Category Archives: Death by Medicine

Does one need say more? More deaths take place in the united States today due to medical malpractice and and mishandling of patients in hospitals than are killed by guns each year. “OOPS – did I misplace that scalpel?”

The Two Things That Rarely Happen After a Medical Mistake

med_mistakePatients seldom are told or get an apology when they are harmed during medical care, according to a new study based on results from ProPublica’s Patient Harm Questionnaire.

Patients who suffer injuries, infections or mistakes during medical care rarely get an acknowledgment or apology, researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine report.

The study was based on responses of 236 patients who completed ProPublica’s Patient Harm Questionnaire during the one-year period ending in May 2013 and who agreed to share their data. Continue reading

Ebola’s Other Contagious Threat: Hysteria

As health officials scramble to explain how two nurses in Dallas became infected with Ebola, psychologists are increasingly concerned about another kind of contagion, whose symptoms range from heightened anxiety to avoidance of public places to full-blown hysteria.

So far, emergency rooms have not been overwhelmed with people afraid that they have caught the Ebola virus, and no one is hiding in the basement and hoarding food. But there is little doubt that the events of the past week have left the public increasingly worried, particularly the admission by Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, director the of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that the initial response to the first Ebola case diagnosed in the United States was inadequate. Continue reading

Top Ten Ways the American Health Care System Fails

obamacare_weblogFrom time to time, medical experts reverse course on certain practices and procedures when science dictates a change in the standard of care. One classic example of a “reversal” is when hormone therapy for menopausal women came to a screeching halt when so many women developed blood clots, stroke, and breast and uterine cancers.

In an attempt to determine the overall effectiveness of our medical care, the Mayo Clinic tracked the frequency of these medical reversals over the past decade and published a report in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, August 2013.

The results are discussed by lead researcher Dr. Vinay Prasad in the featured video. Prasad and his team found that reversals are common across all classes of medical practice, and a significant proportion of medical treatments offer no benefit at all. Continue reading

Death by Murder

surgical_instrumentsEighteen patients in North Carolina may have been exposed to a fatal brain disorder similar to ‘mad cow’ disease after undergoing surgery with instruments that had not been properly sterilised.

Surgeons at the Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem operated on the patients on January 18 using tools that had been used on a man suspected of having Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), the hospital said in a press statement.

The surgical instruments were sterilised using standard hospital procedures, but were not subjected to the enhanced sterilisation procedures necessary on instruments used in confirmed or suspected cases of CJD, the hospital added. Continue reading

Many Doctors Don’t Report Incompetent Colleagues

One-third of those surveyed would decline to intervene

If your doctor had a drug problem or was impaired in some way, you would probably hope that his or her colleagues would intervene and see that he gets help. A new survey suggests that doesn’t happen very often.

A study in JAMA says a survey of physicians finds that while most support the professional commitment to report other physicians who they feel are incompetent or impaired — such as from alcohol or drug use — many did not follow through on making a report when faced with such a situation. Continue reading

Douglas: Death by Doctor

Iatrogenic – a word you should know…

According to Webster’s, it means: Induced in a patient by a physician’s activity, manner, or therapy. In other words: Caused by a doctor.

Now doctors can cause all kinds of things. Cures. Wellness. Hope. But what about death? Is that something we’re used to thinking is caused by our doctors? Well, if you’ve been reading the Daily Dose – or my Real Health newsletter – for any length of time at all, you’ll probably answer a resounding YES to that last question. But if you’re new, I want to bring you up to speed on a truly frightening statistic — one that’ll shake you to your soon-to-be-ex-mainstream core: Doctor errors, of one type or another, are the 3rd largest cause of death in the U.S., killing nearly a quarter of a million of us every year… Continue reading

Ellison: Skeletons in the FDA’s Closet

It is time that the actions of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) speak for themselves and Americans began to question their own absorbent use and blind-loyalty to FDA approved drugs. If not, you too may become a FDA statistic. The FDA’s financial ties to “big-pharma” have caused millions of preventable deaths over the last 30 years.

In 1996-97 the FDA approved a drug known as Posicor (a chemical called mibefradil dihydrochloride) for the treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension). Prior to approval, the data from the congestive heart failure trials presented at a FDA Advisory Committee meeting on Posicor showed that more patients treated with Posicor died than those taking a placebo!  Continue reading

Increase in Wrong Surgeries

CHICAGO — A hospital regulatory agency is warning of an alarming increase in incidents in which doctors operated on the wrong body part or the wrong patient.

Wednesday’s alert from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations follows a similar message from the group in 1998, when it reported on 15 “wrong-site” cases. Since then, 136 have been reported to the commission — 108 in the past two years and 11 in the past month alone. Continue reading