy argues.

The belief that the most popular antidepressant drugs raise serotonin levels in the brain is nothing more than a myth, a leading professor of psychiatry has claimed.

David Healy, head of psychiatry at the Hergest psychiatric unit in Bangor, North Wales, said the misconception that low levels of serotonin were responsible for depression had become established fact.

He suggested that the success of so-called SSRI drugs – which include Prozac and Seroxat – was based on the ‘marketing of a myth’. Continue reading

Do you take statins? If not, you may have to

New cholesterol guides may put 13 million more Americans on the drugs


statinsWhen new guidelines were released last fall on the prevention and treatment of heart disease, some predicted their approach would greatly increase the numbers of people taking cholesterol-fighting drugs called statins. Indeed, an additional 12.8 million U.S. adults could receive or become eligible for statin therapy under the full implementation of the guidelines, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Continue reading

Cancer Drug Company Accused of Hiding Cheap Alternative

This article is meant to simply showcase one of the many ways that Big Pharma practices corruption.

pills_money_pharma_greed-466Pharmaceutical companies have been known to discredit natural, cheap solutions that compete with their high-dollar drugs. Now, the British Medical Journal has unraveled new research revealing how the makers of a cancer drug are blocking public access to a cheaper, safe, and effective alternative. Continue reading

“I’ve lost so much!”: How Abilify became the best-selling drug in America

hahn040215Psychiatry has destroyed my life in so many ways.”

So says Jarrett, a young man from Orange County, who for the past three and half years has been taking a cocktail of various psychiatric medications, including America’s best-selling drug, Abilify.

Less than four years ago Jarrett was a newly minted university graduate with a bright future ahead of him. But he hit a bit of a rough patch. Discouraged by his failure to find a job, he went into counseling, which dredged up some painful memories he now believes would have been better left alone. Continue reading

The Cost of a Cure

Medicare spent $4.5 billion last year on new, pricey medications that cure the liver disease hepatitis C — more than 15 times what it spent the year before on older treatments for the disease, previously undisclosed federal data shows.

© David Paul Morris/Bloomberg A research scientist for Gilead Sciences Inc., works on the synthesis of a potential hepatitis C virus drug candidate at the company's lab in Foster City, California, Feb. 8, 2012.

© David Paul Morris/Bloomberg A research scientist for Gilead Sciences Inc., works on the synthesis of a potential hepatitis C virus drug candidate at the company’s lab in Foster City, California, Feb. 8, 2012.

The extraordinary outlays for these breakthrough drugs, which can cost $1,000 a day or more, will be borne largely by federal taxpayers, who pay for most of Medicare’s prescription drug program. But the expenditures will also mean higher deductibles and maximum out-of-pocket costs for many of the program’s 39 million seniors and disabled enrollees, who pay a smaller share of its cost, experts and federal officials said. Continue reading

Have Benefits of Statins Been Exaggerated?

Advocates distorted statistics and downplayed side-effects say experts

lipitorThe benefits of taking statins have been exaggerated, two leading experts claim.

They say the cholesterol-lowering medicines – hailed as miracle drugs when they hit the market 20 years ago – are not as safe or effective at preventing heart attacks as patients have been led to believe.

Although they can dramatically cut cholesterol levels, they have ‘failed to substantially improve cardiovascular outcomes’, says an analysis of data in clinical trials. Continue reading

World Health Organization warns people are eating twice as much sugar as they should be

red_sugarAdults and children must cut amount of sugar they consume every day in fizzy drinks and sweet foods to lower their risk of obesity and tooth decay, the World Health Organization said.

People should reduce the amount to less than 10 percent of their daily energy intake — about 50 grams or 12 teaspoons of sugar for adults which is about half the current rate in North and South America, experts at the U.N. body told Reuters. Continue reading

Artificial Sweeteners May Disrupt Body’s Blood Sugar Controls

diet-coke-planeArtificial sweeteners may disrupt the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar, causing metabolic changes that can be a precursor to diabetes, researchers are reporting.

That is “the very same condition that we often aim to prevent” by consuming sweeteners instead of sugar, said Dr. Eran Elinav, an immunologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, at a news conference to discuss the findings.

The scientists performed a multitude of experiments, mostly on mice, to back up their assertion that the sweeteners alter the microbiome, the population of bacteria that is in the digestive system. Continue reading

30 Million Americans On Antidepressants

…and 21 Other Facts About America’s Endless Pharmaceutical Nightmare

MW-BS073_pharma_20140107105149_MGHas there ever been a nation more hooked on drugs than the United States? And I am not just talking about illegal drugs – the truth is that the number of Americans addicted to legal drugs is far greater than the number of Americans addicted to illegal drugs. As you will read about below, more than 30 million Americans are currently on antidepressants and doctors in the U.S. wrote more than 250 million prescriptions for painkillers last year. Sadly, most people got hooked on these drugs very innocently. They trusted that their doctors would never prescribe something for them that would be harmful, and they trusted that the federal government would never approve any drugs that were not safe. And once the drug companies get you hooked, they often have you for life.

You see, the reality of the matter is that some of these “legal drugs” are actually some of the most addictive substances on the entire planet. And when they start raising the prices on those drugs, there isn’t much that the addicts can do about it. It is a brutally efficient business model, and the pharmaceutical industry guards their territory fiercely. Very powerful people will often do some really crazy things when there are hundreds of billions of dollars at stake. The following are 22 facts about America’s endless pharmaceutical nightmare that everyone should know… Continue reading

The Drugs That KILL Americans

How half of the 80,000 overdoses a year are caused by MEDICINES

pharmacyAround half of the 80,000 deaths a year attributed to drug overdoses in America are caused by medication, new figures suggest today.

They also show that the rate of all drug overdoses in the U.S. has more than than doubled over the last decade.

A database maintained by the National Center for Health Statistics keeps a tally of all deaths listed on certificates, which are required by law to include an underlying cause. Continue reading

Avery: FDA – No Low-Dose Chemical Dangers

fda_logo_thumbThe Food and Drug Administration has just loudly re-endorsed perhaps the oldest truth in science—that the dose makes the poison. Paracelsus, the father of toxicology, told us 500 years ago, “All substances are poison. There is none which is not a poison. The right dose makes the difference between a poison and a remedy.”

Even sunlight and water are poisons at high doses. Continue reading

How Cancer Drugs Doubled to $10,000 Per Month

chemoFor cancer patients, life can be full of worry, pain and the stress of needing to take time off from a job. On top of that, many are struggling with a huge jump in the average price tag for branded oncology treatments, which have doubled to $10,000 per month in just a decade. During the same period, the consumer price index has increased by 23 percent.

That jump is contributing to a surge in global spending on oncology treatments, which reached a whopping $91 billion last year, according to a new report from the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics. The U.S. is the largest segment of that market, with American patients and their insurers paying $37.2 billion for oncology treatments in 2013. Continue reading