Category Archives: Perspectives…

A wide range of lessons and commentary about many health related issues. Many are point-blank op-ed pieces based upon personal experiences by the writers (as patients or witnesses IE, spouses, children…) – or even by some doctor’s and other medical practitioners, who actually have a conscience – in addition to some spiritual issues addressing our well-being..

Letter to an oncologist: Do you remember my mum?

Ten years after I treated her dying mother, this aspiring doctor wants to meet me

Dear Dr Srivastava, you won’t remember me.

My eyes fly to the bottom of the page and I feel a thud in my chest. You couldn’t be more mistaken, I murmur.

You used to tuck yourself in next to the sink in my office, the one with the annoying water tap that would start gushing at the slightest movement and embarrass you until I gently suggested that I had the same problem and you should move your chair a little closer to my desk. Continue reading

Heart Wrenching… Know Your Rights!

It’s time… I’ve held my story in for six months, save for a few close friends and family knowing, and it’s time to break the silence of fear. The fear of repercussions that would come from sharing this with anyone who may not know me personally or understand the nuances of what happened. The fear of offending someone who holds a different belief system than I do. Fear of someone who may think I am ungrateful or unkind. Fear that I may get negative feedback or retaliation.

Despite all of those fears, I have to trust that speaking out and sharing my story could help a mama or daddy out there somewhere find the courage they need to stand up for themselves. I am writing this to you… so here it goes…(deep breath)… Continue reading

Death by MURDER!

The Purveyors Of Medical Addiction:

Coming to terms with the Fact that your Doctor is a Killer

So let us take a look at you… the hapless patient in a game of death…

Monsters have been created that will permanently ‘fix you’ but never cure you, (bit of Coldplay there…) we are of course speaking of the monsters created from your advanced payment for the death machine and its products, to be prescribed to you when you get a twitch or some little pain on or in your body. National Insurance is pre-paid population control. Continue reading

Surging cases have dashed all hope that polio might be eradicated in 2019

A relative mourns a female polio vaccinator killed by gunmen in Pakistan in January 2018. AP PHOTO/ARSHAD BUTT

The global initiative to eradicate polio is badly stuck, battling the virus on two fronts. New figures show the wild polio virus remains entrenched in Afghanistan and in Pakistan, its other holdout, where cases are surging. In Africa, meanwhile, the vaccine itself is spawning virulent strains. The leaders of the world’s biggest public health program are now admitting that success is not just around the corner—and intensively debating how to break the impasse. Continue reading

Lead-based paint found in half of all inspected schools

Editor’s NOTE: I find the following interesting for many, many reasons.

1) I attended the Crestwood Elementary School, Northbrook, Illinois (below) in 1958 which was most assuredly painted with lead-based paint and possibly built with asbestos.

2) All of the schools which I attended were painted with lead-based paint. As I recently posted on one of our blogs, when I was home from school for a week or so with one of the prime diseases of the day… mumps, measles or chicken pox – my father painted my bedroom – while I was in it – WITH lead-based paint.

3) Back in the day, young children and/or students were recipients of somewhere around 6 vaccinations in their young life (compared to – oh – somewhere north of about ten+ times those numbers today).

4) Somehow – we made it through ALL of this without being as affected as those generations who followed us. No obesity, balanced fresh cooked meals, plenty of exercise and activity, no cell-phones or other electronic toys, minimal television time  and – once again – very few vaccinations. Do you think that all of this made a difference?

Consider all of the above as you read through the following column. ~ Ed
Continue reading

The Pastor Who May Have Found a Cure for Cancer

The following was found in our archived folders after having remained for close to four years. It shows that there were many who were ahead of the curve in their studies. Enjoy the journey. ~ Ed.

A Denver pastor whose life inspired a Disney film believed he had found a cure for cancer before his death – and his theory is yet to be disproved.

Minister Albert Fay Hill’s battle against the New York mob is the stuff of legends, even inspiring hit 1978 movie The North Avenue Irregulars.

The pastor even won a Bronze Star and Purple Heart as a paratrooper during World War II, but it’s his fight against cancer that is set to become his lasting legacy. Continue reading

Google to block all anti-cancer, “anti-vax” and anti-GMO websites at the browser level as tech giant goes all-in with pharma drug cartels

America as we all knew it – is D – E – A – D!  It is only a matter of time. Twitter, Facebook, Google and now Chrome… There is no Freedom of anything left. The American people have slept – and now ANTIFA and the Socialist bas-TURDS in DC (funded by the illustrious Soros) have won. America has voted – and we are so damned proud of no matter who occupies the White House or Congress – now look what we have wrought. What you are about to read is from one source. I have read of other examples this past week. ~ Ed.

By late 2020, Google’s Chrome browser will automatically block all so-called anti-cancer, “anti-vax” and anti-GMO websites as part of Google’s collapse into a Monsanto/Pharma criminal cartel. Users who want to visit websites that expose the scientifically-validated risks and potential harm of vaccines, chemotherapy, glyphosate or GMOs will have to switch to alternative browsers and search engines, since the search engine is already in the process of eliminating all such websites from its search results. Continue reading

For bee alarmists, Groundhog Day comes in June

Will activists finally admit their sins and break out of their pesticide-blaming time loop?

Did you think Goundhog Day only comes in February?

For anti-insecticide zealots and others in the environmentalist movement who’ve been preoccupied for years with bees and “colony collapse disorder,” it actually comes every June. That’s when the Bee Informed Partnership – a University of Maryland-based project supported by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) – releases the results of its annual survey of honeybee colony losses and health. Continue reading

Nutrition and Cancer ~ “The Gonzalez Study



Dr. Nicholas James Gonzalez, who practiced in New York City before his untimely death in 2015, used an innovative nutritional protocol to successfully treat far advanced cancer patients. As a classically trained immunologist, he approached this innovative therapy with a great deal of skepticism, but became convinced of its value during an exhaustive five year research project.

A young Dr. Gonzalez with his mentor… Dr. William D. Kelley

In July of 1981, during the summer preceding his third year at Cornell University Medical College, Dr. Gonzalez embarked upon an informal evaluation of a nutritional approach to cancer. A friend had asked him to look into a dentist named Kelley in Texas who had reportedly cured a patient of terminal cancer. What started as a way to spend a summer vacation eventually developed into a five year research project under the direction of former President of Sloan Kettering Institute, Dr. Robert Good.

On his trip to Texas, Gonzalez was astonished to find case after case of appropriately diagnosed advanced metastatic cancer patients who were healthy and active five, ten, and 15 years after diagnosis. Kelley had made available all of his records, well over 10,000 patients, and encouraged Gonzalez to contact any and all of them. Continue reading

Big Pharma and Organized Crime — They Are More Similar Than You May Think

It is scary how many similarities there are between this [pharmaceutical] industry and the mob. The mob makes obscene amounts of money, as does this industry. The side effects of organized crime are killings and deaths, and the side effects are the same in this industry. The mob bribes politicians and others, and so does the drug industry…” ~ former Vice-President of Pfizer pharmaceuticals ¹

If you believe pharmaceutical corporations hold the health of the general public in high regard, it’s time to reconsider. Continue reading

Roundup’s Risks Could Go Well Beyond Cancer

Evidence of the cheap herbicide’s danger to biological functions and the environment continues to mount. Why are U.S. regulators not listening?

Is it worth it? Photographer: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg

Chemicals giant Bayer AG is reeling after a jury awarded $2 billion in damages to people who say they contracted cancer after years of using Roundup, a popular weed killer manufactured by Bayer subsidiary Monsanto Co. Bayer probably won’t pay out the full $2 billion. But more than 10,000 further cases are pending, worrying Bayer investors as well as farmers who rely on the product as a cheap, effective herbicide.

Cancer may only be part of the story. Continue reading

Court Docs: Monsanto Paid Chemical Industry Front Group To Claim Cancer-Causing Weedkiller ‘Safe’ and Attack Its Critics

This blows my mind. Not only is it disgusting from a humane point of view but also the fact that a huge company supposedly in the drug industry to help people buys this chemical, lawsuit riddled company. They need to start locking up these executives for long incarcerations. They simply buy their way out now and stay rich while doing so. ~ Joseph Federico

Show us de monee!

Monsanto paid a shadowy chemical industry front group to help push back against the mounting scientific evidence that the company’s signature Roundup weedkiller causes cancer, court documents reveal.

“If a company like [Monsanto] won’t support us, then who will?” the head of the American Council on Science and Health wrote to a Monsanto scientist in 2015. A day later came the reply: “[T]he answer is yes…. [D]efinitely count us in!!” Continue reading