Category Archives: Death by Medicine

Does one need say more? More deaths take place in the united States today due to medical malpractice and and mishandling of patients in hospitals than are killed by guns each year. “OOPS – did I misplace that scalpel?”

Poison Fruit

Dow Chemical Wants Farmers to Keep Using a Pesticide Linked to Autism and ADHD

On Mondays, Magda and Amilcar Galindo take their daughter Eva to self-defense class. Eva is 12 but her trusting smile and arching pigtails make her look younger. Diagnosed with autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, Eva doesn’t learn or behave like the typical 12-year-old. She struggles to make change, and she needs help with reading and social situations. Eva’s classmates are sometimes unkind to her, and Magda worries for her daughter’s feelings and her safety. So once a week, after they drive her from her middle school in Modesto, California, to her tutor in nearby Riverbank, the Galindos rush off to the gym where they cheer Eva on as she wrestles with a heavy bag and punches the air with her skinny arms. Continue reading

CANCER: New data suggest Agent Orange causing horrific third generation birth defects Vietnam vets are passing to their grandkids

What’s the “Agent Orange curse?” True story: As veterans of the Vietnam war die off from cancer and other diseases and disorders they got from the incredibly toxic defoliant Agent Orange, the nightmare is not over, because research is revealing their children and grandchildren, who were never exposed to the pesticide, have birth defects that were passed on through their parents and grandparent’s affected genes. That’s the Agent Orange curse, and it can cause much more detriment than cancer, as if that weren’t enough, including heart disease, fibromyalgia, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, spinal problems, autism, and birth defects like missing limbs, extra limbs, malformed limbs, speech difficulties, cleft lip palate, crooked fingers and webbed toes.

Sadly, the US government is trying to cover it all up, waiting for the vets to die off, thinking the whole chronic nightmare will fade away, but it’s not fading at all. Continue reading

Reasons why Big Pharma will never cure cancer

President Obama declared during his (2016) State of the Union Address that he’s putting Vice President Biden in charge of carrying out a multi-billion dollar “moonshot”, to cure cancer that Biden called for in wake of his son’s death. Unfortunately for Biden, and the public in general, Big Pharma has too much to lose by curing cancer, and too much to gain by keeping it in check. Continue reading

One Patient, Two Cancer DNA Tests, Two Different Results

What happens when cutting-edge medicine offers up conflicting answers?

A patient receives chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer. Eric Gaillard/Reuters

A couple years ago, Sibel Blau, an oncologist outside of Seattle, was working with the company Guardant Health to test their novel “liquid biopsies” in patients. The idea behind liquid biopsies is both elegant and promising. A doctor takes a blood sample from a patient, and then Guardant looks for tumor DNA floating in the blood, allowing doctors to identify the tumor’s unique mutations and offer a personalized drug regimen—all without an invasive tissue biopsy. Blau was excited to be on board. Continue reading

Cancer Horror Story

Cancer Industry Hides Awful Truth That Chemo Often Kills Patients Before Cancer Does

The shocking study was published in LANCET ONCOLOGY in September of this year and was reported by a limited number of news sources. Guardian [Aug. 30, 2016]. Most were obscure online portals. [ [Aug. 7, 2016[; The Free Thought Project [Sept. 3, 2016]; Opposing Views [Sept. 6, 2016]; What Doctors Don’t Tell You [Sept. 6, 2016] But alternate news sources were apparently drowned out by the recent Presidential election in the USA. Absent were CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Reuters, The Associated Press ­ the major news media.

In some hospital-based cancer treatment centers the death rate from chemotherapy (not cancer) is as high as 50%. The study involved thousands of patients with lung cancer in England. Continue reading

You’re Not Gonna Stick Any Needle In Me!

A few months back you couldn’t watch the news without hearing about the Swine Flu. Health agencies began issuing all sorts of warnings, and even my own place of employment hung flyers up advising us how to avoid contracting this strain of influenza.

We first began hearing about the Swine Flu in the April/May 2009 time period when it was reported that 168 people in Mexico had died from this strain of the flu. That number was later revised to 16, after it was found the others had died from other causes.

Normally it takes between a year to a year and a half to develop a vaccine after a specific virus has been identified. Yet in May of 2009 the “seed culture” for the Swine Flu was given to pharmaceutical companies, and now Baxter International Inc. states that they will have a vaccine for the Swine Flu ready by the time the fall flu season breaks out.

Am I the only one who finds that bit of news a bit fishy? Continue reading

What The Cancer Industry Does Not Want You To Know About Chemotherapy and Radiation

chemotreatmentThey tell us chemotherapy saves lives, boosts long-term survival rates and does not damage healthy cells. All these statements by the cancer industry are false. Poison kills indiscriminately– always has and always will. While damaging healthy cells, chemotherapy also triggers them to secrete a protein that sustains tumour growth and resistance to further treatment. That’s right…chemotherapy will actually boost cancer growth and cancer treatment is the leading cause of secondary cancers.
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More Big Pharma Tyranny: ICMRA Restrictions on Natural Health Products

health-products-restrictedThe International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA), an international body has been established whose members are restricting access to Natural Health Products around the globe.

In America we take great pride in our freedoms, including the freedom to eat what we wish and treat our bodies as we see fit, and not by the rules or restrictions set by an overreaching government. But never before in our history have these freedoms we cherish so much been in such jeopardy! Continue reading

The TRUE Face of Cancer: ‘No child should have to suffer this pain’

Father shares a heartbreaking photo of his four-year-old daughter’s brave cancer battle as she’s given just weeks to live


Andy Whelan took this heartbreaking photo of his four-year-old daughter Jessica in October at the moment ‘where we as parents could offer her no comfort’. Her face contorted in pain and tears streaming down her face, she has just weeks left to live

A heartbroken father wants the world to see this photo he took of his four-year-old daughter as she battles cancer after being given just weeks to live.

Andy Whelan, an electrician from Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire, shared the black-and-white image of Jessica on his Facebook blog about her illness, where it’s had more than 7,600 reactions. Continue reading

Flashback: Lead HPV vaccine developer comes clean…

“Its a giant deadly scam!”

gardasil“Parents and women must know that deaths occurred,” states Dr. Diane Harper, when speaking with CBS News in 2009. Dr. Harper was a lead developer of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine. Once a strong believer in Gardasil and Cervarix, she was part of the team that approved the vaccines for safety and effectiveness. But now she confesses they are nothing but a deadly scam. Dr. Harper came clean at the 4th International Convergence on Vaccination in Reston, Virginia. She has been speaking out ever since about the deadly risks associated with the vaccines and the false protection they give to women. Continue reading

New Study Finds Chemo Kills 50% of Patients In First 30 Days

chemo_02We have long argued and posted evidence of the dangers of chemotherapy. Note the description in our category, WARNING: Chemotherapy ~ The category was  originally based on the premise of a single column, written in 1985, by a Pharmaceutical sales rep. The names of the drugs have changed, but the results may not have. It is our purpose to provide you with quality information, which will enable you – the cancer patient – to ask questions of your physician, and to be in a position to make your own choice.. In addition, note the complete title of Dr. Kelley’s seminal work on the subject of cancer; Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation – and order your copy today. ~ Ed.
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Cancer gougers: New Big Pharma scandal

Price of crucial leukemia drug is hiked 40% to $200,000 a year

Show me de monee!

Show me de monee!

Lawmakers have slammed a pharmaceutical company for raising the price of a crucial leukemia drug by 40 per cent in less than a year.

Bernie Sanders is leading the interrogation into ARIAD Pharmaceuticals in the latest battle between government and big pharma firms.

ARIAD produces Iclusig, which is used to treat chronic myeloid leukemia in some patients. The company has subtly bumped the price of the drug by at least 8 per cent every quarter – amounting to a 39 per cent increase.

Now it costs $200,000 a year – up $80,000 in just a few years. Continue reading

The Cancer Industry is too prosperous to allow a cure

Cancer Makes Too Much Money to Cure

My Personal Introduction to Conventional Cancer Treatment Began in 1995

Click on Image

Click on Image

The surgeon pointed his pen at a large tumor on the CAT scan and began to explain the procedure for removing the colon cancer. He then paused for a moment and said to my wife, “This isn’t your biggest problem.” He then began to tap his pen on three small points that were visible on the image of her liver. “These are a much bigger problem, because we can’t remove them with surgery.”

Everyone we met at the University medical center was compassionate and concerned for us. After the surgery, we met with the oncologist. He explained the chemotherapy option. He told my wife, “You have 6 months to one year to live if you do chemotherapy. If you don’t do chemotherapy, then you have 6 months to 1 year to live.” The only positive reason that he could offer us for doing chemotherapy was that if by chance she was in the group that only had 6 months to live, then it might extend her life a few more months. We asked about alternative treatments, and he indicated that none of them have proven beneficial. My wife opted to not do chemotherapy, because she didn’t want to suffer the side effects of the drugs. Continue reading