OR… Here we go again!
I would hope, think, that after a few hundred years in business and taking trillions of dollars out of our pockets that the medical profession would have its collective shit together, but every day they disprove that thought. This last transition from the sublime to the ludicrous, lowered my expectations to Bend Over, Here It Comes Again (BOHICA).
My theory: I am / we are, nothing more than a source of revenue, in every aspect of life. I am the next payment on that condo in Cabo, or the payment on that Porsche; maybe trophy-wife #3’s new tits. but my care is NOT the primary consideration. I am nothing more than an incidental and contemporaneous annoyance and involuntary participant.
I am nothing more than a unit in need of service and crucial to their cash-flow. Their lack of attention to detail and the assembly-line approach to healthcare is the result of trading the goals of heath service for that of the almighty dollar. Continue reading