Category Archives: Death by Medicine

Does one need say more? More deaths take place in the united States today due to medical malpractice and and mishandling of patients in hospitals than are killed by guns each year. “OOPS – did I misplace that scalpel?”

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot

Another important consideration conveniently omitted on the CDC fact sheet about SV40 is that the virus is somehow being passed down from generation to generation.

The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40).

The Mask: it’s all but a game….

Dr. Russell Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks to Healthy Individuals

Finally a doctor who is willing to speak out with clarity and share what we all already know – face masks are harmful to healthy individuals and give you headaches. No kidding.

Dr. Russell Blaylock warns that not only do face masks fail to protect the healthy from getting sick, but they also create serious health risks to the wearer. The bottom line is that if you are not sick, you should not wear a face mask.

He continues, “By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain.”
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Former Big Pharma sales rep speaks out on industry’s dishonest practices

To many of us, it has been pretty clear for a long time that Big Pharma engages in very dishonest tactics – and that’s putting it politely – when it comes to pushing their toxic “treatments” on people, but now some people who have worked on the inside are speaking out about their devious practices.

Gwen Olsen worked as a pharmaceutical sales rep for some of the biggest names in pharmacy. During her 15 years in the industry, she worked for manufacturers such as Bristol-Myers Squibb, Abbott Laboratories and Johnson & Johnson. Continue reading

Bill Gates Donates 60 Million To Vaccine Programs

17 years later – he is still pushing his agenda!

Originally published on this site February 13, 2003

Seattle’s Path And Johns Hopkins Are Awarded $60 Million ~ A global health group started by Bill Gates to improve childhood immunization rates in poor nations has awarded $60 million to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and a Seattle-based health organization to speed up development of vaccines against diarrhea and pneumonia.

The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization said it would expand its mission to support research and development of critical vaccines for the Third World that are of low interest to Western drug makers. Continue reading

Why The Public Should Rebel Against Forced Vaccinations

The debate over the morality and practicality of forced vaccinations has been raging for many years, long before the coronavirus ever hit the US population. With the advent of the pandemic the narrative has shifted to one of “necessity”. The media and the majority of governments around the world now act as if mass vaccinations are a given; the “debate is over”, as collectivists like to say when they are tired of having to deal with any logical or factual complaints.

In the case of the novel coronavirus there is no vaccine yet; unless of course the virus was engineered or evolved in a lab (as more and more evidence is suggesting), and then perhaps there is one already developed. Typically, vaccines take years to test and produce, and whenever a vaccine is rushed onto the market very bad things tend to happen. Continue reading

The TRUTH continues to come out!

“When the lid finally comes off, a lot of trusting People are going to be very pissed.” ~ Jim Dandy

“30 years of nursing and I have never been so concerned.” ~ Lynn Fishman, RN

“The speed and effectiveness of the initial immune response is key, so keep yourselves healthy” – Vitamin D3 deficiency is key. Everyone should have max levels of vitamin d3 in their blood. Zinc is also key when taking hydroxychloroquine to disrupt Covid-19 replication in cells. WHY IS THIS MESSAGE NOT BEING BLASTED ALL OVER BY THE MEDIA AND BY DOCTORS????????? ~ Frank George

“Yesterday’s Scientific Dogma is Today’s Discarded Fable”

Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review

The title quotation is ascribed to Justice Archie Campbell author of Canada’s SARS Commission Final Report.1 It is a stark reminder that scientific knowledge is constantly changing as new discoveries contradict established beliefs. For at least three decades a face mask has been deemed an essential component of the personal protective equipment worn by dental personnel. A current article, “Face Mask Performance: Are You Protected” gives the impression that masks are capable of providing an acceptable level of protection from airborne pathogens.2 Studies of recent diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and the Ebola Crisis combined with those of seasonal influenza and drug resistant tuberculosis have promoted a better understanding of how respiratory diseases are transmitted. Concurrently, with this appreciation, there have been a number of clinical investigations into the efficacy of protective devices such as face masks. This article will describe how the findings of such studies lead to a rethinking of the benefits of wearing a mask during the practice of dentistry. It will begin by describing new concepts relating to infection control especially personal protective equipment (PPE). ~ Author
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The Deception of Virology & Vaccines ~ Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious

Having received this essential anonymous post on the true nature of viruses and virology by email, I feel compelled to re-post it on this blog, given that it nails to the mast the fraudulent claims being used to justify the indefensible. ~ The Bernician

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak Laboratory Research & Quality Control on a high technology equipment.

This post intends to go to the heart of virology and vaccination itself and what vaccination is propped up by – the entirety of virology and vaccine science is predicated on one thing—that viruses are infectious agents that cause disease.

Without this theory, vaccines would not be ‘effective’ or ‘work’ in the minds of the people.

Without the virus theory, vaccines would crumble like a house of cards.

This article will show the pseudoscience behind the theories that prop up virology and the vast problems with it. Continue reading

Nano, Nano…

I have little fear of dying as I have lived a fairly good life but I have a lot of fear for living in a world controlled by psychopaths and gone mad! ~ Travailer

Death by Medicine ~ The History of the Pharma Cartel

1911, May 15
The Supreme Court of the U.S. finds John Rockefeller and his Trust guilty of corruption, illegal business practices and racketeering. As a result of this decision, the entire Rockefeller Standard Oil-Trust, the world’s largest corporation of its time, was sentenced to be dismantled. But Rockefeller was already above the Supreme Court and did not care about this decision. Continue reading

The AMA once paid a cancer virus researcher $250K to retire in Mexico and stop working on natural cures

Dr. Morris Fishbein

It all started with an evil, corrupt man named Dr. Morris Fishbein, who ran the “prestigious” American Medical Association (AMA) for over 40 years, and even though he had a medical degree, he never treated a patient in his life. Rather, Fishbein succeeded at controlling, suppressing and willfully crushing natural cures for cancer by using money, coercion, and the power of the AMA “seal of approval.” Continue reading

Medical Errors Are No. 3 Cause Of U.S Deaths

Medical errors rank behind heart disease and cancer as the third leading cause of death in the U.S., Johns Hopkins researchers say. (iStockphoto)

A study by researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine says medical errors should rank as the third leading cause of death in the United States — and highlights how shortcomings in tracking vital statistics may hinder research and keep the problem out of the public eye. Continue reading