Category Archives: Perspectives…

A wide range of lessons and commentary about many health related issues. Many are point-blank op-ed pieces based upon personal experiences by the writers (as patients or witnesses IE, spouses, children…) – or even by some doctor’s and other medical practitioners, who actually have a conscience – in addition to some spiritual issues addressing our well-being..

Genetically Modified Organisms: Sobering Consequences

Part 2: Unintended GMO Health Risks

Monsantos-Genetically-Modified-Foods“If manufacturers are so sure there is nothing wrong with genetically modified foods, pesticides and cloned meats, they should have no problems labeling them as such. “After all, cancer will kill one in every two men and one in every three women now alive,” reports Samuel Epstein, chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition. Like our ancestors, we act in ways that will bemuse future societies. The military-industrial complex lubricates the mass-agriculture system with fossil fuels. Tons of heavy metals and other hazardous waste is sprayed on American agricultural soil.” – Adam Leith Gollne, The Fruit Hunters: A Story of Nature, Adventure, Commerce and Obsession

During WWII, chemical companies like Chevron manufactured Mustard gas to kill enemies by disrupting troops’ nervous systems. They changed their focus to continue their profits. They decided that crops growing in the fields of America needed poisons to stop the insects that nurtured them like bees, wasps and bats—all pollinators that make crops multiply and thrive.

They campaigned with “higher crop yields” and paid off a lot of U.S. Congressmen who “okayed” the poisons via legislation. Chevron and other companies amassed a fortune with DDT and other nerve gases that crippled mosquitoes, flies and gnats, but quickly killed birds, rodents, hawks, eagles and countless other species living on the ground floor of Earth. Continue reading

Genetically Modified Organisms: Unleashing 21st Century Frankenstein on the Natural World

Part 1: Changing the DNA structure of the Mother Nature

gmo_cornIn the 20st century, the human mob re-arranged rivers, deserts, rainforests and the oceans to suit its voracious appetite for dominance over the Natural World. Stemming from that 100-year epic onslaught, we humans created communities around the globe featuring 10 million, 20 million to 36 million people piled up in mega-cities around the world.

We contaminated rivers with our poisons, the air with our fossil fuel exhaust and clear cut rainforests by the millions of acres. Our onslaught of the Natural World continues with 80 to 100 species of our fellow travelers losing their existence 24/7 to our encroachment upon their habitat. (Source: Norman Myers, Oxford University)

One of our most prolific acts continues on the bees and other pollinators around the world. In the past 50 years, we poisoned every crop with hundreds of chemical herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers, which, in turn, caused trillions of bees to suffer “Colony Collapse” throughout the world. Without the bees, which I wrote about earlier this year, our species cannot feed itself. Continue reading

One Man Alone…

An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and William Donald Kelley

Excerpt from Introduction 2010

A young Dr. Gonzalez with his mentor...

A young Dr. Gonzalez with his mentor…

It is hard sometimes to believe that 28 years have now passed since I first began my investigations of the controversial alternative cancer therapist and dentist William Donald Kelley. In July of 1981, after my second year of medical school at Cornell, a good friend and successful writer called me one afternoon asking if I knew anything about Dr. Kelley and his strange nutritional treatment for cancer. I had certainly heard of Kelley by that point. His name had been splashed across all the major and minor newspapers and TV news shows some eight months earlier, vilified as the practitioner supervising the treatment of the actor Steve McQueen who in November 1980 lost his battle with advanced mesothelioma in a Mexican clinic. The stories had continued for many months even after McQueen’s death, and though I hadn’t followed the case too closely and knew little about Kelley, I thought the vicious attacks against him somewhat peculiar. After all, McQueen suffered a malignancy that was—and still is—incurable in the conventional world. Kelley had tried, I thought, when I first read articles about him and McQueen, and hadn’t succeeded—hardly some grievous sin, since all practicing oncologists try and fail, with many if not most of their patients. Continue reading

New Blood Pressure Guidelines May Take Millions of Americans Off Meds

blood_pressureAbout 5.8 million American adults may no longer be prescribed drugs to treat high blood pressure under recently revised guidelines, according to a new study.

In February, the Eighth Joint National Committee released controversial guidelines that relaxed blood pressure goals in adults 60 and older from 140/90 to 150/90. The guidelines also eased blood pressure targets for adults with diabetes and kidney disease. Continue reading

Setback for High Blood Pressure Treatment

Da_Vinci_Vitruve_Luc_Viatour.jpgA promising treatment for severe high blood pressure has failed in a large, rigorous study, doctors reported on Saturday.

The treatment, called renal denervation, involves threading a tube through blood vessels into the renal arteries, then zapping them with radio-frequency energy to kill nerve endings.

The procedure was thought to be a lifesaver for people whose high blood pressure could not be lowered even with multiple drugs. Uncontrolled hypertension increases the risk of strokes, heart attacks and other problems.

In the United States, 67 million people have high blood pressure, and it resists treatment in about 10 percent of them. Continue reading

Doctors Abandoning Private Practice in Droves to Work at Hospitals

the_twilight_zone_2Doctors are leaving private practice to become employees of hospitals, according to this story in the New York Times. The decline in private practice physicians actually began a few years ago when changes to Medicare forced many physicians who practiced individually or in small group offices to make the move to a salaried position in a hospital.

But there is no doubt that Obamacare has exacerbated the problem. The onerous recordkeeping is one big reason why private practice physicians are becoming extinct. Private physicians can’t afford the extra employees to meet the demands of Obamacare paperwork.

Dr. Paul Hsieh explained on the rollout of Obamacare: Continue reading

225,000 deaths a year: the Starfield Revelations

doctor_who___doctors_of_the_black_death_by_cornerstoneoflight-d4y2v60Barack Obama and his allies have done everything they can to bring more people into the US medical system. Changing that system has never occurred to these politicians.

Like much of America, they accept the cliches and slogans about American medicine. “It’s the best in the world.” “People are being denied treatment.” “We must take care of our citizens.”

How about this far more accurate slogan: “Let’s force more Americans to die in the care of doctors.”

The American healthcare system, like clockwork, causes a mind-boggling number of deaths every year. Continue reading

New Law’s Demands on Doctors Have Many Seeking a Network

jp-LOUISVILLE-1-master675TAYLORSVILLE, Ky. — Dr. Sven Jonsson, a primary care physician in this rural community, is seeing a steady tide of new patients under President Obama’s health care law, the Affordable Care Act. And so far, it is working out for him. His employer, a big hospital system, provides expensive equipment, takes care of bureaucratic chores and has buffered him from the turmoil of his rapidly changing business.

“This is just a much saner place for me right now,” said Dr. Jonsson, 52, who left private practice to work for the system, Baptist Health, in 2012. “I’m probably going to live another five years.” Continue reading

Obamacare: The Terrifying Consequences To Healthcare

obamacare_weblogAs the Obamacare debate rages, we hear much about insurance companies, costs and people’s ability to pay. We hear the policy defended as proponents tell us it will provide healthcare to those who never had it. Of course, these proponents never seem to explain how those who couldn’t afford healthcare when it was a choice can now afford an even more expensive cost now that government mandates it.

However, these debates about the pros and cons of Obamacare basically focus on money. What about the real issue – healthcare? What will Obamacare do to our medical system? How will it affect the quality of our care? How will it affect doctor’s decisions as they attempt to take care of our health needs? And, ultimately, in a system controlled by government bureaucrats and government-written manuals – who will really be making the decisions that determine our quality of life? These are the real questions that need to be the center of the debate. And the answers are terrifying. Continue reading

Lewis: The Dirty No Good SOB-ing Traitors

If one cannot search for and see the light of truth, one is either dumber than a box of rocks, ignorant and fearful of the truth, indoctrinated to the max unwilling to accept facts, or a willing participant in the destruction of America. Regardless of which it is, you, your family, and your future descendants will pay the highest price  – servitude to evil or death. Continue reading

When back pain is a sign of serious illness

Infections, bladder problems, even cancer – those aches and twinges in your back could be trying to tell you something

  • Sometimes organs send pain signals to other body parts – notably the back
  • For instance, kidney and bladder problems are easily mistaken as back pain
  • GPs can’t fully explain why this happens, though they have some theories
Frighteningly common: Back pain often masks the symptoms of other potentially serious health conditions

Frighteningly common: Back pain often masks the symptoms of other potentially serious health conditions

Here, we examine some of the other causes of back pain

Michelle Law’s childhood was blighted by back pain. Her mother took her to the GP many times, only to be told that the constant gnawing ache in Michelle’s back was growing pains or a pulled muscle.

She’d be sent home with painkillers or muscle relaxants – none of which helped.

The pain between her lowest rib and pelvic bone on the right-hand side of her back dogged Michelle into adulthood.

When she was 35, a new GP referred her for investigations on her kidneys because of the site of the pain.

‘I had dozens of scans and tests over four years, but they couldn’t find anything wrong,’ says Michelle, who lives in Hastings, East Sussex, with her four children and is studying to be a veterinary nurse. ‘By that time I was relying on morphine for pain relief and had become house-bound.’ Continue reading

Obamacare victimizing cancer patients

breast_testCancer, the most feared disease in America, just got scarier thanks to Obamacare. Despite the barrage of propganada claiming our health care system is in “crisis,” the fact is that if you are diagnosed with cancer, the best country in the world to receive treatment is the United States, by a fairly substantial margin. Our technology and our physicians are the best in the world. Period, as the president so often says.

But from now on, if you are covered by Obamacare, your options for cancer treatment are diminishing. Continue reading

Linking Ear Infections, Hyperactive Behavior & Future Health

health_logo_05A new animal study has documented a precise mechanism by which disturbances to the ear’s hearing and balance systems cause hyperactive behavior. Since such damage can occur in humans from infections, especially recurring ear infections, the study sheds light on the importance of helping children not get too many ear infections as well as fully recovering from them.

The correlation between ear infections and subsequent behavioral issues such as ADHD has been noted in the literature for some time. A 1990 study of 138 children found that ear infections and consequent middle ear disease was associated with hyperactivity and inattention. Continue reading

Obama Inc. to Deny Cancer Treatments by Redefining What “Cancer” Is

NOTE: We tend to avoid what could be construed as ‘political’ postings on this site, however felt that the following by Daniel Greenfield is worth posting. One must keep in mond, that YOUR health is YOUR responsibility, and that if you are serious about curing your cancer, or most importantly – preventing it – then what follows below may be of no concern to you. THINK! (Ed.)

obamacare_weblogThe death panels aren’t going to come through the front door. They’re going to sneak up on you from behind with piano wire.

On July 29, 2013, a working group for the National Cancer Institute (the main government agency for cancer research) published a paper proposing that the term “cancer” be reserved for lesions with a reasonable likelihood of killing the patient if left untreated. Slower growing tumors would be called a different name such as “indolent lesions of epithelial origin” (IDLE).

Their justification was that modern medical technology now allows doctors to detect small, slow-growing tumors that likely wouldn’t be fatal. Yet once patients are told they have a cancer, many become frightened and seek unnecessary further tests, chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery. Continue reading

‘The Operation Was a Success, but the Patient Died’

alertSchopenhauer would have enjoyed the spectacle of grand rounds in academic hospitals: his theory that people argue for victory more than for truth would have found confirmation there.

In grand rounds a physician presents a complex or enigmatic case to the other physicians of the hospital, who then discuss it in detail. The ostensible purpose is to teach, learn and sometimes to enquire; but such human desires as to show off, to appear more-learned-than-thou, and to appear brilliant are often much in evidence. Continue reading