Category Archives: Death by Medicine

Does one need say more? More deaths take place in the united States today due to medical malpractice and and mishandling of patients in hospitals than are killed by guns each year. “OOPS – did I misplace that scalpel?”

First, Do No Harm

Primum non nocere

Let me preface what I am about to say by stating that I have the utmost esteem for mainstream medicine’s skill in emergency situations — the do or die surgeries, the dispensing of powerful life-saving drugs necessary in that setting are second to none; and its mastery of cosmetic surgery in cases of deformities and the advances made in prosthetics are nothing less than spectacular. These are what make mainstream medicine great.

. . .

The pompous certainty of mainstream medicine’s powerful proponents — be they multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies, medical associations, disease-specific charities, government agencies, Madison Avenue selling the diseases and the pills, TV or magazines, the news media parroting its cash cow’s every claim — combined have most people, hook, line and sinker, believing in the impeccable record of mainstream medicine. No questions asked. Continue reading

Doctors and Scientists Explain Why Vaccines AREN’T Safe

We are living in the age of information. If you need or want to know or learn something, there are endless websites and videos that will inform and teach. And that’s no different for information on doctors and scientists who don’t believe vaccines are safe.

How many times have you spoken to family or friends who try and tell you that your “quack” belief is yours alone, or yours and Jenny McCarthy’s alone? That there are no “real” doctors or scientists who would side with you. Well, here’s a ton of info to the contrary. I couldn’t possibly post each of these videos in an article, but I’ve provided links for them below.

Take the time to listen to them and learn. You aren’t alone. Remember, In The Age of Information, Ignorance is a Choice.” – Donny Miller
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Are Cancer Cures Being Suppressed To Control Population?

Revelations by the late Dr. Richard L. Day in 1969 may have been shocking at the time, but not so much now as they have started coming true.

Dr Day was an eminent physician, a professor of pediatrics at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in Manhattan and Medical Director of the ‘Planned Parenthood’ organisation.

He was also described as an ‘insider of the Order’ referring to the ‘Order of the Barbarians’ (as those involved in an elite group committed to the ‘New World Order’ were known as at the time), which are now referred to as the globalist elite.

During a closed lecture to other doctors in 1969 Dr. Day said the cure for cancer was on file at the Rockefeller Institute. Continue reading

US Government Admits Plan To Spray The Skies With Chemtrails

The US government and MIT have announced plans for an experiment to “cover the sun” by spraying our skies with chemtrails.

The project has been named “solar radiation management” (SRM) and involves spraying aluminum oxide and various other chemicals to see if they can alter climate change by blocking the suns rays to “cool the earth”.

According to an article in MIT’s Technology Review, the new experimentation will be “small scale.” Continue reading

Politicians are NOT Physicians or Pharmacists!!!

To say I oppose any kind of government operated or mandated health care is an understatement. I have watched for my 77+ years how that has worked out and to say I am not favorably impressed is another understatement.

Most folks know I am a strong (hard core) proponent of Alternative Health Care. If I can’t figure out what my health issue is I will seek the opinion of someone who may be able to diagnose my problem but my recent two *health* issues seemed to STUMP those who are called Doctor. I knew as much when I left their offices as I did when I went in – the only difference was the BILLS that Medicare and myself ended up paying. Continue reading

Gardasil KILLS

In 2008 our doctor wanted to give our daughter the Gardasil vaccine. He said it would protect her from getting cervical cancer. We said ‘ok‘ after talking it over with her. Turns out it was the biggest mistake of our lives. We came home from work just 40 hours later and she was dead on the bathroom floor. The coroner and the forensic team told us she died instantly,all alone, nobody by her side. They did not give a reason for her death and closed the case. We were left with no answer. Continue reading

Vaccines: Good or Bad?

NOTE: The following is a multi part series, which we have chosen to post as a single offering. In the event that the noted author should publish additional ‘chapters’ in his well researched topic, we shall endeavor to make them available to our readers. Be prepared – THIS is a study… J.B.

When I was growing up I actually believed that the FDA was doing what it was designed to do, make sure the foods we eat are properly labeled, there was no bad things allowed in the food. I’m sure that when they first began that they did just that. But as I grew up people began telling me about the chemicals that they allowed to be put on our food and in our food and for many years I refused to believe that our government would allow that to happen. Then my eyes were opened. Continue reading

The Pharmaceutical Racket

~ Foreword ~
What you are about to read is a history lesson, which will provide you with many answers as to the power and control of the Pharmaceutical industry. This chronological study begins back in the 1930’s and brings us to the late 20th century, and although we are now nearly eighteen years into the 21st century – nothing has changed – nothing has improved and in fact – greater numbers of people are being afflicted with dis-eases, which long ago through the teachings of William Donald Kelley, Royal Raymond Rife, Otto Warburg, John Beard, Hulda Clarke, Max Gerson, Nicholas Gonzalez and many others ~ have been proven ~ outside of the Pathological Medical Community (spelling intentional) ~ to save lives and TEACH victims how to live a longer, healthier life.

What follows deals strictly with the title-subject and was written by two brilliant (apparently British) researchers sometime in the 1990’s (we believe) and is only presented in part on this web-blog. Be be prepared for a shock – for you’ll never look at your physician nor his/her prescription again with the same trust!

I will begin this posting with the same words, which close the following post, “For the sake of your selves, your children and the animals: WAKE UP PEOPLE! Take back your power over your own health and stop supporting these barbaric and sick individuals. Only you can do this. The time to do this is NOW! ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Publisher
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Five types of American doctors who know nothing about nutrition and push chemical medicines to cover up symptoms of deeper-rooted health problems

Ever heard of the 250,000 cotton farmers in central India who took their own lives after being manipulated by promises made by Monsanto? Monsanto claimed to be able to put an end to famine and promised unheard of riches and crop prosperity if the farmers would switch from their conventional farming methods to the use of GM seeds. Many farmers had to borrow money to purchase these seeds, and after several failed harvests, they were left with no income and out of control debt. After going bankrupt from Monsanto’s Ponzi scheme the farmers fell into an endless cycle of depression, hopelessness and despair. It is also believed that, aside from the obvious issue of loss of income, the daily contact with the poisonous pesticides and herbicides also led to the depression these farmers suffered from. They believed the only way out was suicide, many even poisoning themselves with the same pesticides they used to spray on their failed crops. Continue reading

Horrifying video shows how opioid addiction has transformed the city of Baltimore into a Third World City

If you want to see just how quickly drugs can plunge a beautiful and thriving city into desolation, look no further than Baltimore. On the surface, the city has plenty to offer, with lots of history, a lovely harbor, diverse entertainment options, and top research and medical facilities. However as opiate addiction has spread throughout the city over the past several years, it has turned it into a place that is no longer befitting of its nickname, Charm City. Continue reading

In one year, nearly 1.3 million Americans needed hospital care for opioid-related issues

The coast-to-coast opioid epidemic is swamping hospitals, with government data published Tuesday showing 1.27 million emergency room visits or inpatient stays for opioid-related issues in a single year.

The 2014 numbers, the latest available for every state and the District of Columbia, reflect a 64 percent increase for inpatient care and a 99 percent jump for emergency room treatment compared to figures from 2005. Their trajectory likely will keep climbing if the epidemic continues unabated. Continue reading