Over half of the states within the United States of America have now issued some sort of “mandatory mask order”. People are being forced to wear masks under the guise “we must do this to protect our neighbors and communities”. These actions are not only unconstitutional, but they are also unethical, and science does not back up their claim.
CNBC reported on July 20, 2020
“As of Monday, more than half of U.S. states have statewide mask mandates in place to curb the spread of the coronavirus.”
Mainstream media has pushed “to stop the spread of coronavirus everyone must wear a mask”. Mainstream media and politicians have been telling people “wear a mask to help stop the spread of COVID19” for months. It appears as if they have been pushing propaganda not backed up in scientific studies to a trusting public. Is their conspiracy theory true? Do these masks really stop the spread of coronavirus? Let’s take a look. Continue reading