Category Archives: Perspectives…
Is there anything more to say?
Why Aren’t There More Free Market Surgery Centers and Clinics?
Just over twenty-four years ago the operation of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma began with a simple mission: deliver the highest quality of care at a reasonable and disclosed price. We fancied ourselves free marketeers, not aware of how far we had yet to go to accurately claim this title. Our mission was the opposite mission of the hospitals where we had previously worked. Then, as now, hospitals are focused almost exclusively on revenue, many times inflicting surprise and bankrupting bills on their victims. As physicians working in these hospital systems, we were unwitting accessories to these crimes. We intended to operate our facility differently, intending to serve as both medical and financial advocates for our patients. The Surgery Center of Oklahoma is now viewed as a model of medical services delivered free market style partly because of this simple mission, but more recently due to posting all-inclusive pricing online and the effects this move has imposed on the medical and surgical market. I’d like to begin by describing the state of the industry at the time we decided to walk away from it. Continue reading
Hard to Convince, But Easy to Fool!
Mark Twain wrote that it is “…easier to fool people than to convince people that they have been fooled.”
I am now convinced that you and I have been fooled.
Did you know that the number of Americans who died in 2020 did not increase from the prior year? How can this be? Continue reading
Loudon ~ The Fire Inside Your Gut
Forty-five percent of all the people in the U.S. have a fire inside of their small intestine. This sounds kind of bizarre, but that is what many physicians call the inflammation inside of your gut. The inflammation inside of your small intestine is caused by a person’s diet, toxins, and irritation from bad bacteria, These are Candida Albicans fungus, bad molds, other bad fungi, and parasites. This inflammation is the root cause of over 100 autoimmune and other diseases.
Any part of your body can become inflamed. It is the body’s response to invading pathogens and/or bad bacterial infections. It is a normal response, like a splinter under your fingernail, but in the small intestine, you cannot feel it, hear it, or see it. It is a normal inflammatory reaction that creates a normal response to a bad alien actors (bad pathogens and other bad bacteria).
Cationic non-electromagnetic food that you eat (your diet) changes your normal 80/20 bacteria ratio of the gut to a 75/35 or lower ratio which creates more bad bacteria, Candida fungus, bad molds, and bad fungi, and parasite larvae. Continue reading
The Drug That Could BREAK American Health Care
~ Foreword ~
Whoever reads this article or already has heard of this grotesque and dangerous medical scam, one of many grave scams that should make us all question the whole system of big pharma kleptocrats and corrupt governance, and still can’t see horrendous injustice and unadulterated corruption, is walking fast asleep and dreaming false patriotic lies and pretensions. Remember, it goes way back: “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel“. ~ Samuel Johnson, Apr 7, 1775
This is so seriously bad, wrong, unjust, even the corporate media can not hide it.
The question is, when will a much larger part of the nation wake up and see life in their nation for what it actually is. Until they do, matters, laws and governance will only continue to fail. It will only get worse. ~ A. Carlson
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A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids’ Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis. Here’s What They Found

Source: AP Photo/Mary Altaffer
We’ve been told for well over a year that widespread forced public masking should be implemented because, even if only moderately to slightly to negligibly effective at curbing the spread of COVID-19, there are ZERO drawbacks.
“What’s the harm?” they ask.
“It’s only a minor inconvenience,” they bleat.
“If it saves ONE LIFE, it’s worth it!” they implore. Continue reading
35 Percent of the People Have a Health Crisis
My observations and research over the last few years have recovered some very interesting figures. After reading many articles, publications, books, and computer searching, there seems to be a direct correlation between the intestinal bacteria ratio (80 good/20 bad) and 35 percent of overweight people in the U.S.
The first indication was that in several publications and writings, it was stated that 35 percent of the people in the U.S. were overweight. Most people did not pay attention as this news appeared in many written articles, newspapers, the media, and stated by many physicians. Very few of these overweight people took measures to change their diet, and quit eating non-electromagnetic foods that produced weight gain, gut inflammation, toxins, and leaky gut. Most of these people kept on eating the same foods that caused the problem. Continue reading
Best Pal Tales: Your Dog Can ‘SNIFF’ Cancer & Other Diseases
Looks like your pet pooch is more than just a loyal friend and a protective family member.
Research has found out a stunning ability amongst dogs; that they can detect lethal diseases like cancer and other bodily irregularities in the human body. Turns out, their olfactory ‘sixth’ sense is a powerful gift from mother nature.
So, shall we will delve deeper into this story?
N O T I C E !!!
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You Don’t Need Meat–Unless It’s Synthetic
I am glad I do not live in the state of Oregon. It is beginning to sound more and more like the state on the East Coast that my family and I managed to escape from decades ago now. The political climate there was so far to the left you could cut it with a knife. That’s not to say there were not good people there. There were, and are. But the good folks there that were patriotic and had genuine concerns about the direction their state was headed in were a minority. Continue reading
Dr. Weston A. Price and his Incredible Discoveries
Back in the 1930’s Dr. Weston Price, a Clevland Dentist traveled throughout the world in search of the diets and health of Indigenous tribes. His extensive worldwide travels took him to investigate over 14 indigenous tribes, seeking their diets and health.
The world became his laboratory, and the lives of these tribes became his test ground. What he found was healthy, energetic bodies, disease-free people, beautiful-faces, straight near-perfectly aligned teeth, and and no tooth decay.
Dr. Price was looking for the many different people’s diets, eating habits, variety of foods, energy, physical findings, and the traits of passing their diets and customs on to future generations. What he found was astounding and very surprising. He wanted to compare these diets, health, and traits with the people living in the United States. Continue reading
Phthalates has been linked to genital shrinkage, decreased fertility rates, and less masculine behavior in young boys
Dr. Shanna Swan, a professor of environmental medicine & public health at mount sinai health system, has warned in a new book that phthalates, a chemical commonly used in the manufacturing of plastics, can shrink penises and decrease male fertility. Continue reading
Garrison: The One Thing Fauci Is Good at… Honk Honk!
Laughter can be the BEST medicine!
As I sat in the truck waiting for Tina to return from the supermarket, a young lady pulled up in a spot in front of me. I watched her put on a mask. Then I watched her carefully put another mask over it. Even though our Montana governor lifted the mask mandate, too many people here are still wearing them—even two of them! I wondered if it was due to Dr. Fauci’s influence. Continue reading
“There is no such thing as an antidepressant”
UCLA Professor Exposes Big Pharma & Big Politics
Below is a brief clip from of David Cohen, a professor and Associate Dean for Research and Development of at the Luskin School of Social Work, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). His research focuses on psychoactive drugs (prescribed, licit, and illicit) and their desirable and undesirable effects as socio-cultural phenomena “constructed” through language, policy, attitudes, and social interactions.
He has conducted research on the side effects of psychiatric medications and on withdrawal. Public and private institutions in the U.S., Canada, and France have funded him to conduct clinical-neuropsychological studies, qualitative investigations, and epidemiological surveys of patients, professionals, and the general population. Continue reading