There are a whole lot of folks around our age that have or know of others that have cancer. The system’s cancer industry has continually been a failure to extend the life of those with cancer. Yet, 90% plus will get in line with the conventional wisdom of radiation, chemo, medication, and surgery to deal with their cancer. The cancer results of conventional medicine continue to be horrific with little or no true longevity gains. Continue reading
Category Archives: Cancer
Groundbreaking study on brain cancer treatment reveals negative effects of radiosurgery on memory, speech and thinking skills outweigh the benefits

A major study could change care for many of the hundreds of thousands of people each year who have cancer that spreads to the brain from other sites (file photograph depicting brain cancer)
A major study could change care for many of the hundreds of thousands of people each year who have cancer that spreads to the brain from other sites. Contrary to conventional wisdom, radiation therapy to the whole brain did not improve survival, and it harmed memory, speech and thinking skills, doctors found. Continue reading
Research: Plants Cure Cancer, Not Chemicals
Unbeknownst to most, a Copernican revolution has already taken place in cancer theory. Today, the weight of evidence indicates that plants and not chemicals are the solution for reversing the global cancer epidemic.
Our understanding of what causes cancer has undergone something akin to a Copernican revolution in the past decade. Biological fatalism has been the predominant force in medicine over the past half century, where most conditions including cancer were believed predestined ‘in the genes,’ and therefore impossible to reverse. Instead of looking for root cause resolution of disease (RCRD), we resigned ourselves to ‘finding it early’ and in the case of cancer, when doing so (even when it was benign), we waged war against it, quite literally using weapons grade materials (mustard gas and nuclear materials-derived agents). Continue reading
How to Avoid Cancer-Causing BPA at the Grocery Store
We all really want to avoid the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A (BPA), but it can be difficult to navigate the grocery store aisles without accidentally putting a brand that still uses BPA in your cart. To help with this, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released a new report analyzing which brands continue to line their cans with BPA.
Some of the brands are surprising; some not so much. However, the number of brands using BPA is shocking. Continue reading
The Big Business Of Cancer
100 BILLION Dollars Was Spent On Cancer Drugs Last Year Alone
If you are an American, there is a 1 in 3 chance that you will get cancer during your lifetime. If you are a man, the odds are closer to 1 in 2. And almost everyone in America either knows someone who currently has cancer or who has already died from cancer. But it wasn’t always this way. Back in the 1940s, only one out of every sixteen Americans would develop cancer. Something has happened that has caused the cancer rate in this nation to absolutely explode, and it is being projected that cancer will soon surpass heart disease and become the leading cause of death in the United States. Continue reading
Vitamin B3 can reduce skin cancer risk by 23%
Researchers in Australia have found that taking vitamin B3 daily can prevent skin cancers. People with a history of skin cancers who took the vitamin B3 in the study had a 23 percent lower rate of getting new skin cancers, the research showed. The research used 500 mg of vitamin B3 twice a day for one year. Scientists think that the “preventive effect” begins as soon as three months after taking the vitamins. Vitamin B3 can be found in supplement form as well as in many food sources. Continue reading
7 reasons why natural cancer remedies sometimes fail
Mainstream medicine has ways of disguising the fact that their treatments often lead to the demise of cancer patients. It’s easy to claim that the patient simply died of cancer, not chemotherapy poisoning or radiation damage.
Their rate of reversing cancer is dismal, even as they play linguistic and statistical games with their results to continue marketing their methods as the only effective treatments around.
On the other hand, those who seek alternative methods of dealing with cancer have a much greater chance of surviving cancer without any adverse reactions or side effects. As an old saying went: with herbal medicine, the disease can kill you; but with allopathic (mainstream) medicine, the treatment can kill you. Continue reading
Four cups of coffee per day can cut endometrial cancer risk by 18%
While there has been a lot of research both in favor and against one of America’s favorite drinks, this latest bit of research leaves you feeling a little less guilty after having that second, or third, or even fourth cup of coffee.
The results of a new study suggest that drinking up to four cups of coffee a day may reduce your risk of developing cancer of the endometrium, or the lining of the uterus, according to researchers.
Published in the February issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, scientists found that drinking roughly 26 to 37 ounces of coffee per day reduced endometrial cancer by up to 18 percent. Continue reading
New Genetic Tests for Breast Cancer Hold Promise
A Silicon Valley start-up with some big-name backers is threatening to upend genetic screening for breast and ovarian cancer by offering a test on a sample of saliva that is so inexpensive that most women could get it.
At the same time, the nation’s two largest clinical laboratories, Quest Diagnostics and LabCorp, normally bitter rivals, are joining with French researchers to pool their data to better interpret mutations in the two main breast cancer risk genes, known as BRCA1 and BRCA2. Other companies and laboratories are being invited to join the effort, called BRCA Share. Continue reading
Illness vs. Industry: Will Scientists Ever Find a “Cure” for Cancer?
What would happen if the Cancer industry admitted there was a CURE for cancer? There are hundreds of thousands of people who have been cured of cancer via “alternative” methods, however many of those methods have been banned by the FDA and proclaimed as “unsafe”.
Of course, oddly enough, chemo and radiation are undoubtedly two of the most dangerous treatments offered by modern medicine today!
Latest statistics show the incidence of cancer in the US continues to increase despite pre-cancer screening and outrageously expensive cancer treatments. In fact, per statistics of 2011, nearly 13 million people per year are diagnosed with cancer and sadly nearly 8 million will not survive. Continue reading
Deadly Skin Cancer on the Rise Among Young Adults
As a teen, Danielle Russo of Boston loved the tanned look, so she turned to indoor tanning beds to give her what she thought was a ”healthy glow.” For several years, she went every day to tan, usually for 10 minutes. She cut back in her twenties but still went a couple times each month.
At 27, just months after Danielle got married, she gave in to her husband Derek’s pleas to get a troublesome mole on her stomach checked out. The mole had been there for years, and her family was also concerned about it. “It would peel off and flake off and bleed,” she says. Continue reading
Prostate Cancer Screening Still Not Recommended for All
A major European study has shown that blood test screening for prostate cancer saves lives, but doubts remain about whether the benefit is large enough to offset the harms caused by unnecessary biopsies and treatments that can render men incontinent and impotent.
The study, published in The Lancet (August 6, 2014), found that midlife screening with the prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, screening test lowers a man’s risk of dying of the disease by 21 percent. The relative benefit sounds sizable, but it is not particularly meaningful to the average middle-age man, whose risk of dying of prostate cancer without screening is about 3 percent. Based on the benefit shown in the study, routine PSA testing would lower his lifetime cancer risk to about 2.4 percent. Continue reading
BPA makes breast cancer tumors resistant to chemotherapy
The sudden diagnosis of cancer, the realization of its presence within, sends a cold paralysis through the mind, down the spine. The presence of cancer does not always mean that the end is imminent; instead, it can serve as an important message to the entire person, signaling for a new course in life.
The diagnosis of new-found cancer cells can immediately burden one’s emotions with grief and stress. At this emotional juncture, it’s important to turn the pressure around and begin thanking the cancer for serving as a warning message. Cancer can be a message to a person that the body is under stress, that the cellular environment within is in a state of acidosis and has become an ideal place for fungus to thrive. The cancer is a warning bell tolling on the inside, messaging that the cells are not being properly cared for, that the immune system is weak, that nutrients aren’t being properly utilized and that the cells are swelling and not producing adequate energy. Continue reading
When tiredness is a warning sign you ignore at your peril
Why it’s men especially who need to wake up to the danger

Patrick, a finance executive, was diagnosed with bowel cancer after doctors diagnosed anaemia
Patrick McIntosh had given blood every six months for nearly two decades.
Then two years ago, when he went to donate as usual, he was told he couldn’t – because his iron levels were too low.
‘It came completely out of the blue,’ says Patrick, 58, a financier who lives with his wife, Sue, and their two dogs in Smallfield, Surrey.
‘I felt very healthy. I sail and I cycle – I’ve done the London-to-Brighton bike ride more than 25 times.’
At first, he wasn’t too concerned. ‘The nurse at the donor session said it was nothing to worry about, that I was probably a bit run-down, and I should try taking iron pills – which I did.’ Continue reading
Is This the First Case of Breast Cancer?
Archaeologists find oldest evidence of disease in 4,200 year old Egyptian skeleton

Antiquities Minister Mamdouh el-Damaty said the bones of the woman, who lived at the end of the 6th Pharaonic Dynasty, showed’an extraordinary deterioration’.
A team from a Spanish university has discovered what Egyptian authorities are calling the world’s oldest evidence of breast cancer in the 4,200-year-old skeleton of an adult woman. Continue reading