Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

Dr. William D. Kelley: The Dentist Who Cured Cancer

October 15, 2010 ~ Every so often we feel the need to bring this column back to the forefront… after all – Dr. William D. Kelley is the reason that this site was developed for him back in the year 2000. We honor his legacy and continue to battle for the victims of this dreaded dis-ease – to this very day. We thank researcher Paul Fassa for his continued efforts.  ~ Ed.

During the 1960s, a small town Texas dentist discovered a way to cure his terminal pancreatic cancer; he then proceeded to cure others of all kinds of cancers until the Medical Mafia struck him down. His name was William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS.

His procedure involved diet, heavy pancreatic enzyme dosing, and liver detoxing with coffee enemas. Dr. Kelley died in 2005 at the age of 79. His restored and greatly expanded book, Victory Over Cancer without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation covers his therapy.  Continue reading

A Busy Colon-Cancer Doctor Shares 3 Simple Things He Does to Prevent the Disease That’s Killing More Young People

* Cases of colon cancer are rising in younger people.

* Certain lifestyle factors can help reduce the risk of developing the disease.

* Dr. Michael Shusterman, a gastrointestinal oncologist, does these three easy things to help lower his risk.

Colon cancer is now the leading cause of cancer death in US men under 50 and the second deadliest cancer for women of the same age.

Rates of the disease have been rising in younger people since the ’90s, according to the American Cancer Society, and the total medical cost of colorectal-cancer care in the US was $24.3 billion in 2020, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

While experts still don’t know exactly what’s behind the uptick in cases, and certain factors such as genetics are out of our control, there are some lifestyle choices that could lower the risk of developing colon cancer, Dr. Michael Shusterman, ​a gastrointestinal medical oncologist at NYU Langone’s Perlmutter Cancer Center on Long Island, told Business Insider. Continue reading

Signs and Symptoms That Thyroid Cancer Is Metastasizing

The particular type of thyroid tumour has been downgraded from cancer to stop unnecessary treatment for patients

Thyroid cancer can become metastatic when cancer cells originating in the thyroid gland spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymphatic system (tissue, vessels, and organs carrying white blood cells back to the bloodstream). Only 3% of cases are metastatic at the time of diagnosis.

Once thyroid cancer metastasizes, it can affect various organs and tissues. Early detection of thyroid cancer is important to start treatment and improve outcomes. Thyroidectomy(removal of the thyroid gland) and other treatments may be performed to prevent metastasis and potentially cure thyroid cancer.

Most thyroid cancer cases (64%) are diagnosed while the cancer is localized in the thyroid, and 30% when it has spread only to regional lymph nodes but not to distant sites.

This article will review the most common sites of metastasis, the symptoms associated with metastatic disease, the types of thyroid cancer, and their progression. Continue reading

Long-Term Use of Popular Heartburn Drugs Increases Risk of Stomach Cancer

Use for one year and three years was associated with a 1.5- and 2.4-fold increase in the risk of stomach cancer, respectively.

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), a popular class of heartburn drugs, are linked to stomach cancer, a recent review found.

The review indicates that prolonged use of PPIs – exceeding three months – “is significantly associated with an elevated risk of cancer,” while shorter-term usage “appears to pose a comparatively lower risk,” the authors wrote.

PPIs are potent drugs that lower stomach acidity. They work by binding irreversibly to proton pumps – proteins in the stomach that release protons, a component of stomach acid. This action prevents the secretion of protons. Continue reading

Aggressive Colorectal Cancer Tied to Oral Bacterium

Discoveries involving microbes in colon cancer could eventually drive screening methods and lead to microbial-based therapies targeting tumors.

A new study shows that a common oral bacterium linked to a virulent form of colorectal cancer could be driving tumor growth.

The discovery was made in a study published March 20 in Nature. Researchers from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center performed a variety of tests on human stool samples and mice to document the transfer of this bacterium, Fusobacterium nucleatum, which occurred in about half of the colorectal cancers in tumors removed from 200 patients.

Colorectal cancer causes the second-highest number of cancer deaths in U.S. adults, according to the American Cancer Society. In 2024, it’s expected to take the lives of more than 53,000 people. Continue reading

Stress Creates a 4-Fold Increase in Spread of Cancer

New research reveals stress hormones trigger white blood cells to create pathways for cancer metastasis.

A breakthrough discovery links stress hormones with a fourfold surge in the spread of cancer, shedding light on why patients under severe stress often have lower survival rates.

“There’s probably very few situations that are as stressful as being diagnosed with cancer and undergoing cancer treatment,” Mikala Egeblad, cancer researcher and senior author of the study, told The Epoch Times.

Understanding the stress–cancer link may open up new ways to protect patients from the adverse effects of stress as part of cancer care. Continue reading

Chemo Overdose‘ – Silent Crisis Killing Hundreds of Americans Each Year and Hospitalizes Up to One in 50

                    …while the rest could KILL You!

Experts have sounded the alarm about hundreds of cancer patients dying preventable deaths due to a lethal side effect of chemotherapy treatment.

The complication, which affects one in 50 patients, destroys healthy cells in the body, eventually leading to multiple organ failure and, in the worst cases, death.

It effects those given some of the most common types of chemotherapy who lack specific enzymes required to metabolize the drug. Continue reading

Scientists Uncover Mechanism Viruses Use to Cause Cancer

Findings from a new study have wide ranging implications as viruses are responsible for between 10 to 20 percent of cancers globally

Illustration of a cancer cell. (Science Photo Library/Canva Pro)

Viral infections are thought to be a central cause of between 10 to 20 percent of cancers worldwide, representing a significant portion of the global cancer burden.

A recent discovery may further our understanding of how viruses cause cancer. Continue reading

Doctor Intentionally Diagnosed Healthy People With Cancer to Make Money

Lessons to be learned – BEWARE!

Everyone knows someone who has experienced the terrible disease that is cancer. It’s an unfortunate reality, but it’s one wherein we must live. What can make cancer so much worse is the aggressive, life-altering treatments that often follow, like radiation and chemotherapy.

While some cancer treatments are becoming more advanced, less aggressive, and not as invasive, we put an immense amount of faith in doctors to guide us in the right direction. So, what happens when individuals considered top, world-renowned doctors break that trust and weaken that faith?

That is exactly what happens to hundreds of patients when one doctor’s lies came unhinged and uncovered for the world to see in 2013.

An oncologist in Michigan by the name of Dr. Farid Fata operated numerous upscale clinics in Detroit-area suburbs. In 2013, however, he was accused of and arrested for giving cancer treatment drugs to patients who did not need them, some of whom did not even have cancer. Continue reading

After Decades of Fighting Big Pharma Drug Cartels ~ Dr. Burzynski Begins to Reform Cancer Treatments in the U.S.

The United States government has a history of targeting any American doctor, researcher or product developer who professes that there are cures for cancer. Some of the most brilliant researchers and doctors have been forced to flee the United States in order to treat cancer patients using an individualized, holistic approach. Others have stood their ground and fought back against the Big Pharma drug cartels.

For several decades, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski has been persecuted for advancing cancer treatments. He has stared down the Big Pharma drug cartels and fought for more advanced cancer treatment methods for his patients. His medical research has been kept from the public view for decades; however, cured patients, court cases and independent journalists have brought more public awareness to his treatment protocols. Continue reading

What’s Causing Colon Cancer Epidemic in Young People?s Scientists Launch $25m Global Probe to Find the Answer

Scientists are launching an urgent probe into the surging rates of colon cancer among young people.

A team of Government-funded researchers at top universities in the US and UK will receive up to $25million over five years to investigate what’s behind the rise.

Their studies will involve analyzing stool and cells from patients diagnosed with the cancer as well as the link between diets and formation of tumors.

The mystery surge is thought to be linked to obesity, sedentary lifestyles and junk food consumption, but other more novel theories have suggested fungal infections or antibiotics could be to blame.

Colon cancer cases have risen by 50 percent among adults under 50 years old in the US since 1999 — which is considered ‘early-onset’ cancer or when cancer occurs between the ages of 18 and 49 years.

Studies suggest globally cases have risen 80 percent in the age group in three decades, to 3.26million cases a year in 2019 from 1.82million in 1990.

Countries recording the biggest spikes include Ecuador and Korea, where cases in the age group are rising by an estimated five percent every year according to a review.

In the US, the disease is set to become the biggest cancer killer among under 50s by the year 2030 researchers suggest. Continue reading

85-Mile Stretch in Louisiana Known as ‘Cancer Alley‘ Sees Rates of Disease and Birth Defects Up to SEVEN TIMES the National Average in Its 1.5million Population

Along an 85-mile stretch of road in Louisiana, residents have seven times the cancer risk than the national average, have been diagnosed with chronic health conditions and babies are born underweight at three times the national average.

This road between Baton Rouge and New Orleans – on the banks of the Mississippi River – has been dubbed ‘Cancer Alley’ and the people with houses along it blame the high rates of illnesses on the place they live.

The area is home to approximately 200 fossil fuel and petrochemical operations – the largest concentration of these facilities in the western hemisphere. Continue reading

Letter From a Brother: the Scott Stirling Story

Originally published on November 23, 2000 ~ We thought that you might be interested in reading the words of the brother of one of Dr. Kelley’s cancer counselees (circa 1997). The survivor is still with us. The following is from Dr. Kelley’s book.

As the 24 years that we have maintained this web-site for the works of Dr. Kelley – and others – as relates to Cancer – and other health related issues – there are times that we feel that is worthwhile to republish – or should we say – bring back to the forefront – older articles and commentaries. This is the first time that we have chosen to bring this back to the top. Please enjoy it – and LEARN from it!

We hope to soon be sharing the encouraging words of many friends of Dr. Kelley’s. Stay tuned! The life you save could be your own! ~ Editor

That which you are about to read may change your life – forever! Continue reading

The TRUE History of Chemotherapy & the Pharmaceutical Monopoly

April 17, 2018 – In 2016, approximately 1,685,210 new cases of cancer (were) diagnosed in the United States alone, and approximately 600,000 people will die from the disease. The number of new cancer cases is 454.8 per 100,000 men and women per year, based on cases from 2008-2010.

Men have almost a 50 percent chance of contracting the disease at some point within their lifetime, and women have a 1/3 chance. Pretty crazy isn’t it? (Source)

In a time where so much information is coming to light, challenging the belief systems of so many, it’s important to keep an open mind to new information to help us see through what’s really been happening on our planet. It’s no secret that a small group of corporations dominate almost every aspect of our lives, from energy to education, all the way to modern day healthcare. Continue reading