Category Archives: Death by Medicine

Does one need say more? More deaths take place in the united States today due to medical malpractice and and mishandling of patients in hospitals than are killed by guns each year. “OOPS – did I misplace that scalpel?”

Dying Patients Denied Access to Life-Saving Cancer Treatment

The FDA is effectively signing the death warrant of more patients by denying them access to Dr. Burzynski’s antineoplaston cancer treatment—for no rational reason whatsoever.

Over the years, we’ve covered the FDA’s attacks on Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, the trailblazing cancer doctor best known for his discovery and development of antineoplastons (ANP), which are peptides and amino acid derivatives that activate tumor-suppressing genes. Independent research has confirmed antineoplastons to be an effective cancer treatment. Continue reading

Monsanto: “You Are Poisoning People”

In a chance encounter with Monsanto’s CEO, actor Mark Ruffalo told Hugh Grant what many people are thinking: That the biotech company is responsible for a lot of pain and suffering in this world.

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It’s not every day you meet the head of Monsanto, which is why actor Mark Ruffalo knew he needed to take advantage of the opportunity and speak out for millions when he addressed the company’s CEO, Hugh Grant.

Before a segment for the movie Spotlight with Mike Rezendez, Ruffalo was in the green room watching Grant on screen giving “slippery non-answer[s] to every question he was asked.” Continue reading

Vaccines: Death by MURDER

JFB_2009_port-198x300DATELINE: December 1, 2015; On my evening program, Life, Liberty & All That Jazz I was privileged to present most of what you are about to read/view in this extended column. Nearing the end of the two hour program I knew that this is how I wanted to present this issue – in the very format presented below – something that we have never done since the inception of this website with Dr. Kelley in the year 2000. The advantage that you will benefit from in this format, include the embedded links, which will not only give you several product suggestions for detoxification – but legal links as well, which may provide you with another degree of protection from the all seeing, all knowing eye of the murderers in power.

At 9:23 p.m. (MST), I began to formulate all that which you are about to read. READ IT all – WATCH the entire embedded video interview with one of the bravest individuals you will ever be privileged to meet – then share this lengthy presentation far and wide.

You will never think of vaccines in the same way again. (J.B.)

shot-in-the-dark Continue reading

SHOCK study: Chemotherapy can backfire, make cancer worse by triggering tumor growth

NOTE: This report is over 3 years old and as of today, is being covered up by the Allopathic (Pathological) Medical Community. (J.B.)

chemotreatmentScientists found that healthy cells damaged by chemotherapy secreted more of a protein called WNT16B, which boosts cancer cell survival. ‘The increase in WNT16B was completely unexpected,” said Peter Nelson, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Long considered the most effective cancer-fighting treatment, chemotherapy may actually make cancer worse, according to a shocking new study. Continue reading

What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain

chemtrailsThe Internet is littered with stories of “chemtrails” and geoengineering to combat “global warming” and until recently I took these stories with a grain of salt. One of the main reasons for my skepticism was that I rarely saw what they were describing in the skies. But over the past several years I have notice a great number of these trails and I have to admit they are not like the contrails I grew up seeing in the skies. They are extensive, quite broad, are laid in a definite pattern and slowly evolve into artificial clouds. Of particular concern is that there are now so many dozens every day are littering the skies. Continue reading

Roundup CAUSES Cancer

Monsanto hid evidence for 40 years while lying to and defrauding Americans, FOIA documents show

RoundupThe downfall of the Monsanto chemical empire could go down in history as having had its official launch in 2015, the year that its flagship herbicide Roundup was found by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be a probable cause of cancer in humans. 2015 is also the year that it was revealed that Monsanto has been hiding the dirty details of this deadly chemical formula from regulatory authorities for nearly four decades. Continue reading

Proof Conventional Medicine is a “Killing Machine”

Death-by-MedicineAlthough Americans have been repeatedly told that heart disease and cancer are the two leading causes of death in the US, in fact conventional medicine is the leading cause of death today!

Carolyn Dean MD, ND, and Trueman Tuck, a Legal and Political Rights advocate, authored the no-holds-barred book in 2005: Death by Modern Medicine, which deconstructs modern medicine with the precision of a skilled surgeon removing a deadly cancerous tumor. The book clearly shows via the “Allopathic Investment Industry’s” own data that modern medicine is a scourge on humanity, a black plague, a hidden pandemic. The truth is it’s a monopoly that operates like a mafia and thrives on sickness while discouraging wellness – especially disease prevention. Continue reading

The Human Cost of a Misleading Drug-Safety Study

shadowsA reexamination of old data for Paxil found that the antidepressant is more dangerous than the authors let on. How much harm has been done in the 14 years since it was published?

Sara Bostock once sent me a picture of her and her daughter Cecily in happier times, and it’s a happy shot indeed: Mother and daughter, 40-something and 20-something, outdoors in the sun, looking radiant. With their beaming smiles—the same smile, really, for they look so alike—they appear thrilled to be mother and daughter.

One night in 2002, a couple years after that photo was taken, Sara woke in the night thinking she’d heard a bump in her kitchen. When she went to investigate, she found her 25-year-old daughter on the kitchen floor in a pool of blood. Next to Cecily on the floor was a large and bloody chef’s knife. In her chest were two knife wounds. One was shallow; the other was fatally deep.

Sara Bostock has always thought that her daughter was killed that night by an antidepressant called Paxil. Continue reading

Study Proves Fluoride Lowers IQ in Children

Colgate-sodium-fluoride-600This peer reviewed study should have set alarm bells ringing across America! Originally published in mid 2012 … I don’t even remember hearing about it. The main stream media certainly did not take the football and run with it.

TLB intentionally digs up and re-publishes vital and pertinent articles and information that are seriously (intentionally) overlooked by the powers that be … but vital to We The People in our ongoing fight to remain free and healthy. This despite the tyranny constantly being forced into our brains, and down our throats. This is one such topic. Continue reading

Cancer causing substance found in U.S. crayons and toys imported from China

crayon-kidChildren’s crayons and toy crime scene kits have been found to contain the cancer causing chemical asbestos.

Crayons affected include Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Saban’s Power Rangers Super Megaforce and those made by Amscan.

Of 28 boxes of crayons tested, four contained the potentially deadly chemical. Continue reading

From Abortions to Vaccines to Chemotherapy

How modern medicine is steeped in a culture of death and denial

prescription-drugsThe standard medical approach in the West is to bombard the body with drugs and poison whenever there’s an ailment, rather than try to prevent illness by fortifying the body through nutrition and healthy living. This reactionary approach, or what many recognize as the allopathic model of healthcare, has led to the advent of all sorts of deadly interventions such as abortion, vaccination and chemotherapy, all of which involve death and destruction rather than life and healing. Continue reading

Anti-malaria drug given to soldiers linked to depression, killing veterans while boosting Big Pharma’s psych drug profits

A pharmaceutical drug developed by the United States Army as a supposed treatment and preventive agent for malaria is instead proving to be an ineffective, deadly, psychotropic poison. The drug, known as mefloquine (or Lariam under its brand name), is reportedly causing British soldiers to develop severe depression and mental illness, and some political leaders are now calling for its removal from the official military drugging schedule. Continue reading

Study Links GMOs To Cancer, Liver/Kidney Damage & Severe Hormonal Disruption

gmo-murderIn November 2012, the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology published a paper titled Long Term Toxicity of Roundup Herbicide and a Roundup-Tolerant genetically modified maize by Gilles-Eric Seralini and his team of researchers at France’s Caen University. (source) It was a very significant study that made a lot of noise worldwide, the first of its kind under controlled conditions that examined the possible effects of a GMO maize diet treated with Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide.

After the research was completed, it went through rigorous reviews, as well as a four month review process by scientists and researchers. It was eventually approved and published, only to be retracted by request of the Journal. Although hundreds of scientists around the world condemned the retraction, and the researchers addressed the criticisms, it was to no avail. Continue reading

Big Government & Big Pharma: A Marriage Forged In Hell

A Discussion with Dr. Wakefield & Dr. Lewis

PharmaceuticalWe who have done our homework, constantly struggle to convince those who have not, that the very people they trust via elections or government appointment, are in fact complicit with Big Pharma in heinous crimes of willful negligence being perpetrated against an unsuspecting (majority of) humanity, for reasons of greed, self promotion or something even more sinister. Continue reading