Have you ever wondered how ginger helps fight diseases. Research shows that it has bioactive compounds that fight leukemia, ovarian, prostate, colon cancer and more. Ginger has also been proven to prevent blood clotting, reduce arthritis symptoms and lower risk of heart disease. Continue reading
Category Archives: Cancer
The Connection Between Metabolic Health and Colon Cancer
… and how to increase your metabolic health
There’s now yet another reason to pay attention to your metabolic health. According to a study published by the American Association for Cancer Research, post-menopausal women of a normal weight, but who are metabolically unhealthy, are at a “significantly higher risk for colorectal cancer” than those who are metabolically healthy.
This is a big deal because, according to the study’s authors, 30 percent of normal-weight adults worldwide are “metabolically unhealthy.” This is surprising, given metabolic health is normally associated with obesity. Science Daily explains a person’s metabolism is considered unhealthy when he or she suffers from at least three of the following symptoms: “elevated waist circumference, elevated blood pressure, elevated levels of triglycerides, elevated levels of glucose, and lower levels of HDL-C.” Continue reading
Chemotherapy Detox: How to Rebuild Your Health after Chemo
Conventional methods of treating cancer generate approximately $200 billion dollars each year, and that’s just in the U.S.! Most of this money goes to Big Pharma and a large majority is generated through the sale and use of chemotherapy drugs.
Chemotherapy is part of the “Big 3” treatment methods promoted by allopathic medicine: chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, with millions of cancer patients using it in some way each year. If you or someone you love decide to go the “chemo route” as part of an overall cancer treatment protocol, be sure to get the facts. Most importantly, find out what you can do to detoxify your body right away once your chemo course is over. Continue reading
Root That Kills 98 Percent of Cancer Cells in 48 Hours
Researchers are always looking for ways to fight cancer. While most of the tests fail, a few have amazing results. In fact, some show better results than chemotherapy.
Let’s face it, chemo is very painful and also kills healthy cells in the body. In fact, it’s believed to cause death in most cancer patients.
The study I’m about to share with you proved that it’s possible to prevent and treat cancer without experiencing pain and harming healthy cells. Canadian researchers found that dandelions have strong anti-cancer properties. Continue reading
Another Opinion: What is cancer?

Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues.
Few things strike fear into people more than the word cancer, and with good reason. While improvements in cancer therapy and advances in palliative care mean that the illness does not always lead to inevitable and painful death as it once did, approximately one in three of us will get some form of cancer in our lifetime. Continue reading
The Cancer Monologues ~ Part II: What Causes Cancer?
You would not believe how many emails we have gotten from cancer patients who have gone through these three steps:
- The patient had chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery to treat their cancer;
- The patient was told they were “cancer-free”;
- Months later cancer “came back,” which is called “regression.”
Among other things, this article will explain what went wrong and how to prevent cancer from coming back. When talking about what causes cancer we need to talk about it at two different levels. Continue reading
Why are we more likely to get cancer as we age?
It’s a sobering fact that one in two Australian men and one in three Australian women will be diagnosed with some form of cancer by the age of 85. It’s even more alarming when you consider these statistics do not include the most common skin cancers (basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin). It is estimated hundreds of thousands of Australians are treated for these each year. Continue reading
Aspartame in diet soda linked to significant health issues, tumors
They’re a popular mealtime beverage for millions of people who believe that by drinking them, they’re avoiding the pitfalls of sugar consumption. But diet soda pop is neither healthy nor safe, as research continues to show that its primary sweetening constituent in most cases, aspartame, is a damaging neurotoxin that can lead to a host of chronic health issues, including cancer. Continue reading
Dr. V.: You Are The Placebo

Dr. V
YOU ARE THE PLACEBO – That title immediately caught my attention since I have read and recommended many books about the power of our beliefs in healing the body. You are the Placebo by Dr. Joe Dispenza was quite a game changer for me. It really empowered me to understand even more deeply that our bodies are equipped with all the biological and neurological information we need to heal – if we take the time to still our minds and “talk to our bodies” for at least 30 minutes per day!
What exactly is a placebo? According to Dictionary.com a placebo is a substance having no pharmacological effect but given merely to satisfy a patient who supposes it to be a medicine. Continue reading
Kelley Protocol for Cancer Support
When Dr. William Donald Kelley, DDS developed pancreatic cancer in 1962, he was given less than a 4 weeks to live by the physicians of his day. Facing imminent death, Dr. Kelley chose to follow the theories of Dr. John Beard, MD in order to enjoy an improved quality of life. Dr. Beard proposed that cancer cells act similarly to trophoblastic (placental) cells—cells whose growth is stopped by endogenous pancreatic enzymes from the mother and baby. Beard’s theory is known as the “trophoblastic theory of cancer.” Employing this theory, Dr. Kelley used pancreatic enzymes, raw juices, and coffee enemas to improve his overall quality and length of life. Dr. Kelley survived until 2005. Continue reading
The Cancer Monologues
You’ve heard of cancer. Likely there are people in your family who have faced cancer. But what is cancer, really? Until you are faced with the reality, cancer is something that happens to someone else.
And then, the doctor said three words — “You have cancer …” — that change your life. Immediately your mind began to race: What about my family? What about my job? Why me?
But cancer is not a death sentence! Continue reading
Over 7,000 studies confirm turmeric’s health-protective effects
Turmeric is known for its rich, yellow color and its myriad of culinary uses. The old-world spice has been coveted for centuries, with evidence indicating that it may have even been part of ancient Chinese medicine a thousand years ago.
Recently, however, this traditional culinary staple is gaining recognition for its amazing health benefits. Some 7,000 studies have been conducted, and much of the research shows that turmeric is a powerful healing agent with a wide variety of applications. Continue reading
Dr. V.: Why I Enjoy Two Cups of Raw Cacao in the Morning
This winter I have really enjoyed the flavor and texture of a cup or two of creamy hot cacao every morning. Don’t worry—this version of the drink is packed with substances that give the body a boost, not deplete it with unhealthy sugars. This version of the popular drink is yummy and satisfying– and I REALLY enjoy how this hearty version, using raw organic cacao powder, MCT oil and organic ghee, helps my brain and body start the day with energy and clarity.
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Dandelion root, a cancer cell killer, has a long history as medicine
The roots, leaves and flowers of the dandelion plant are a potent and healthy herbal medicine, although folks might think those yellow dots popping up in their landscape are just nuisance weeds. Not so, as reported by Reset.me, who emphasizes that the botanical name for dandelion – Taraxacum officinal – aptly describes its medicinal potential. Taraxacum translates into an “inflammation curative.” Officinal means that the lowly dandelion is revered as a bona fide, official medicinal plant. The use of the dandelion plant as a healing agent “predates written records,” but it is understood that the Greeks and the Chinese used dandelion compounds to aid in digestion, and as a liver tonic and diuretic. Continue reading
Bad news can make cancer symptoms WORSE
GPs should avoid giving cancer patients too much bad news as it can worsen their pain and side effects, according to a leading doctor.
Professor Frede Olesen, said telling sufferers about the progression of the illness or the side effects of chemotherapy may make them feel more ill. Continue reading