While the CDC and other governmental agencies push the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in an attempt to curb future cervical cancer rates, a powerful natural option is readily available and free of dangerous side-effects — in other words, diet. From a low glycemic index eating plan to raspberries and turmeric, food is a potent, cost-friendly and effective defense against cervical cancer. Below are four dietary habits to adopt that help ensure a healthy future. Continue reading
Category Archives: Cancer
Two rainforest herbs that destroy cancer and alleviate side effects from chemotherapy
Nearly everyone has been touched by cancer in some way or another. Cancer patients are struggling with traditional therapies, and many are looking to alternative ways in order to reverse their diagnosis. Look no further than these two powerful rainforest herbs that can stimulate the proper systems to help give cancer a knock-out punch.
Cat’s claw
Cat’s claw (also known as una de gato) is a large woody vine that grows in the Amazon rainforest that derives its name from hook-like thorns that grow along the vine and resemble the claws of a cat. Continue reading
Will Scientists Ever Find a “Cure” for Cancer?
What would happen if the Cancer industry admitted there was a CURE for cancer? There are hundreds of thousands of people who have been cured of cancer via “alternative” methods, however many of those methods have been banned by the FDA and proclaimed as “unsafe”.
Of course, oddly enough, chemo and radiation are undoubtedly two of the most dangerous treatments offered by modern medicine today!
Latest statistics show the incidence of cancer in the US continues to increase despite pre-cancer screening and outrageously expensive cancer treatments. In fact, per statistics of 2011, nearly 13 million people per year are diagnosed with cancer and sadly nearly 8 million will not survive.
In response and proudly, “Search for the Cure” groups have many yearly events in the hopes of raising great sums of money so the desperately sought after cure will finally be found! Continue reading
The Cancer Class Divide
Affluent people are more likely to suffer skin and thyroid cancer, while poorer people fall victim to liver and cervical

Class divide: More affluent people are likely to suffer from skin cancer – including melanoma – thyroid and testicular cancers
A person’s wealth is a key indicator of the type of cancer they are likely to suffer from, scientists say.
U.S. researchers have discovered that certain types of cancers are prevalent in different classes.
They say more affluent people are likely to suffer from melanoma, thyroid and testicular cancers.
Poorer people, on the other hand, are more likely to be diagnosed with cancers of the larynx, cervix, penis, and liver.
And while these people are less likely to be diagnosed with cancer, they are more likely to die from the disease. Continue reading
Eating Fewer Calories Boosts Cancer Survival
Study finds it reduces the risk of disease spreading to other organs

Being overweight makes breast cancer treatment less effective, and those who gain weight during treatment have worse cancer outcomes
A low calorie diet may help prevent the spread of one of the deadliest forms of breast cancer.
Scientists believe that radiotherapy used to treat tumours would be more effective if women were eating a third less than usual.
In the US study a low calorie diet appeared to prevent the spread of triple negative breast cancer, a particularly aggressive form of the disease.
It affects around a fifth of all women with breast cancer – about 10,000 new cases a year – and is more common in the under-40s.
It spreads very quickly, with tumours often returning after treatment. Continue reading
FDA Order on Surgical Device Divides Doctors
Some Continue to Use Uterine-Fibroid Tool, Saying Risk of Cancer Is Remote

Debra Grymkoski chose not to have the procedure known as power morcellation after hearing of the risks in a Wall Street Journal article. Nathan W. Armes for The Wall Street Journal
An advisory from the Food and Drug Administration that strongly cautioned doctors against performing a common surgical procedure on women is upending the landscape of care across the U.S.
The FDA surprised gynecologists last month when it issued an advisory against using a device called a power laparoscopic morcellator, saying it can spread a dangerous hidden cancer. The bladed tools are used in minimally invasive surgeries to slice up and remove uterine growths called fibroids, sometimes as part of a hysterectomy.
No figures are available on how many doctors have chosen to heed the nonbinding warning, which the agency plans to revisit in a hearing this summer. But dozens of interviews show the advisory has divided hospitals and gynecologists, many of whom are still using the device, and left women puzzling over their options. The tool was being used in an estimated 50,000 uterine surgeries each year. Continue reading
The Killer Pimple
Doctors warn of aggressive form of skin cancer which is six times more likely to kill if it is not removed within two months

Diagnosis delays for nodular melanomas (like the one pictured) mean people with the cancer are six times more likely to die than from other melanomas
Dermatologists have raised the alarm on an aggressive form of melanoma that looks like a harmless pimple but kills hundreds of Australians a year.
Diagnosis delays mean people with the cancer are six times more likely to die than from other melanomas.
Nodular melanomas usually appear on the skin as a red nodule rather than an ugly dark mole, leading doctors to mistake them for relatively harmless forms of skin cancer or even pimples.
But the key difference is that these melanomas are firm to touch, and will not feel soft like a pimple or a mole. Continue reading
Pancreatic cancer to become number two cause of American cancer deaths by 2020 in ‘startling’ rise

Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey
Pancreatic cancer is expected to become the second most common cause of cancer-related death in the United States in 2020, overtaking deaths from breast and colon cancers, according to new research.
The disease, which claimed the lives of both Steve Jobs and Patrick Swayze, is set for a ‘startling’ rise.
Currently, the top three causes of cancer-related death in the United States are lung, colorectal and breast cancers.
Pancreatic cancer is fourth, followed by prostate and liver cancers. Continue reading
Vitamin D Link to Prostate Cancer
Men with deficiency at greater risk of developing aggressive form of the disease
Lack of vitamin D increases the chances of men at high risk of prostate cancer being diagnosed with an aggressive and potentially deadly form of the disease, a study has found.
The link is so strong that scientists believe blood levels of the vitamin could provide a way of screening patients.
‘Vitamin D deficiency could be a biomarker of advanced prostate tumour progression in large segments of the general population,’ said lead scientist Dr Adam Murphy, from Northwestern University in the US. Continue reading
Johnson & Johnson Suspends Sale of Device Used in Fibroid Surgery
Move Involving Power Morcellators Comes Amid Concerns Over Cancer Risk
Johnson & Johnson, the largest maker of devices used in a popular uterine surgery, said Tuesday it has suspended sales of the tools amid concerns about their potential to spread a rare but deadly cancer.
The health-care giant said it was halting world-wide sales, distribution and promotion of the tools called power morcellators but not permanently pulling them from the market.
The action follows a Food and Drug Administration advisory on April 17 discouraging doctors from using the devices to remove fibroids—common but often painful uterine growths—because of a risk of worsening an often-hidden cancer. Continue reading
Man, 98, free from lung cancer for over 30 years
Eats foods from his own garden, never had chemotherapy
When Greek native Stamatis Moraitis was living in the United States, he was diagnosed with lung cancer and told he had just nine months to live. At the time, he was in his mid-sixties.
Here’s a glimpse at his timeline, but don’t worry about breaking out a box of tissues: six months into his journey, he started feeling significantly better. Twenty five years later, when he went to visit his U.S. doctors during a trip from his native Greek Island, Ikaria, he learned that his doctors had died. Today, he’s living life to the fullest as a vibrant 98-year old. Continue reading
Eating 2-3 Peaches Daily Could Halt Breast Cancer Progression, a Study Finds
A new study from researchers at AgriLife Research at Texas A&M indicates eating two to three peaches each day could slow the spread of breast cancer in women.
Published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, the recent study says breast cancer cells in mice were dramatically impacted by the consumption of peaches. Continue reading
Look for Cancer, and Find It
Mammography has become a fighting word in recent years, with some researchers questioning its value and others staunchly defending it.
One especially disturbing criticism is that screening mammography may lead to “overtreatment,” in which some women go through grueling therapies — surgery, radiation, chemotherapy — that they do not need. Indeed, some studies estimate that 19 percent or more of women whose breast cancers are found by mammography wind up being overtreated.
This problem occurs, researchers say, because mammography can “overdiagnose” breast cancer, meaning that some of the tiny cancers it finds would probably never progress or threaten the patient’s life. But they are treated anyway.
So where are these overtreated women? Nobody knows. Continue reading
Widespread Flaws Found in Ovarian Cancer Treatment
Most women with ovarian cancer receive inadequate care and miss out on treatments that could add a year or more to their lives, a new study has found.
The results highlight what many experts say is a neglected problem: widespread, persistent flaws in the care of women with this disease, which kills 15,000 a year in the United States. About 22,000 new cases are diagnosed annually, most of them discovered at an advanced stage and needing aggressive treatment. Worldwide, there are about 200,000 new cases a year.
Cancer specialists around the country say the main reason for the poor care is that most women are treated by doctors and hospitals that see few cases of the disease and lack expertise in the complex surgery and chemotherapy that can prolong life. Continue reading
Could tobacco hold the key to beating cancer?
- Researchers say plant’s defence mechanism could work in humans to ‘explode’ invading cells
- Plant’s natural defence mechanisms could kill cancer cells
- Molecule kills off fungi and bacteria in plant
- Pincer-like structure grips onto membrane of cancer cells and rips them open

The flower of the Nicotiana planet, in which researchers have identified a molecule that usually fights off fungi and bacteria also has the ability to identify and destroy cancer
The tobacco plant’s natural defence mechanisms could be harnessed to kill cancer cells in the human body.
Scientists have identified a molecule in the flower of the plant that usually fights off fungi and bacteria – and were stunned to find it also has the ability to identify and destroy cancer.
Called NaD1, it works by forming a pincer-like structure that grips onto lipids present in the membrane of cancer cells and rips themopen, causing the cell to expel its contents and explode. Continue reading