Category Archives: Death by Medicine

Does one need say more? More deaths take place in the united States today due to medical malpractice and and mishandling of patients in hospitals than are killed by guns each year. “OOPS – did I misplace that scalpel?”

Vaccines, cancer and autism

Could a massive Big Pharma cover-up be behind mysterious deaths of holistic doctors?

doc_vaccineToday, the United States has one of the highest rates of infant mortality in the entire world. No less than 1 in 45 children are suffering from autism, while cancer is said to affect 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men. In fact, cancer is the second leading cause of death in America, but it is also a 124-billion-dollar industry. What would happen if, say, a natural cure were discovered?

The 12 doctor deaths recorded within only three months last summer suggest a sinister answer. Could it be that we already have the cure for cancer, but are denied access to this knowledge? Continue reading

Berkeley Doctor Says More People Die from Chemotherapy than from Cancer

no_chemoHardin B. Jones, a former professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California, Berkeley, claims that ‘leading edge’ cancer treatments are a sham. And, that more people die from chemotherapy than from cancer.

Dr. Jones states that people who refuse chemotherapy, live on average, 12.5 years longer than people who undergo chemotherapy. He adds that, chemotherapy doesn’t work 97% of the time. Continue reading

Big Pharma, the FDA and the Propaganda that Profits from Your Diseases

no cures_pharmaOne does have to wonder how much collusion there is between the Food and Drug Administration and the food and pharmaceutical companies. After all, there is no real accountability for the FDA in anything they approve, just money to be made. However, in an extensive investigative report, journalist Ben Swann uncovers the truth regarding the propaganda the pharmaceutical companies put out, the ties to the FDA, the manipulation of physicians by Big Pharma and the profits that are amassed from deadly drugs. Continue reading

Top 15 foods that are so dangerous they’ve been banned from entering other countries, but are served in the U.S.

No wonder the US is suffering epidemic levels of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other nutrition-related conditions

A grapefruit being injected with four syringes containing colored fluids

A grapefruit being injected with four syringes containing colored fluids

Many savvy and health conscious shoppers analyze food labels to know exactly what’s concocted in that jar, can or box. Conversely, millions of Americans, brainwashed by trendy advertising and/or scientific propaganda, remain clueless about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and other ubiquitous genetically engineered ingredients like MSG, maltodextrin, soy protein isolate, Food manufacturers spend lots of money concocting chemical additives to addict you. Some of these “foods” shoved down American throats are flat out banned in other nations. gives even the occasional junk eater fifteen reasons to just say no. Continue reading

SHOCK: Americans’ drinking water could become thousands of times more radioactive under new EPA proposal

American-Flag-Water-SampleThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed rule changes that would permit drinking water to become hundreds of thousands of times more radioactive than currently allowed. The rule would permit water so radioactive that it would expose those drinking it to the equivalent of 250 chest X-rays per year.

Environmental groups immediately condemned the proposal. Continue reading

Bon Appétit

JFB_2009_port-198x300Editor’s NOTE: What follows are a series of headlines, synopsis and links to a series of articles regarding the poisonous nature of that which we are expected to ‘eat.’ Notice that there is only reference to GMO – Genetically Modified Organisms – NOT Genetically Modified FOODS. It’s all designed to confuse the mind. Just because you fill your belly does not mean that you are feeding your body of the necessary nutritional foods that have been provided by nature and real farmers for years.

Bon Appétit my friends. ~ J.B.

Whole Foods goes ROGUE… partners with Monsanto to kill GMO labeling across America and replace with fake labeling deception
Monsantos-Genetically-Modified-FoodsIMPORTANT UPDATE: Whole Foods was just caught blatantly LYING about everything covered in this article. CEO Walter Robb has been captured on video admitting total support for Monsanto-engineered GMO fake labeling law that kills Vermont GMO labeling bill. Whole Foods… (Continue to full article)

Victory! Judge closes industry loophole, barring pesticides from compost used in organic food production
ban-roundup-250In a victory for organic consumers, a federal judge has tossed out a rule change by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that permitted the use of compost containing synthetic pesticides in growing organic foods. “The court’s decision upholds the integrity of… (Continue to full article)

Conventional corn and soybean farmer says consumers have right to know if food contains cancer-causing GMOs
gmo_cornSometimes it takes an average person with direct experience of a situation to put things in perspective in such a way that anyone can understand – without a lot of industry jargon or double-talk – by simply speaking the truth in plain, commonsense terms. Such… (Continue to full article)

London grocery stores prepare to sell Fukushima rice despite health concerns over radiated food
rice-bowl-chopsticks-11459751Rice grown in the zone surrounding the still-radioactive Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will now be sold in London grocery stores, the European Union (EU) announced in late June. In March 2011, the Fukushima plant suffered multiple meltdowns after being struck… (Continue to full article)

Midwestern farmer warns: GMOs have drained BILLIONS of dollars from rural economies while monopolizing agriculture
Farmer-Gardener-Harvest-Crops-Vegetables-SoilGeorge Naylor, a farmer and board member of the Center for Food Safety and the Non-GMO Project, has cultivated corn and soybeans on his family farm near Churdan, Iowa, since 1976. Like many others, George made the decision never to raise genetically modified (GM) crops… (Continue to full article)

Prescription Painkiller Crisis

Why Do Americans Consume 80 Percent Of All Prescription Painkillers?

We have become a nation of 'over-medicated sugar addicts who are eating and pill-popping their way to years of misery with chronic debilitating diseases and an early grave,' Dr Malhotra claims

If Americans are so happy, then why do we consume 80 percent of the entire global supply of prescription painkillers? Less than 5 percent of the world’s population lives in this country, and yet we buy four-fifths of these highly addictive drugs. In the United States today, approximately 4.7 million Americans are addicted to prescription pain relievers, and that represents about a 300 percent increase since 1999. If you personally know someone that is suffering from this addiction, then you probably already know how immensely destructive these drugs can be. Someone that was formally living a very healthy and normal life can be reduced to a total basket case within a matter of weeks. Continue reading

While you were distracted by BREXIT…

… Monsanto’s puppets in the U.S. Senate announced a ‘compromise’ to outlaw GMO labeling laws nationwide

Call your U.S. Senator NOW and tell them you strongly oppose this “DARK ACT” GMO labeling compromise. It’s all a biotech industry scam that’s designed to outlaw meaningful GMO labeling!

Monsantos-Genetically-Modified-FoodsWhile UK citizens were revolting en masse against bureaucratic rule in Europe, another cabal of prostituted lawmakers were busy plotting against American food consumers.

According to this announcement from the United States Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, committee leaders have reached a “bipartisan agriculture biotechnology compromise solution.”

What exactly is this so-called “compromise?”

The complete banning of all GMO labeling state laws across America.
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Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes in Vaccines all Found Murdered

Murder_by_death_movie_posterNot long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans.

Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s main defence to naturally kill cancer cells.

According to Nagalase is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!!
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How Big Pharma Uses Charity Programs to Cover for Drug Price Hikes

A billion-dollar system in which charitable giving is profitable.

PCPIn August 2015, Turing Pharmaceuticals and its then-chief executive, Martin Shkreli, purchased a drug called Daraprim and immediately raised its price more than 5,000 percent. Within days, Turing contacted Patient Services Inc., or PSI, a charity that helps people meet the insurance copayments on costly drugs. Turing wanted PSI to create a fund for patients with toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that is most often treated with Daraprim.

Having just made Daraprim much more costly, Turing was now offering to make it more affordable. Continue reading

Colorado Sends Non-Vaccinating Parents ILLEGAL Order to “Register Their Child With the State

You WILL OBEY or we will take your children and they shall become WARDS (Property) OF THE STATE.

What is going on in Colorado? Have the Asylum inmates taken over completely? Perhaps it is the Altitude that has polluted the Attitude. ~ Jackie Juntti

Here’s the fraud of the State in action.

vaccineIt seems that the Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment sent out a letter to parents demanding that those who have not vaccinated their children register them on a state website under requirement by law – the only problem is that there is no such law.

The agency has apologized, claiming the letter was sent out by mistake, but their intent was revealed anyway. Continue reading

Chemo child abuse: Connecticut FORCED 17-year old girl to have chemotherapy without her consent…

… now her cancer is back

Cassandra Callender

Cassandra Callender

Cassandra Callender, of Windsor Locks, Conn., was diagnosed with stage 3 or 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma when she was 17 years old. Shortly after the diagnosis in September 2014, she refused chemotherapy, and decided to look into alternative treatments to protect her body from long-term effects such as organ damage and infertility. Continue reading

Smart Meters causing tidal wave of mysterious illnesses

…that strike people in their own homes

Smart-Meter-Electricity-Energy-HomeIn recent years there have been increasing reports that “smart meters” – the digitized electric meters that are designed to send usage figures to power companies wirelessly – are causing a range of health issues among a growing portion of the population where such devices are in use.

In fact, notes the EMF Safety Network, a growing number of people from around the world are beginning to report health problems they believe are related to an increased amount of wireless radiation from various devices, including smart meters. Continue reading

Infant assaulted with 8 vaccine doses at six months old…

Collapses into state of brain damage… doctors blame the parents!

Cerenity-Vaccine-Injured-ChildDesperate to share her story, a Texas mother is speaking out about the traumatic injuries her young daughter sustained after being injected at six months old with a total of eight vaccine doses.

About a month after infant Cerenity received the DTaP/Hib/IPV (5-in-1 combo), hepatitis B, pneumococcal Prevnar 13, and the oral Rotavirus vaccine, she suffered several major injuries and grew increasingly unwell. Continue reading