Category Archives: Death by Medicine

Does one need say more? More deaths take place in the united States today due to medical malpractice and and mishandling of patients in hospitals than are killed by guns each year. “OOPS – did I misplace that scalpel?”

Chemotherapy may spread cancer and trigger more aggressive tumors

A woman undergoes chemotherapy CREDIT: PHANIE / ALAMY STOCK PHOTO

Chemotherapy could allow cancer to spread, and trigger more aggressive tumours, a new study* suggests.

Researchers in the US studied the impact of drugs on patients with breast cancer and found medication increases the chance of cancer cells migrating to other parts of the body, where they are almost always lethal. Continue reading

Watch: Robert F. Kennedy Shares Bombshell Information About The Gardasil Vaccine

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. ~ “Many of the things I’m going to say today would be slanderous if they weren’t true. And, if they are not true, then Merck should sue me. But Merck won’t do that. And they won’t do that because in the United States, truth is an absolute defense against slander.”

This must-watch video details the many problems with the development and safety of Merck’s third-highest grossing product, Gardasil. Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD’s Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel, ask that you watch and share this video so that you, and others, may make an informed decision of whether or not to give your child, boy or girl, a Gardasil vaccine. Continue reading

Where opioids are dished out for minor injuries

Your chances of being prescribed opioids for a minor injury like an ankle sprain could vary widely depending on where you live, a new study has found

Researchers say that patients seeking medical care were on average three times more likely to be given opioids in ‘high-prescribing states’ like Georgia and Nebraska than in ‘low-prescribing states’ like West Virginia and Michigan.

The variation increased to 10 times more likely between Arkansas, where the most amount of patients were given opioids, and North Dakota, where the least amount were. Continue reading

60 Lab Studies Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child


Dr. Maurice Hilleman made astounding revelations in an interview that was cut from The Health Century — the admission that Merck drug company vaccines had been injecting dangerous viruses into people worldwide.

Bear in mind that Dr. Hilleman was the developer of Merck’s vaccine program. He developed over three dozen vaccines, more than any other scientist in history. He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. He received a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization. Hilleman was one of the early vaccine pioneers to warn about the possibility that simian viruses might contaminate vaccines. Continue reading

Cancer indu$try not looking for a cure; they’re too bu$y making money

Show me de monee!

It may sound ridiculously cynical to some, but there are many who believe that cancer is too big a business (meaning too lucrative) to ever actually cure. And they say the proof is in the numbers.

As noted by Your News Wire, if any of the existing low-cost, natural and alternative cancer treatments were ever to be approved, then the healthcare industry’s cornerstone revenue producer would vanish within months. Continue reading

Federal Judge Bans Healthy Children from School for Being Unvaccinated

We truly live in a police state when some idiot sitting on his/her butt wearing a BLACK dress can command that ALL must be injected with government sponsored poisons or be banned from being in public places. All this while others of that ilk (judges) are eliminating the death penalty for those who have actually committed a crime of murder against another person. Not to mention the ABORTION issue.

Until they place liability on those who make, sell, inject or command injections of these poisons – for those who are injected and DIE because of those poisons this is nothing more than government mandated killings for refusing to be poisoned… POPULATION CONTROL 
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Sometimes the image says it all…

…and as a further example – last night at around midnight, I discovered that Facebook has been deleting all of our posts form this web-site going back at least deep into February 2019. Apparently – they too have been bought off.

One not dare to expose the Food and Drug Administration, BIG Pharma, nor the polly-ticians who choose to take the money from all medical Lobbyists toward their reelection campaigns. Whatever happened to Obama’s promises of banning the lobbyists from being involved in the back-door bribery of these evil scum. Oh well – Bosco is gone, and no one residing in the White House is EVER going to turn this around.

The TRUTH is not meant to be heard. ~ Ed.

Chemotherapy may cause breast cancer to SPREAD

Oh – DUH – someone finally awoke? ~ Ed.

Two commonly used drugs encourage the disease to develop in the lungs

The commonly prescribed chemo drugs paclitaxel and doxorubicin cause breast tumours to release proteins that then circulate in the blood until they reach the lungs, triggering the disease’s onset in a new part of the body. Continue reading

20 Million School children Have Been Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs Known to Cause Suicidal Thoughts

Clinical depression, mental illness and disorder or bad health services concept. Sad smiley face made from pills, medicine and tablets on wooden table. Dissatisfied and unhappy icon.

A news article published in 2017 reported that, according to the latest data, a staggering 12.7 percent of all US citizens over the age of 12 were taking antidepressants. Thrive Global, who reported these figures, stated that:

For many, antidepressants have been a long-term course of medication: 68 percent of people in the most recent survey said they’d been taking them for two or more years, and 25 percent had been taking them for more than a decade.”

In reality, more children are being prescribed these drugs than the public are aware of. Continue reading

UPDATE: How the CDC Uses Fear to Increase Demand for Flu Vaccines

The CDC claims that its recommendation that everyone aged six months and up should get an annual flu shot is firmly grounded in science. The mainstream media reinforce this characterization by misinforming the public about what the science says.

A New York Times article from earlier this year, for example, in order to persuade readers to follow the CDC’s recommendation, cited scientific literature reviews of the prestigious Cochrane Collaboration to support its characterization of the influenza vaccine as both effective and safe. The Times claimed that the science showed that the vaccine represented “a big payoff in public health” and that harms from the vaccine were “almost nonexistent”. Continue reading

Our Grandparents’ Pharmacy – Heroin, Cocaine, Rattlesnake Oil, Electricity

Drug overdose deaths in the US are estimated to have been around 59,000 in 2016 and addiction is on the rise. But drug addiction and deaths have always been a part of our history – on the Mayflower, the doctor carried a kit with an early form of laudanum. Cocaine, heroin, opium, alcohol, marijuana . . . our grandparents used all of these to cure their illnesses – often unknowingly. Addiction isn’t new: patent medicines weren’t usually patented (no one wanted to share the ingredients) – and they weren’t regulated, either.

The FDA was formed in 1906 but it was years before true regulation took place. From the 1800’s through the 1930’s, patent medicines were sold to cure everything from baldness to serious diseases. Some “cures” were harmless sugar water and some were strong drugs. Laudanum, for instance (which included opium, alcohol, and morphine), was used to relieve coughing, diarrhea, and general pain. Continue reading

America’s Diminishing IQ

Wherever one goes on social media or any other public forum, one of the main thrusts of conversation is the apparent mental deterioration of the American public. Today’s Americans are not only more ignorant than previous generations, but as illustrated by our violent politics and social chaos, we appear to have lost the ability to function as civilized people. Much is explained by our deplorable educational system, but the loss of the ability of many people of all ages to rationally think and act cannot be explained away simply by bad schools or toxic entertainment. Even the most credulous are beginning to believe that there is some underlying reason for the collapse of the American intellect, something that is more basic than bad teachers, schools and curricula—and they’re right. Continue reading

Sorry, But So Far War on Cancer Has Been a Bust

I recently got into an argument, again, about cancer. The occasion was a talk by one of my colleagues at Stevens Institute, philosopher Gregory Morgan, on the fascinating history of research into cancer-causing viruses.

The occasion was a talk by one of my colleagues at Stevens Institute, philosopher Gregory Morgan, on the fascinating history of research into cancer-causing viruses. In the Q&A, someone commented on how far science has come in understanding cancer’s causes.

With my usual kneejerk negativity, I lamented that all our knowledge about oncogenes, oncoviruses and other cancer catalysts has not translated into significant reductions in mortality. Continue reading

The Real Reason Americans are Getting Dumber

It happened subtly, over the course of a decade or two. Household cleaners went from being largely soap-based to primarily chemical-based. Cosmetics such as lipstick and blush went from being made from bees wax, plant-based extracts, and strawberries to being pumped full of lead, parabens, and synthetic dyes. A loaf of bread went from being nothing more than flour, yeast, sugar, and salt to a confusing concoction of additives and artificial flavorings. Continue reading